Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

People seem obsessed with difference between "weak atheism" and "strong atheism." Functionally, there isn't a difference.

I think atheism itself is a stupid word which lends itself to these moronic arguments. I don't believe in astrology, ghosts, unicorns, santa, or monsters under the bed, either. I don't have a special word for any of those disbeliefs that I feel the need to quibble over.

It's almost as if believing in gods was the default position, and those who don't accept it are labeled as being against the default position, as if they were outlaws.
Look. As redwards notes, I don't believe in astrology, ghosts, unicorns, santa, or monsters under the bed, and I don't believe in gods. The only, only reason any of you rank god(s) as more deserving of credulity than santa or unicorns is that you've been indoctrinated into a given way of thinking uncritically in one given area. We atheists, or non-believers or whatever you want to call us, simply apply our incredulity (against huge peer and societal pressure at times) to one more area of cultural myth than you do.

You are believers. People of faith. Accept it. Stop trying to assert the objective validity of your god(s). It's just plain stupid. Simply admit that you don't know there's a god any more than you do that there's an easter bunny.

You believe. That's fine. Stick to that.
It's almost as if believing in gods was the default position, and those who don't accept it are labeled as being against the default position, as if they were outlaws.
That's a good point, and probably relevant. Logically speaking, disbelief is always the default position. Religion is the sole exception.
Logically speaking, disbelief is always the default position.

This is so only if we accept the premiss that humans are born tabula rasa.
But whether humans are born tabula rasa or not can be neither proven nor disproven.
greenberg said:
But whether humans are born tabula rasa or not can be neither proven nor disproven.
But it could be made reasonable or unreasonable to assume, by investigation and research and careful argument.

As any other scientific hypothesis can be.
This is so only if we accept the premiss that humans are born tabula rasa.
But whether humans are born tabula rasa or not can be neither proven nor disproven.

Are you serious ? You really must read beyond Descartes. You might find Locke and Hume helpful . Failing that you can always check out what neuroscience can say on the subject. We are born with certain reflexes but without a priori knowledge. That is why we are tabulae rasae..
But it could be made reasonable or unreasonable to assume, by investigation and research and careful argument.

As any other scientific hypothesis can be.

Riiight. And before science does that, I'll be long dead.
No, I am not willing to put my hopes in some "future generation" who might find out the truth about humanity.

Riiight. And before science does that, I'll be long dead.
No, I am not willing to put my hopes in some "future generation" who might find out the truth about humanity.


The truth is that you can't know.