Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

you did wrong!

and getting hammered for it!

Jesus bishadi, you're worse than a religious person.

First of all, I am completely aware that my child did more for me and therefore the world in 6 wks not even out of the womb than I've ever done for anyone in my 42 years. Which secondly, would make my child 18, not 8.

And thirdly, you apparently either did not read what I posted in the "freethinkers" thread, or you did read it but didn't pay attention to what I said because you're a pompous hypocrit who cares about nothing except himself and his new little language.

So why don't you go get yourself another blowjob? K?
Jesus bishadi, you're worse than a religious person.

that be a fact

is your conscious enjoying the relapse?

First of all, I am completely aware that my child did more for me and therefore the world in 6 wks not even out of the womb than I've ever done for anyone in my 42 years.

perhaps like now, showing you 'life' and yet you chose to let go, rather than take on the responsibilities?

Which secondly, would make my child 18, not 8.

you stacked your own closet; you should know better than anyone what skeletons are hanging

And thirdly, you apparently either did not read what I posted in the "freethinkers" thread,
am i expected to follow you around?

or you did read it but didn't pay attention to what I said because you're a pompous hypocrit who cares about nothing except himself and his new little language.
this aint my mirror causing these emotions

and the language is to be read, so i read it. Nothing new except bridges using words already existing.

So what did your God tell you was so good about 'letting go'?

What did 'your' next generation teach you without being a chance to do it by choice?

I have said before, the most horrid experience a parent can feel is the day their child leaves before they do.
Hmm well, you've mostly told me stuff about you, what happened to you. Not much in particular about god though.
I was serious about you asking him, by the way.

well, i don't really know another way to describe god except to tell you about how he's interacted with me, and what that's done for me. i get the impression you may want me to give you some stats on him or something, and i don't have those. i can't define god. the way i've been able to recognize him though is through my own experiences with him. i mean, we see the same world around us enmos, it's just a perception that's different.

in regards to asking him for you, i already know the answer to that question, and i've reiterated it several times. the answer is that what i've done for myself, you can do for yourself, and i can not do that for you. do you think that if there is a god, that he doesn't know you? that he isn't in tune with you and what you want from him? wouldn't that make him kind of worthless, and less than god? listen, i can pray for you ok? i do believe there's power in that. and goddamnit if you didn't just make me sound like a religious person just then. grrrr...but i will. but i have to tell you that it's not up to me ultimately, it's up to you. i don't think that most people understand the gravity of knowing god unless they've actually been through it. i know i didn't understand, i was just open to whatever it meant. on the other hand, i think people understand the gravity of it just enough to keep them from wanting to know.

i mean, do you want to be me enmos? do you want to be the one out here talking about your spiritual experiences and hearing god's voice and having him change your life, and be called schizophrenic and mentally ill and a liar? do you want to identify with an idealism that is quite different from social norms and yet still have to reside within society? do you want to hand yourself over in humility to your creator and father to be developed into who he made you to be?

it's strange, and that's why i've called him the hammer before. because he will take you and hammer you out...mold you...develop you, into who you truly are as an individual in him. he will break down all the lies that this world tells us about who we really are, that totally limit our potential. his guidance goes way beyond what you've been told you are or you should be by society or your parents or even yourself. but in realizing who you really are in him, it liberates you so much. it's like, you're really free to be yourself. sometimes that is scary. society really doesn't teach us to be like that. it's all about conformity. and it takes a lot of strength to stand apart from that, but i tell you, it's freedom, and it's wonderful. it's just not easy.

Passive aggressive suicide is pretty much neglecting yourself to the point of death.

yeah, i think we're saying the same thing really, but i was thinking more along the lines of subconsciously trying to kill myself, but being able to blame it on something else you know? if i had more balls i guess i just would have put a gun to my head. i wasn't willing to say i wanted to die, but i didn't like life either. so i used a lot of things to try to escape temporarily whenever i could and it turns out those things were self-destructive.

