Silas: No, M*W, seriously. You get a life. I'm fully on board with the idea that Jesus and Magdalen were married. But the idea that the bloodline of this peasant couple from Judaea was somehow maintained in secret even as long as Constantine's recognition of Christianity (which was when Christianity first achieved any kind of genuine authority) 250 years after the death of Jesus, let alone the two hundred more years before the Frankish Empire and the Merovingians were established in Gaul, is evident nonsense.
M*W: From all the reading I've done, I just don't find anything alluding to Jesus and MM being a "peasant couple." Quite the contrary. MM was from the royal house of Benjamin, a woman of great wealth, probably in the shipping business, who funded Jesus's mission.
Silas: In the 1st Century, Gaul was a semi-barbarian land entirely a fiefdom of the pagan Roman Empire. And Judaea had its own problems, what with the revolt in 66 and the destruction of the Temple in 70. The Franks were Germanic tribes who invaded in the 5th Century.
M*W: I will agree with your history; however, there was commercial shipping trade going on between Jerusalem and parts beyond to the East to Gaul in years BC. Southern Gaul, Spain, Italy (whatever it was called, I forgot), was populated with Jews from Jerusalem as well as the Moors who didn't get pushed back by Charles Martel. Even Pontius Pilate and the Herodian family retired to Southern Gaul (France). I maintain that Jesus was not crucified due to MM's family connections with Herod's family. Even Jesus's mother was related to the Herodian Family, so there were many opportunities for Jesus to be let go.
Silas: In addition to the inconceivably low probability of the bloodline of the most famous person in the world to have been maintained without break for 2,000 years
in secret, that whole Priory of Sion thing was just a
hoax anyway!
M*W: Please provide other references to the hoax theory. Here's the genealogy of Jesus, taken from Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Secret Genealogy of Jesus, by Laurence Gardner, starting with the first century AD, even though Gardner has traced backward into BC dates, I'll start with Jesus's and MM's lineage:
Jesus & MM - (1) Daughter named Tamar born 33AD in Jerusalem
b.7BC & 3AD (2) Son named Jesus II Justus born 37AD in Bethany?
married 30AD (3) Son named Josephes born 44AD in Gaul
Tamar & Clodomir (1) Son named Antenor
(1) Grandson named Ratherius
(1) GGSon named Richemer
(1) GGGSson named Odomar
(1) GGGGS named Marcomer
Marcomer & Athildis (1) GGGGGS named Clodomir
Clodomir & Basilda (1) GGGGGGS named Farabert
(1) GGGGGGGS named Sunno
(1) GGGGGGGGS named Hilderic
(1) GGGGGGGGGS named Bartherius
(1) GGGGGGGGGGS named Clodius
(1) GGGGGGGGGGS named Walter
(1) G12S Dagobert II
(1) G13S Frotmund
(1) G14S Faramund
Faramund & Argotta (1) G15S Clodion
Clodion & Basina I (1) G16S Meroveus
Meroveus & Menira (1) G17S Childeric
Childeric & Basina II (1) G18S Clovis
Clovis & Clothilde (1) G19S & beyond Merovingian Dyn.
I hope this is somewhat accurate. The Merovingian Dynasty can easily be found online. So, considering a generation to be about 20 years, these folks were about 20 generations removed from Jesus and MM. Also, the children of Joseph of Arimathea also married into the royal houses of Europe. JofA was an uncle to Jesus and MM, from the royal Benjamins of Jerusalem. I believe he was a brother to Jesus's mother. The sons of Jesus & MM may have assumed other names as did many dynastic peoples.
Silas: The Priory of Sion was established in 1956 by some anti-semitic extreme right wingers who happened to take the name of a monastic order which never had any influence and ceased to exist in 1617. All the supposed documentation making Leonardo and Isaac Newton members, was forged by them.
M*W: But Leonardo's art holds secret clues about the genealogy of Jesus and MM, and he was able to slither them by the RCC who had commissioned most of them without penalty. I do believe the Priory of Sion was named by the Knights Templar, although I shall stand corrected on this. There are just too many clues not to lead anywhere significant, and I believe when they finally put them all together, it will destroy Christianity because they will either find Jesus's bones or the fact that he didn't die on the cross.
If you have any further information on this subject, I'd be interested in hearing it.