I can´t turn my back on you for a few hours ........3 pages of posts .....
Anyway , I am glad the mods have their own forum - I did suggest that, in another thread some time ago .......people here are very different and tensions will allways be there , however - even between mods ...........
I don´t agree with Q about not having profiles of members - sciforum IS the members and their posts ..
However Q does have a point ..... sometimes people DO behave childish .......
to some extent it should be allowed , because Sciforum is our oasis in an everyday hard life ...... we should be allowed to blow off a little steam here ........
But sometimes we goes over the borderline is easy to make somebody else upset ............
Perhaps we should think twice before we post something insulting in such a personal thing as somebodies profile ..............
The strong members here, that have no problems profiling themselves here on Scifo , should sometimes remember , that the more anonymous members here
could be upset about things - which the strong members would only see as a good joke , if somebody had written it in their profile ..........
Only do to others what you want to be done to yourself , is sometimes NOT enough - some people have lower selfesteem , than others , and are therefore more touchy ..........not that they behave nicely themselves , when they try to revenge themselves
Anyway , how about a truce / ceasefire ????
Do we need a mod - yes or no ??
Nickelodeon - where´s your tooth ??