And you are absolutely beyond any doubt whatsoever certain that your drug abuse combined with your depression had nothing to do with your experiences regarding god ?

oh yeah. that didn't change before or after i perceived god. it's been a long process. it wasn't some overnight thing. i never was really satisfied with this life, and i'm still not. i remember feeling that way even when i was a small child like, "this is it? really?" shit, i started binge eating when i was in grade school. my mom handed me a can of pringles one night to snack on while i was watching charlie's angels and i handed it back to her empty by the end of the show. and she was like, "uh houston, we have a problem". i just always felt a void, or a deep sense of unfullfilment, and i really didn't understand why, so i spent a lot of time trying to fill that void with things and activities and such. but it never went away. well now, i understand why i felt that way. i'm still not satisfied with this world or with this life and honestly i think that if anyone is satisified, well, they have really substandard expectations, and are never going to be a contribution to achieving anything greater. i am not satisfied with the federal reserve owning our asses...with being a slave. i am not satisfied with the greed in this world. i am not satisfied with the sickness, suffering, war, death, hate, and abuse in this world and i never will be. i'ts bullshit and i want to anihalate it. but over time, my interaction with god, and this development he's instilled in me, has filled that void. and i'm talking over a period of almost a couple of decades ok? this wasn't some quick fix like a miracle drug. and i'm much better able to live in peace, even though i don't see peace in the world around me much.

Well, when people are asked if they ever killed someone, abortion isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind.

oh ok, i'll be more specific then...have you ever killed your own child?

Ok, that kind of sucked for you, but I'm not sure that I see the relevance to what we are discussing though.

well you asked me why i wanted to know about it's an explanation of the circumstance that led me to question. then you guessed at the circumstances of the pregnancy and guessed wrong, so i thought i would elaborate. :confused:
that be a fact

is your conscious enjoying the relapse?

perhaps like now, showing you 'life' and yet you chose to let go, rather than take on the responsibilities?

you stacked your own closet; you should know better than anyone what skeletons are hanging

am i expected to follow you around?

this aint my mirror causing these emotions

and the language is to be read, so i read it. Nothing new except bridges using words already existing.

So what did your God tell you was so good about 'letting go'?

What did 'your' next generation teach you without being a chance to do it by choice?

I have said before, the most horrid experience a parent can feel is the day their child leaves before they do.

ixnay on the blowjob? ok, then get yourself a pulpit.
well, i don't really know another way to describe god except to tell you about how he's interacted with me, and what that's done for me.
you tell us clearly

that's why i've called him the hammer before. because he will take you and hammer you out...mold you...develop you, into who you truly are as an individual in him

by then you share the truth

i never was really satisfied with this life, and i'm still not.


and why after all the imploading upon yourself, to the point of stopping your next period (by choice)

you still just will not observe the absolute because your of selfish pride

mean, do you want to be me ...................enmos? do you want to be the one out here talking about your spiritual experiences and hearing god's voice and having him change your life, and be called schizophrenic and mentally ill and a liar? do you want to identify with an idealism that is quite different from social norms and yet still have to reside within society? do you want to hand yourself over in humility to your creator and father to be developed into who he made you to be?

and it all be BS in which you still state clearly TODAY

i never was really satisfied with this life, and i'm still not.


do you feel like a nail?
do you feel like an asshole? what the fuck do you want from me?
well, i don't really know another way to describe god except to tell you about how he's interacted with me, and what that's done for me. i get the impression you may want me to give you some stats on him or something, and i don't have those. i can't define god. the way i've been able to recognize him though is through my own experiences with him. i mean, we see the same world around us enmos, it's just a perception that's different.

in regards to asking him for you, i already know the answer to that question, and i've reiterated it several times. the answer is that what i've done for myself, you can do for yourself, and i can not do that for you. do you think that if there is a god, that he doesn't know you? that he isn't in tune with you and what you want from him? wouldn't that make him kind of worthless, and less than god? listen, i can pray for you ok? i do believe there's power in that. and goddamnit if you didn't just make me sound like a religious person just then. grrrr...but i will. but i have to tell you that it's not up to me ultimately, it's up to you. i don't think that most people understand the gravity of knowing god unless they've actually been through it. i know i didn't understand, i was just open to whatever it meant. on the other hand, i think people understand the gravity of it just enough to keep them from wanting to know.

i mean, do you want to be me enmos? do you want to be the one out here talking about your spiritual experiences and hearing god's voice and having him change your life, and be called schizophrenic and mentally ill and a liar? do you want to identify with an idealism that is quite different from social norms and yet still have to reside within society? do you want to hand yourself over in humility to your creator and father to be developed into who he made you to be?

