Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

I wasn't suggesting there is a shortcut.

If a truth is to be any kind of a truth, then it should not require lifetimes of effort and time to find out, no? Because if truth does require so much, then our lives really are a joke.
I wasn't suggesting there is a shortcut.

If a truth is to be any kind of a truth, then it should not require lifetimes of effort and time to find out, no?
Why not? Something so precious, I don't see why the whole of humanity wouldn't collectively work toward it for millennia.

Because if truth does require so much, then our lives really are a joke.
Why, just because there's no easy answer? Shouldn't important answers be HARDER to come by?

Pick one. There are statistical studies for almost any criterion you could imagine. IQ, SAT scores, scientific eminence, university ranking, GPA, college graduation, salary, etc.

Are the methods of testing available to look at?

Are the methods of testing available to look at?


In this essay I have reviewed: (1)sixteen studies of the
correlation between individual measures of student intelligence and
religiosity, all but three of which reported an inverse
correlation. (2) five studies reporting that student bodies with high
average IQ and/or SAT scores are much less religious than inferior
student bodies;(3)three studies reporting that geniuses (IQ 150+)
are much less religious than the general public (Average IQ, 100),
and one dubious study,(4)seven studies reporting that highly
successful persons are much less religious in belief than are others;
and (5) eight old and four new Gallup polls revealing that
college alumni (average IQ about 115) are much less religious in
belief than are grade-school pollees.

I have also noted that many studies have shown that students
become less religious as they proceed through college, probably in
part because average IQ rises.

All but four of the forty-three polls I have reviewed support
the conclusion that native intelligence varies inversely with
degree of religious faith; i.e., that, other factors being equal,
the more intelligent a person is, the less religious he is. It
is easy to find fault with the studies I have reviewed, for all
were imperfect. But the fact that all but four of them
supported the general conclusion provides overwhelming evidence
that, among American students and adults, the amount of religious
faith tends to vary inversely and appreciably with intelligence.
- Burnam P. Beckwith, Free Inquiry, 1986.

There's a review of some of the studies here:
I wasn't suggesting there is a shortcut.

If a truth is to be any kind of a truth, then it should not require lifetimes of effort and time to find out, no? Because if truth does require so much, then our lives really are a joke.

Why must our lives be a joke ?Instead of waiting indefinitely for Godot, we can give our lives purpose. An outside agency is unnecessary.

How do you think you would recognize truth, whatever you take it to mean ? I suggest that it would be a modus vivendi that put you at ease with yourself and the world. If you have any other criteria , it would be interesting to hear what they are; otherwise you are merely seeking a belief system which will make you feel good.

Finally, are you convinced that the question of what truth is has an answer ?
- Burnam P. Beckwith, Free Inquiry, 1986.

There's a review of some of the studies here:

How do you know his findings aren't propoganda, we only have his word, backed by the Council for Secular Humanism to go on?
I've done a quick search and there doesn't seem to be any info about the method, and a load of atheist jumping on the bandwagon.
You have no evidence for your claim.

How do you know his findings aren't propoganda, we only have his word, backed by the Council for Secular Humanism to go on?
I've done a quick search and there doesn't seem to be any info about the method, and a load of atheist jumping on the bandwagon.
You have no evidence for your claim.


43 separate studies conducted decades apart by different people are part of a vast conspiracy to write an article in a minor publication in the mid 80s?

That seems... a little far-fetched.
Why not? Something so precious, I don't see why the whole of humanity wouldn't collectively work toward it for millennia.

Why, just because there's no easy answer? Shouldn't important answers be HARDER to come by?

If one's life is relatively well and safe, yes, then one can comfort oneself with such platitudes.
Otherwise, one will want something of more substance and availability.

43 separate studies conducted decades apart by different people are part of a vast conspiracy to write an article in a minor publication in the mid 80s?

That seems... a little far-fetched.

I guess it would from our perspective.
But it does strike me as odd, that there is no evidence to back this up, yet it is accepted as truth, by those that claim; "we go where the evidence leads".

I was once surprised to see how many people it took to do a 3 minute magic trick. The trick was to make a woman appear as though she was levitating.
Well over 40 people.

If one's life is relatively well and safe, yes, then one can comfort oneself with such platitudes.
Otherwise, one will want something of more substance and availability.
It's amazing how you invert these concepts.

Something that I can tell you to believe, but not demonstrate, I would call a platitude, and entirely unsubstantial.

Something that I can concretely demonstrate, I would claim has substance.

How you've inverted those, I'm not certain.
I guess it would from our perspective.
But it does strike me as odd, that there is no evidence to back this up, yet it is accepted as truth, by those that claim; "we go where the evidence leads".

I was once surprised to see how many people it took to do a 3 minute magic trick. The trick was to make a woman appear as though she was levitating.
Well over 40 people.

Are you implying that the studies don't exist, or that atheists are part of a large shadowy organization aimed at dominating the internet forums with false information?
Do atheists give their children exposure to theism?

Yep. Between US culture and standard education, exposure is all abound.

Offer them the choice to believe in God?

I don't offer such a choice nor do I prevent one.

Any athiests with theist children here?

Not here, but it could always happen.

I think what you might be looking for are the different ways atheists raise children with respect to the human propensity to 'believe' weird things. From a cognitive standpoint all I can do is help them think well by promoting evidence based critical thinking, teach them about the known types of natural human hallucination and how to recognize them, and help them understand what their particular emotional / psychological needs are and how to meet them (ex. some children are prone to fantasy so it helps them alot to give them outlets for it -an underlying message being that its ok to imagine and pretend at any age as long as its ultimately recognized as being make believe-).
Are you implying that the studies don't exist, or that atheists are part of a large shadowy organization aimed at dominating the internet forums with false information?

I'm implying nothing, just asking for the evidence.
Am I right in thinking you cant supply it?

The studies ARE t-h-e e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e

Do you not believe that they exist, or are you implying that they were all faked?

Belief doesn't come into. Anybody can say anything to suit their own purposes. I just want to see the evidence, is that such a hard thing?
