Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

no i believe in them..what's your problem? exactly?

Unbelievable Scifes.

Ok, so you believe your religious text is the word of god.

You also believe that dinosaurs existed and roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago and that we evolved.

You words "the quran mentions no thousands of years or millions or nothing.

also dinosaurs were not mentioned either.

no way Jose are there any odds. "

So the religious text makes no mention of dinosaurs or us evolving over millions of years, you believe in both and yet you don't see they are at odds.

Either your playing games or you haven't delved deep enough and examined your own beliefs.
Unbelievable Scifes.

Ok, so you believe your religious text is the word of god.

You also believe that dinosaurs existed and roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago and that we evolved.

You words "the quran mentions no thousands of years or millions or nothing.

also dinosaurs were not mentioned either.

no way Jose are there any odds. "

So the religious text makes no mention of dinosaurs or us evolving over millions of years, you believe in both and yet you don't see they are at odds.

Either your playing games or you haven't delved deep enough and examined your own beliefs.

no my friend i've delved enough into my beliefs, i didn't delve much into yours to find the conflict and i don't plan to. since it is you who are saying they are at odds and not even saying where and why, then it is you who haven't delved deep into my beliefs to tell if they're at odds with yours or no..

how hard is it to tell me exactly where they conflict?
no my friend i've delved enough into my beliefs, i didn't delve much into yours to find the conflict and i don't plan to. since it is you who are saying they are at odds and not even saying where and why, then it is you who haven't delved deep into my beliefs to tell if they're at odds with yours or no..

how hard is it to tell me exactly where they conflict?

I didn't becuase you did that yourself.

the quran mentions no thousands of years or millions or nothing.

also dinosaurs were not mentioned either.

no way Jose are there any odds.


“ Originally Posted by jpappl
So you don't believe in dinosaurs then. ”

no i believe in them..what's your problem? exactly?
exactly, they can't conflict because the quran mentions nothing of them. how can they conflict then?

give me a sentence showing where they conflict or drop your claim.
exactly, they can't conflict because the quran mentions nothing of them. how can they conflict then?

give me a sentence showing where they conflict or drop your claim.

They conflict because you believe the koran is the word of god. This supposed word of god makes no mention of what we have found to be reality, ie that dinosaurs existed and that we have evolved over millions of years.

That is why I ask the question. If you truly want to believe that the koran is the word of god, then you have to answer the question about dinosaurs NO. Because you can't believe in both.

Of course if you answer the question NO, you would look like a fool. So kudos for not doing that.

But now, we have a problem. Your religious text and your basis for your belief in god makes no mention of what has been discovered.

Obviously it is not the word of god, but of ignorant humans.
I assume that even those that believe in religion are well aware that the books were written by man. Therefor it would be mans perception of the events happening to them. They wouldn't have seen dinosaurs, so they didn't include them in the stories.

That being said, anyone that believes word for word in any religion, and believes so strongly that they don't look at other possible explanations, and actually believes God wrote the books himself, well I honestly don't think any logic will change there mind :(.

I assume that even those that believe in religion are well aware that the books were written by man. Therefor it would be mans perception of the events happening to them. They wouldn't have seen dinosaurs, so they didn't include them in the stories.

Correct, they are full of sh*t.

That being said, anyone that believes word for word in any religion, and believes so strongly that they don't look at other possible explanations, and actually believes God wrote the books himself, well I honestly don't think any logic will change there mind .

Correct, I want to separate out the true creationists from the rest. Because there is no sense in trying to have a rational reasoned based discussion with a creationist.
Yes they are.

Which is where I want the conversation. Away from god, and on to the basis for the belief.

So Lori, tell me why they are not at odds, what does the story of creation in the bible or the koran say about how we came to be.

How is that not at odds with evolution and the discovery of dinosaurs.

why do i keep having to say the same things over and over. i've cited my reasons several times. just because you don't want to hear them shouldn't mean i have to repeat myself does it?
Originally Posted by jpappl
Yes they are.

Which is where I want the conversation. Away from god, and on to the basis for the belief.

So Lori, tell me why they are not at odds, what does the story of creation in the bible or the koran say about how we came to be.

How is that not at odds with evolution and the discovery of dinosaurs. ”

why do i keep having to say the same things over and over. i've cited my reasons several times. just because you don't want to hear them shouldn't mean i have to repeat myself does it?

Actually I never got an answer.

The only thing regarding this issue that you have explained is that you interpret the bible as a guide and not a historical document.

I questioned that as a valid answer since the idea of god is coming straight from it. And since the idea of god is coming from it, the book ( bible or koran or whatever ) is fair game.

The books are wrong, they are supposed to be the word of god, but how can they be wrong. If they are wrong they are not right and therefore any reference to Jesus as savior, cleansing the blood of the sinners etc etc is BS as well.

So please tell me how there is no contradiciton between believing in dinosaurs and believing in the bible.
Actually I never got an answer.

The only thing regarding this issue that you have explained is that you interpret the bible as a guide and not a historical document.

I questioned that as a valid answer since the idea of god is coming straight from it. And since the idea of god is coming from it, the book ( bible or koran or whatever ) is fair game.

