do you feel pain in your dreams?


Registered Senior Member
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?
Yes, I have died in dreams, and felt extreme pain in dreams. Not often though, and not for a very long time. I always have good dreams now.

Whatever the symbolism at work, bad dreams mean something is not right with your life, something makes you uncomfortable. Or maybe yoiu drink too much milk before bed. *shrug*
I believe the "falling" in a dream means that you feel hopeless in some aspect of your life. Anything with water is usually an indicator that your pregnant/ or someone close to you is pregnant:eek: Dont know about the getting shot dream. Ill look it up when I get home.

My question is, do you feel the pain in your dream? Or when you wake up? If its in your dream, its all in your mind. Just like when your being chased, you feel really scared and wake up in a cold sweat. Your mind is tricking you to feel the pain.
In one dream I was standing at the edge of a cliff, heaps of hard rocks down below. Some nasty person shot me with a shotgun, chest and face. I fell over, down, smack at the bottom, painful impact, and dead. That was many years ago. The pain from that was obviously all in my head.

Once I dreamt I was having a big kung fu battle with some baddies in Frankston (a town near here), out on the streets. At one point I did a flying leap and kick at a guy's head. I woke up just as I flipped out of bed and kicked my computer table. That pain was real. Very sore foot.

I have a great many dreams involving fights, super-spy missions, spaceships, stuff like that. All the time. Heaps of fun. :D
I woke up just as I flipped out of bed and kicked my computer table. That pain was real. Very sore foot.


I have a great many dreams involving fights, super-spy missions, spaceships, stuff like that. All the time. Heaps of fun.

Sounds fun to be in your head:)
Hell yes. In one dream I was a cross between James Bond and Jackie Chan, but still me, stuck in a two-level beach house with a gang of baddies. Lots of shooting and kung fu action. At one point a bad guy came through the door, and I put my pistol to his head and pulled the trigger, but no ammo left, so I punched the pistol forward right into his head. So sometimes I guess a bit of B-movie gore gets added in as well. A very high bodycount in that dream.

They're not all violent of course. Many are just weird. Many are, of course, all about women. (That gets changed to "all about one particular woman" next time I have a girlfriend, else I'd get in trouble.)
That doesn't really give away any deep dark secrets. I also fantasise about winning the lottery, flying, owning an island, and hitting John Howard with a cricket bat.
hmm thank god, there are more people that dream like i do. thought i was losing it.

i've been dreaming this same dream last saturday and sunday.. it's some sort of rescue mission.

it starts in a snowy town at war, in a street with all kinds of shops, all shot apart, and i have to save a woman. don't know exactly who she is, but it "feels" like she's the president's wife or something. i recognize her face, but i don't know her personally.

now the 1st time i dreamt that dream i almost instantly got killed. first i was shot in the shoulder, then i got shot in the head. exit.

the 2nd time i did a little bit better. i got shot again, in the shoulder, but was able to duck for the 2nd shot, because i already knew that it was coming. i was bleeding, and thirsty. i decided to eat some snow. then, it was time to get up and i woke up from my alarm clock.

last night i dreamt something about this too, but i can't remember exactly what it was. too bad.

i seriously wonder how this is going to end.. :D it's almost like a computer game!
Amongst other things I dreampt that I was explaining something to a russian woman IN russian, it really phreaked me out.

Usually my dreams are just....wierd.

Relax and enjoy. It's only dreams. Computer games inside your head. Put on your arse-kicking dream-boots and have fun!
yeah Adam, tnx.. tonight i'll dream a tesla gun and super-uberflex-unpierceable-armor and if that dude still shoots me in the shoulder i'm gonna throw a grenade up his ass.. :D
During REM sleep when dreams occur the body is paralysed so you don't jump off of anything high. You might get the odd twitch but all this thrashing about in the bed is for Holywood (Unless you're awake of course :D )
not everyone always everytime...
btw, problems start occuring aswell as people start to wake up while still paralysed. they get the oddest (and that'll include scariest) dreams you can think of...
I always get creepy deathly nightmares when I take Vicodin. You know the kind where the devil is chasing you with a bloody hatchet in one hand and a mutilated head in his other hand:eek:
If you pull apart what makes pain up, you'd realise that the human body has nerves that transport information from sensors, but the main makeup of pain, is just a thought pattern.

So pain in all due respects is just a fabrication of reality.
(Of course it's use is for making sure that you don't mortally wound yourself etc.)

There are supposed religious figures that do acts of extreme torture to themselves just to prove that pain is metaphysical.
Pain endurance is other point, afterall the synapses that work to signal that pain is there, can be blocked if more synapses are opened signalling something else that noises it out.

I say all this purely because with dreams, you could quite easily feel pain because those synapses are stimulated.
Originally posted by bbcboy
During REM sleep when dreams occur the body is paralysed so you don't jump off of anything high. You might get the odd twitch but all this thrashing about in the bed is for Holywood (Unless you're awake of course :D )
Unless you have a condition called... Can't recall, don't have my psych textbook here with all the names and such. But for some people, REM paralysis doesn't work.