Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

My parents are both atheists; however, they considered religion to be a useful subject to know, so we do have a Bible and some books on the history of Judaism. When I was little, I read a few stories from the Bible that were edited to be readable for children. My parents did say that belief in god is stupid, but my thoughts on religion were left up to me. I did explore various belief systems, adopted some, then rejected them -- as part of growing up. Atheism is associated with a more liberal mindset.

Among people I've known, it was often thought that one is born with religion. If your parents are Jewish, you must be Jewish and you must believe in god, naturally; if your parents are Christian, you are automatically Christian, even though you never attended Church or devoted a thought to the subject.
BTW, That pretty much sums up my circumstances also.
What Brady Bunch?... Jan sounds German or Scandinavian to me. It's not a derivative of Jen.
So among the atheists here, we have Medicine Woman who has two theist children from when she was a thiest and Geoff who was treated to abusive atheism.

Not many atheists with children who are theists then?
The supreme cause.

I see. Which one's that then?

Among people I've known, it was often thought that one is born with religion. If your parents are Jewish, you must be Jewish and you must believe in god, naturally; if your parents are Christian, you are automatically Christian, even though you never attended Church or devoted a thought to the subject.

Aye that's very common here too and very stupid.

I think someone's deluded themselves into such a state of denial that only the deluded would debate further with them.

Oh really!
And who would that be?

God is a person now. And all gods are the same person. Right. Delusion du jour anyone?

Who said all "gods" are the same person?
I said God is described in all scriptures as the supreme cause of all causes. There can be only one supreme cause (factual or fictional).
"gods" are not God.