it's strange, and that's why i've called him the hammer before. because he will take you and hammer you out...mold you...develop you, into who you truly are as an individual in him. he will break down all the lies that this world tells us about who we really are, that totally limit our potential. his guidance goes way beyond what you've been told you are or you should be by society or your parents or even yourself. but in realizing who you really are in him, it liberates you so much. it's like, you're really free to be yourself. sometimes that is scary. society really doesn't teach us to be like that. it's all about conformity. and it takes a lot of strength to stand apart from that, but i tell you, it's freedom, and it's wonderful. it's just not easy.
Hey, if it's the truth.. I want to know it. Plain and simple.
I just don't understand why being open to the possibility of god existing isn't enough for him to contact me.
If he wants me to throw my life away just to see whether or not something I consider to be very unlikely (understatement) is actually true, then he is insane. And I think very very few people that are still in their right mind would ever do that.
Looks like a stalemate to me.

yeah, i think we're saying the same thing really, but i was thinking more along the lines of subconsciously trying to kill myself, but being able to blame it on something else you know? if i had more balls i guess i just would have put a gun to my head. i wasn't willing to say i wanted to die, but i didn't like life either. so i used a lot of things to try to escape temporarily whenever i could and it turns out those things were self-destructive.
Smoking.. etc. :p

oh yeah. that didn't change before or after i perceived god. it's been a long process. it wasn't some overnight thing. i never was really satisfied with this life, and i'm still not. i remember feeling that way even when i was a small child like, "this is it? really?"
What ? Why.. ? That aren't healthy thoughts for a kid to have.
Didn't you enjoy the beauty of life (both now and as a kid) ? And I don't mean human life..

shit, i started binge eating when i was in grade school. my mom handed me a can of pringles one night to snack on while i was watching charlie's angels and i handed it back to her empty by the end of the show. and she was like, "uh houston, we have a problem". i just always felt a void, or a deep sense of unfullfilment, and i really didn't understand why, so i spent a lot of time trying to fill that void with things and activities and such. but it never went away.
You do realize that you're not unique in what you're about to say, do you ?

well now, i understand why i felt that way.
Which is, in my experience, what most religious people say when asked how they came to believe (especially the ones that didn't get 'home schooled').
>> Feeling a void, trying to fill it, doesn't work, get depressed, almost throw your life away, you find god, god turns out to fill the gap <<

i'm still not satisfied with this world or with this life and honestly i think that if anyone is satisified, well, they have really substandard expectations
No offense, but this is what's wrong with the humanity. If there is anything wrong with the world it is humanity.
I take it that you're talking about life in the sense of your relationships with other people; the human world. There is more than that, believe me.
Doesn't God tell you to be content with what you have ? If not, why not ?

, and are never going to be a contribution to achieving anything greater.
Like what ? Greater ?

i am not satisfied with the federal reserve owning our asses...with being a slave. i am not satisfied with the greed in this world. i am not satisfied with the sickness, suffering, war, death, hate, and abuse in this world and i never will be. i'ts bullshit and i want to anihalate it.
So you don't like humanity. Join the club :D

but over time, my interaction with god, and this development he's instilled in me, has filled that void. and i'm talking over a period of almost a couple of decades ok? this wasn't some quick fix like a miracle drug. and i'm much better able to live in peace, even though i don't see peace in the world around me much.
How ? Have you learned to ignore it ?
Isn't god going to do something about it ?

oh ok, i'll be more specific then...have you ever killed your own child?
I don't see a six week old fetus as a child.

well you asked me why i wanted to know about it's an explanation of the circumstance that led me to question. then you guessed at the circumstances of the pregnancy and guessed wrong, so i thought i would elaborate. :confused:
Ok, my apologies.
what is the only thing i ever want from anyone?

you want people to walk, talk, eat, and shit just like you do, or rather the way you tell them to, or you call them arrogent and self-centered.

do you NOT realize how contradictory that is?

let me be very clear with you bishadi...

i KNOW that my source of enlightenment is god. and i KNOW that the perfection of the human race and thus eternal life will come only from a restored communion with god. NOT from following your rules, and speaking your nifty little language.

now then, the only thing i want to know from you bishadi is this...

what is your source of enlightenment? more specificly, what is the catalytic interaction that allowed you to be privy to this enlightenment? yes, i'm calling you out, and i would appreciate a specific and honest answer please.

and let me tell you one other thing...

you are my enemy. and you will have your five minutes of fame somewhere down the road but let me assure you, that after that we will annihilate you.