The books are wrong, they are supposed to be the word of god, but how can they be wrong. If they are wrong they are not right and therefore any reference to Jesus as savior, cleansing the blood of the sinners etc etc is BS as well.

So please tell me how there is no contradiciton between believing in dinosaurs and believing in the bible.

no, i just don't assume stupid illogical crap about what some of the scriptures mean like some other people do. i've offerred up plenty of examples that completely contradict the average religious person's interpretation of creation and genesis. the books aren't wrong, they're just often interpreted by a bunch of self-righteous morons, and apparently you would rather take their interpretation of it as correct, than my own.

answer this question for me...

where in the hell did the people who inhabited nod come from?

until you answer that question, i don't want to hear one ounce of contention from you.
no, i just don't assume stupid illogical crap about what some of the scriptures mean like some other people do. i've offerred up plenty of examples that completely contradict the average religious person's interpretation of creation and genesis. the books aren't wrong, they're just often interpreted by a bunch of self-righteous morons, and apparently you would rather take their interpretation of it as correct, than my own.

answer this question for me...

where in the hell did the people who inhabited nod come from?

until you answer that question, i don't want to hear one ounce of contention from you.

Why are you asking me that question. I don't believe in any of it. If there was a city of nod and it was inhabited it was by people who evolved over time and not created. Wasn't the city of nod claimed to be inhabited by demons and monsters ?

I don't think there is very much interpretation needed Lori,

Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness "night."

Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky."

Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).

Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.

Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.

Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.

Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

It's pretty clearly and simply laid out. So on what day did he create the dinosaurs.
Why are you asking me that question. I don't believe in any of it. If there was a city of nod and it was inhabited it was by people who evolved over time and not created. Wasn't the city of nod claimed to be inhabited by demons and monsters ?

I don't think there is very much interpretation needed Lori,

Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness "night."

Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky."

Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).

Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.

Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.

Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.

Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

It's pretty clearly and simply laid out. So on what day did he create the dinosaurs.

if you don't believe the shit in the first place, then what in the hell are you doing using it as an inconsistent and biased basis for an arguement?!?!?!?!
if you don't believe the shit in the first place, then what in the hell are you doing using it as an inconsistent and biased basis for an arguement?!?!?!?!

My claim is simply that if you believe in dinosaurs than you can't believe the bible or the koran or any other religious text is the word of god. If that is you basis for the belief in god than the basis is flawed.

You have claimed to not be religious but then start using the bible as a reference for your claims.

Do you just expect me to believe everything and just walk away nodding my head.
My claim is simply that if you believe in dinosaurs than you can't believe the bible or the koran or any other religious text is the word of god. If that is you basis for the belief in god than the basis is flawed.....

why can't a person just believe the dinosaurs died out in the great flood?
My claim is simply that if you believe in dinosaurs than you can't believe the bible or the koran or any other religious text is the word of god. If that is you basis for the belief in god than the basis is flawed.

You have claimed to not be religious but then start using the bible as a reference for your claims.

Do you just expect me to believe everything and just walk away nodding my head.

If you're going to use a part of scripture to form an arguement with me, then you're going to have to use the rest of it as well. Sorry, that's how I roll. I don't let religious people off the hook for doing that shit, and I'm not gonna let you off the hook either.

I cite the bible as truth only because each and every one of my experiences on this earth have been confirmed and substantiated by scripture, as interpreted to me personally by the holy spirit, not the other way around. And that dynamic is substantiated by scripture as well. If it makes you feel any better, god has also identified me with the goddess kali, and used many things besides the bible to substantiate the same message. This same message has been told at least in part a bevy of different ways over a bevy of different times throughout human history. And what I find particularly hilarious is that people with an agenda, which are so many, will take that substantiation and somehow deem it contradictory.
If you're going to use a part of scripture to form an arguement with me, then you're going to have to use the rest of it as well. Sorry, that's how I roll. I don't let religious people off the hook for doing that shit, and I'm not gonna let you off the hook either.

I cite the bible as truth only because each and every one of my experiences on this earth have been confirmed and substantiated by scripture, as interpreted to me personally by the holy spirit, not the other way around. And that dynamic is substantiated by scripture as well. If it makes you feel any better, god has also identified me with the goddess kali, and used many things besides the bible to substantiate the same message. This same message has been told at least in part a bevy of different ways over a bevy of different times throughout human history. And what I find particularly hilarious is that people with an agenda, which are so many, will take that substantiation and somehow deem it contradictory.

What is this supposed to mean to me, there are no specifics and your simply stating that things happen and they correspond to scripture ?

If the scripture is a bunch of lies and nonsense, full of stories and fables, then why would I believe that your experiences that followed are also just not stories since they are corresponding to thes stories and fables in the bible, what I am left with ?
What is this supposed to mean to me, there are no specifics and your simply stating that things happen and they correspond to scripture ?

If the scripture is a bunch of lies and nonsense, full of stories and fables, then why would I believe that your experiences that followed are also just not stories since they are corresponding to thes stories and fables in the bible, what I am left with ?

I don't know, I guess in this arena you're left with the possibility of me being a compulsive and rather elaborate liar, a complete lunatic, or an honest and sane person. But I can't make your mind up for you.