I haven't contradicted myself in the least. I said that I would not accept anecdotal evidence where empirical could be available.
You said you would not accept anecdotal. You called it "Useless." The exact word, if I recall, was "uselessness."
You said you wanted "solid evidence."
Later, you said you would accept anecdotal as to beliefs, when I pointed out that you cannot get anything other than anecdotal.
I have consistently maintained that permanently disabling injury (along with corroborating FOIA service records) are ample proof, with no difficultly at all, of imminent threat of death.
I have been specifically addressing the meme of "atheists in foxholes" and its dubious photographic evidence. Try to pay attention.
What is your motive? Like it or not, you strongly come across as one who doubts the meme.
Clarify it.
You say bits and pieces through the thread. You say that anecdotal is useless and that you want evidence of injury.
There are clear problems here: Threat of Imminent Death does not mean there are outward visible injuries. In fact, most of the time there are not.
It's a faulty assumption on your part.
Service records that show
Combat experience and psych records (It's not a red herring so don't roll your eyes)
are far more likely to demonstrate whether or not a soldier has experienced imminent death and whether or not their mind was altered by the pressure.
Injuries can show that they were injured, but were not necessarily facing death- they were facing a lot of PAIN maybe, but not death.
I was hit by a grenade near Tuzla, Bosna y Herzegovina.
I've been stabbed once, (Not while in the service) and shot twice (While in the service.)
Now, unless I'm naked, you'd never know this. Unless you look at medical records- you won't know this. I do not walk funny from it (was hit in the leg on one occasion, small of my back, the other). I have some visible scar tissue, but it's in areas that unless I'm wearing high legged and low backed shorts you won't see it. (Save your comments about how I got shot in the ass, please, BigDon ran that through the mill and it was NOT in the ass.)
Your ideas of what constitutes "Solid evidence" are faulty and misleading.
Then to turn around and say anecdotal must be accepted at that point, when a photo of someone with disabling injuries counts as solid evidence of having faced imminent death makes no sense. Yes, imminent death may lead to permanent injuries.
But one can quite easily get permanent injuries without facing death and even get them quite easily when unconscious.
Which is COMMON by the way.
Lastly, many permanent injuries received were not on the battlefield. One man I knew was pinned between a tree and an M1-Abrams, during routine field maneuvers. He was not "In a foxhole." Many soldiers get into routine Traffic accidents. Most of them did not face Imminent death, though they faced a hell of a lot of discomfort.
You may as well have accepted anecdotal evidence at the outset for all the good it would have done you.
Service records reporting combat experience and psych reports are a much better source for the kind of evidence you say you require.
Yet, you call them a red herring and focus on injuries that demonstrate only injury- not threat of DEATH. Many life threatening situations can be documented but don't leave physical scars.
Many physical scars do not stem from life threatening situations.