Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

When claiming the existence for something that has never before been heard, seen or detected by any means whatsoever (ie. from our imagination), the skeptic will always have a near 100% chance of being correct.

How do you know its never been heard, seen, or detected by any means?
What is this "something", that you would know has never been percieved?


This is rude of you.

I'm sorry it came across as rude, that was not my intention.
I am at a loss as to what you're about.

But alas, any endeavor that, in order to be accomplished, depends on the goodwill and compassion of other people, is doomed to uncertainty.
So I won't depend on your goodwill and compassion anymore.

We can only truly depend on what we know.


Read a scripture.

Well as I've just posted in another thread... Scripture is bullshit. At least the ones I am familiar with. You forget I was raised a catholic and had 7 years of catholic schooling, as well as being painfully familiar of what religious folk say in public.

Theists believe in God, that is their agreement.


Perhaps. But nobody believes in the same god. Even if people belong to the same cult, they will all have different ideas of god. This is why all religions, cults and scriptures are different. Because they are all derived from the human imagination without a shred of supporting evidence.

It's really not hard to understand.
SAM said:
Are you saying athiests do not force their children to reject God?
Yes. Of course. Why would they do something silly like that ?

You seem to have fixated on the idea that atheism is itself a belief system, analogous to a religion, with rituals and so forth,

so that parallel to the rituals of accepting God and acknowledging His/Her/Its presence that most children of theists are encouraged (coerced) into performing there is some kind of atheist creed of belief that children must profess.

There is no atheist creed, SAM. No rejection of anything is necessarily involved. Atheists do not sit their children down with folded hands at the breakfast table and make them recite "There is no God, I don't believe, I'm not thankful to anything " before they can dig into the cornflakes.

Well as I've just posted in another thread... Scripture is bullshit.


You forget I was raised a catholic and had 7 years of catholic schooling, as well as being painfully familiar of what religious folk say in public.

I haven't forgotton. It just doesn't mean anything.

Perhaps. But nobody believes in the same god.

Theists believe that God is the original cause, because that is a characteristic of God, in any scripture.
Only one being can be the original cause. Would you agree?

Even if people belong to the same cult, they will all have different ideas of god.

This is perfectly natural. I have a different idea about my father, than my brother and sisters. Because I am an individual, not a robot.

This is why all religions, cults and scriptures are different.

The basic idea is the same; God is the supreme cause. I am refering to scripture based religions, as to me, they contain the foundations of real religion.

Because they are all derived from the human imagination without a shred of supporting evidence.

I cannot imagine what you would accept as evidence, and i know you can't, so I guess this point is a stale mate situation. Nice going.

It's really not hard to understand.

The way you look at it, I would tend to agree, but I cannot think so simply, its not in my nature.


Yes. Of course. Why would they do something silly like that ?

I think you're being a tad naive there.

You seem to have fixated on the idea that atheism is itself a belief system, analogous to a religion, with rituals and so forth,

Alot of theists do not support a particular religion, or engage in rituals, but are still classed as religious, by atheists. I have personal experience of this.
Now, whatever "religiousness" the atheists see, in such a position, is non different from there own position. This is why it is believed that atheism (Dawkinian) is classed as a belief system. that parallel to the rituals of accepting God and acknowledging His/Her/Its presence that most children of theists are encouraged (coerced) into performing there is some kind of atheist creed of belief that children must profess.

Do you really believe that atheists (Dawkinians), do not discriminate against religion, or God?

There is no atheist creed, SAM.

In the same way there is no "theist" creed.
But there are fanatical atheists out there, and their fanatacism is growing.
They want rid of religion, period. So how can they possibly be liberal about their children being religious?

No rejection of anything is necessarily involved. Atheists do not sit their children down with folded hands at the breakfast table and make them recite "There is no God, I don't believe, I'm not thankful to anything " before they can dig into the cornflakes.

They are more interested in getting rid of all religion, period. (Dawkinians)
There is no compromise.

I think someone's deluded themselves into such a state of denial that only the deluded would debate further with them.
She dosen't know and she knows it. Only admitting that would be tantamount to committing spiritual suicide. Therefore she and her kind can never admit that what they have is simply a feeling and a hope. That's it. Delusion replaces reason and subsumes reality.
My parents are both atheists; however, they considered religion to be a useful subject to know, so we do have a Bible and some books on the history of Judaism. When I was little, I read a few stories from the Bible that were edited to be readable for children. My parents did say that belief in god is stupid, but my thoughts on religion were left up to me. I did explore various belief systems, adopted some, then rejected them -- as part of growing up. Atheism is associated with a more liberal mindset.

Among people I've known, it was often thought that one is born with religion. If your parents are Jewish, you must be Jewish and you must believe in god, naturally; if your parents are Christian, you are automatically Christian, even though you never attended Church or devoted a thought to the subject.