Do we taste death when we die?

I'm not sure the word 'trauma' applies to an event that is not recorded in the memory or recalled later (since you're dead)

I've witnessed suffering unto death before, and it was traumatic for me to watch, it was my dad.

But there's a hint, perhaps, left for the living. That last breath seems to be almost universally restful, if not peaceful. Not a lot of people using their last breath to croak out 'The shadows! They're pulling me down!'

I'm thinking of a Rick and Morty episode.

Wow Dave, you sure get 'out and about'. You say you have experienced three of these 'out and about' episodes, can you tell us about the third time you were 'out' ?
My bold below in second quote.
It's a mystery I guess.

I had an experience where I was lying in bed alone, then I just lifted out of my body and walked through my apartment hall bodyless. I walked through my front door and in the communal landing there we dozens of ghost like figures waving daggers who were completely unaware of my presence. I walked(it seemed that way) back to my body on the bed that was lifeless and got back in. I immediately regretted my decision because my body just didn't move at all, it had stopped functioning. My soul was stuck in what seemed like a dead body. I was panicking because I couldn't talk, shout for help nothing. I shouted out for Jesus in my soul mind, nothing, then I shouted out God. A few moments later, my left arm started to move, then everything kicked in, what a relief it was. Pretty bad experience in all.

I thought I'd share the closest I've come to death. Leaving the body is painless, but being stuck in a none responsive body is fear itself.
This can only be answered subjectively, so I'll give you my answer.

I've had three out of body experiences, this was my first back in 2001.

My experience:

I was down the South coast of England, driving at night. With no warning or reason I can think of, I was 200 ft above my car watching myself drive. I felt like I still had human shape, but I was weightless, my mind was crystal clear, very little emotion and it seemed I was all knowing. I was surrounded by darkness. A thought came to mind, do I want to stay or go, I thought of one thing I hadn't done that I wanted to do, with the speed of thought after I had made the choice I was driving as if nothing happened. Since then I have studied NDE, and the only thing I have in common with any of them is being outside the body looking down, I was perfectly healthy, no drink/drugs/meds.
This eventually led me to conclude that we are here to experience this existence, whether or not you learn anything is anyone's guess, but this is why we are here. 100% I am on this.
Hope you are still around and healthy.
Wow Dave, you sure get 'out and about'. You say you have experienced three of these 'out and about' episodes, can you tell us about the third time you were 'out' ?
My bold below in second quote.
The third one was just plain terror. I just came out of my body, floated above about a few inches, then went back in and I got the same sensation as the previous experience I shared. Fear, couldn't talk, move, breath nothing. This seemed to last for about 5 mins, but it could of been much less, just hard to grasp a good sense of time in the situation I was in. I have a experience when I didn't leave my body. But that is another subject, I've only shared it with a handful of people. Saying these things sorts of puts you in the looney category, so I'm giving up caring what people think of me, because the truth can be nuts.

Your experience is not uncommon. You might like to google "sleep paralysis". Ordinarily, when you dream, your brain turns off certain movement signals to your limbs etc, so that you don't go sleep walking when you dream you're walking - that sort of thing. But sometimes that system malfunctions.

It is possible to half wake up and find yourself unable to move your arms and legs etc., which can be a scary experience. However, if you try to fully wake up usually the paralysis goes away after a short time.

Since sleep paralysis is something that happens when you dream, if you half wake up the dream you are having can feel very real.

Some people who experience sleep paralysis also report a feeling like the presence of something or someone else in the room with them. They might interpret that feeling as aliens coming into their room and paralysing them. Or they might interpret the feeling as a ghost doing something similar.

The fear tends to go away once you realise that this sort of experience is not that unusual, and that it is explainable as a function (or temporary malfunction) of the brain.

Your experience is not uncommon. You might like to google "sleep paralysis". Ordinarily, when you dream, your brain turns off certain movement signals to your limbs etc, so that you don't go sleep walking when you dream you're walking - that sort of thing. But sometimes that system malfunctions.

It is possible to half wake up and find yourself unable to move your arms and legs etc., which can be a scary experience. However, if you try to fully wake up usually the paralysis goes away after a short time.

Since sleep paralysis is something that happens when you dream, if you half wake up the dream you are having can feel very real.

Some people who experience sleep paralysis also report a feeling like the presence of something or someone else in the room with them. They might interpret that feeling as aliens coming into their room and paralysing them. Or they might interpret the feeling as a ghost doing something similar.

The fear tends to go away once you realise that this sort of experience is not that unusual, and that it is explainable as a function (or temporary malfunction) of the brain.

Yes I looked into this but it was fruitless. It wasn't what I experienced, there were no dream like features, I was wide awake.
I have woken up with a dead arm and that's a little scary. I wonder if it's possible to wake up with two dead arms?
I once was so worried about missing a plane home... I dreamt of rushing up to the closing plane door. What really happened was I rushed out of bed naked into the hall.
The was an out of clothes experience you could say.
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You can dream that you are dreaming and that you wake up.

You can also know you are asleep and try hard to wake without a notion or real ability of how to make yourself wake up.

Dead arms are two a penny (not sure if I have had both at the same time but probably -just leave them behind your head for best effect)
Yes I looked into this but it was fruitless. It wasn't what I experienced, there were no dream like features, I was wide awake.
How many other times have you walked around outside your body when you were wide awake?
es I looked into this but it was fruitless. It wasn't what I experienced, there were no dream like features...
No? Let's review, shall we? We have:
  • lifting out of your body
  • floating a few inches above your body
  • walking though an apartment bodyless
  • seeing dozens of ghostlike figures in the communal landing
  • figures were waving daggers
  • figures were completely unaware of your presence
  • walking back to your body and (somehow) "getting back in".
  • Imagining your "soul" was stuck.
  • being scared but unable to shout for help
If you ask me, about the only feature that isn't "dream-like" is when you shouted out to God and received no answer. Everything else strikes me as solidly dream-like.
No? Let's review, shall we? We have:
  • lifting out of your body
  • floating a few inches above your body
  • walking though an apartment bodyless
  • seeing dozens of ghostlike figures in the communal landing
  • figures were waving daggers
  • figures were completely unaware of your presence
  • walking back to your body and (somehow) "getting back in".
  • Imagining your "soul" was stuck.
  • being scared but unable to shout for help
If you ask me, about the only feature that isn't "dream-like" is when you shouted out to God and received no answer. Everything else strikes me as solidly dream-like.

Of course it would sound like a dream to you and you're happy to believe that James.

I did get an answer when I shouted out(in my mind) "God", my body slowly started to function again. I jumped out of bed after I healed and made a cup of tea, and thought "How the hell am I going to sleep again?"
Of course it would sound like a dream to you and you're happy to believe that James.
I'm confident it's not just me who would say this all sounds very much like a dream. Shall we conduct a poll?
I did get an answer when I shouted out "God", my body slowly started to function again.
How does your body starting to work again constitute an "answer" from God? How do you reach that conclusion? Couldn't your body just start working again by itself? Is that possible, or does God have to step in to help?

Maybe you think that because your body started working again after you shouted out to God, therefore it must have been God that caused your body to start working again. But that is classic fallacious reasoning. You can look it up. Try googling "post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy".
I jumped out of bed after I healed...
Healed? Were you ill?
I'm confident it's not just me who would say this all sounds very much like a dream. Shall we conduct a poll?

For what purpose?

How does your body starting to work again constitute an "answer" from God? How do you reach that conclusion? Couldn't your body just start working again by itself? Is that possible, or does God have to step in to help?

I was frozen inside an unresponsive body, nothing worked, until I mind shouted God. It was a very stressful situation, very hard to explain it(or emphasize how terrifying it was) is obviously impossible to understand for most people.

Maybe you think that because your body started working again after you shouted out to God, therefore it must have been God that caused your body to start working again. But that is classic fallacious reasoning. You can look it up. Try googling "post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy".

You believe that if it helps James, but you aren't me, you never experienced it yet you're speaking with authority based on a few scientific opinions, which I expect from you. I'm not here to debate that experience I just shared it as a personal experience in an appropriate response to something. Forget about it.
Healed? Were you ill?

My whole body was for all intents and purposes, dead. Nothing functioned. Eyes, ears, breathing, nose mouth, my whole body was dead for all intents and purposes.

You included two of my experiences when you quoted initially.

When I floated above my body a few inches, and when I left my body to walk to the communal landing. two separate experiences, but both very similar finale.
For what purpose?

I was frozen inside an unresponsive body, nothing worked, until I mind shouted God. It was a very stressful situation, very hard to explain it(or emphasize how terrifying it was) is obviously impossible to understand for most people.

You believe that if it helps James, but you aren't me, you never experienced it yet you're speaking with authority based on a few scientific opinions, which I expect from you. I'm not here to debate that experience I just shared it as a personal experience in an appropriate response to something. Forget about it.

My whole body was for all intents and purposes, dead. Nothing functioned. Eyes, ears, breathing, nose mouth, my whole body was dead for all intents and purposes.

You included two of my experiences when you quoted initially.

When I floated above my body a few inches, and when I left my body to walk to the communal landing. two separate experiences, but both very similar finale.
I suffer from sleep paralysis and it is quite disturbing.
One is usually in a dream but it can be lucid, that is you know you are dreaming.
All the skeletal muscle is effectively paralysed so you cannot breath as one would normally do.
I have faced the devil in these dreams on a road to hell and he came up to me and touched me and I tried to breathe in but I couldn't.
Losing my faith helped, I still meet up with him and try and fight him sometimes.
Jesus was involved at one point and he was useless, lots of lights and that's about it.
When I finally read about what was going physiologically all the stress went.
It happens, it's just SP, twitch my toes gets that brain working, it will pass and I will wake up from a jump.
I suffer from sleep paralysis and it is quite disturbing.
One is usually in a dream but it can be lucid, that is you know you are dreaming.
All the skeletal muscle is effectively paralysed so you cannot breath as one would normally do.
I have faced the devil in these dreams on a road to hell and he came up to me and touched me and I tried to breathe in but I couldn't.
Losing my faith helped, I still meet up with him and try and fight him sometimes.
Jesus was involved at one point and he was useless, lots of lights and that's about it.
When I finally read about what was going physiologically all the stress went.
It happens, it's just SP, twitch my toes gets that brain working, it will pass and I will wake up from a jump.

Thanks for sharing.

I didn't "wake up", I was awake experiencing my house while this experience was happening.

The problem here is trying to explain a super natural event using natural explanations.

Yours is interesting none the less. Seeing Jesus? The Devil? sounds very disturbing. How losing your faith helped is interesting.

I'm glad you've seemingly overcame it.

EDIT: Actually do you still get it?
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I have woken up with a dead arm and that's a little scary. I wonder if it's possible to wake up with two dead arms?
It is.
I once fell sleep lying on my back (in bed) with my arms over my head. I woke up and both my arms were asleep. It was all I could do to lift them, but I couldn't feel them.
When I got them vertical, I felt that I had accomplished enough; I could let gravity do the rest of the work. So when I let them go they fell like dead weights.
And I managed to sledge hammer myself right in the junk, my body folding up like a pro wrestler on the mat.