Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

Oh look, they're talking about me in the 'secret' mod forum. I wonder what web of deception SAM is weaving there? hehe

We're currently considering the benefits of authoritarian matriarchy.

Do you get the feeling that people in position of power or politics are either demonized or glorified but nothing in between?



Sure some atheist "indoctrinate", but I don't think all of them do. I think many tell their children directly that they can choose any religion they want, and exposed their children to modern and historic religious beliefs.
Do you get the feeling that people in position of power or politics are either deionized or glorified but nothing in between?

I think the problem with scientists (or any other "specialised" position) is that they allow the trolls to drive them away. There is after all, only so much you can argue with a fool before feeling like you're becoming one.

My own approach is to give them the space to rant and get on with my own stuff.



Sure some atheist "indoctrinate", but I don't think all of them do. I think many tell their children directly that they can choose any religion they want, and exposed their children to modern and historic religious beliefs.
Sure, but as Dawkins says, when I say indoctrinate, I'm only referring to the ones who do. ;)
Do atheists indoctrinate their children into their belief system?
this is not possible for atheists, but the religious who have a belief system do indoctrinate there children.
Do atheists give their children exposure to theism?
nothing is held back from them, how would a child understand the world, if some of it's knowledge was withheld.
Offer them the choice to believe in God?
see above answer. it would be wrong, to withhold any knowledge from a child. however some knowledge can be scary, so should be given with kid gloves.
I think the problem with scientists (or any other "specialised" position) is that they allow the trolls to drive them away. There is after all, only so much you can argue with a fool before feeling like you're becoming one.

My own approach is to give them the space to rant and get on with my own stuff.

Now some people will read that and think "What I great person" while others will say "Yeah right, she just making an excuse to retain a position of power, what a *****!" this is what I mean by either demonized or glorified: you really need to try much harder if you want them to stop seeing you as a power-hungry succubus, and the results could be quite rewarding (they will see you as an angle)

Sure, but as Dawkins says, when I say indoctrinate, I'm only referring to the ones who do. ;)

Well then speak of them specifically, call them "orthodox atheist" or something, I think many here who were raised in "liberal atheist" families or who have such families of their own are offended that you would lump them with the likes of Dawkins. Maybe an apology is needed?
The fact that Wilde was quoting the bible doesn't mean he was right.

Actually, he wasn't quoting the Bible when he said that, but let's just carry on as if we haven't all noticed your grevious misstatement.

Have you read about those atheists who tortured aand burned people for the good of their non-souls. That's inevitable when people abandon religion, without which there is no possibility of moral behaviour.

Yes, I have indeed. Though as I understand, they tended to freeze them instead ( or just oppressed them or executed them ('s_Republic_of_China), sometimes. Terrible stuff. But it's not all bad, though! Sometimes they just made them take showers (

My point of course being that the eccentricities of human oppression are instigated by both theists, and atheists, with the same gleeful disregard of humanistic principle.

So you have never seen mirrors in church, Well, you must have heard of them if you were paying attention. Paul saw things through a glass darkly. it is commonly believed it was through the bottom of a wine glass, which makes sense in light of his ranting.

Ah, well there's the confusion then: they don't have his glass in the church I go to. I suppose that doesn't explain much, really. Then again, it does have a lot to say about the nature of "common" belief. I mean: most monkeys shit, but it's only a select few that take the time to learn to throw it at other people.

The sheep you saw should be no surprise; they were members of the flock hearing the alleged words of the Good Shepherd. I have seen nothing but sheep in church.

Have you really? It must be an odd diocese you're in then. Mostly I find people in there. Anyway, "sheep" is so relative, anyway, isn't it? It applies just as equally to people who haven't thought about their faith as to people who haven't thought about their lack of it.

Best regards,

Now some people will read that and think "What I great person" while others will say "Yeah right, she just making an excuse to retain a position of power, what a *****!" this is what I mean by either demonized or glorified: you really need to try much harder if you want them to stop seeing you as a power-hungry succubus, and the results could be quite rewarding (they will see you as an angle)

Power hungery succubus? :p
Do you see a single complaint related to my moderation that has not been addressed by me or by the admin before?
Honestly, do I need to cater to the lowest common denominator on the forum?

Well then speak of them specifically, call them "orthodox atheist" or something, I think many here who were raised in "liberal atheist" families or who have such families of their own are offended that you would lump them with the likes of Dawkins. Maybe an apology is needed?

As soon as I get mine for "theists are child abusers". :p


this is not possible for atheists, but the religious who have a belief system do indoctrinate there children.
Are you saying its impossible for parents to force their children to reject God?
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Actually, he wasn't quoting the Bible when he said that, but let's just carry on as if we haven't all noticed your grevious misstatement.

Yes, I have indeed. Though as I understand, they tended to freeze them instead ( or just oppressed them or executed them ('s_Republic_of_China), sometimes. Terrible stuff. But it's not all bad, though! Sometimes they just made them take showers (

My point of course being that the eccentricities of human oppression are instigated by both theists, and atheists, with the same gleeful disregard of humanistic principle.

Ah, well there's the confusion then: they don't have his glass in the church I go to. I suppose that doesn't explain much, really. Then again, it does have a lot to say about the nature of "common" belief. I mean: most monkeys shit, but it's only a select few that take the time to learn to throw it at other people.

Have you really? It must be an odd diocese you're in then. Mostly I find people in there. Anyway, "sheep" is so relative, anyway, isn't it? It applies just as equally to people who haven't thought about their faith as to people who haven't thought about their lack of it.

Best regards,


How can I counter such a devastating response. I'll just have to do the best I can without the power of prayer.

I made an egregious error in supposing Wilde was quoting the bible. I shall hang my head in shame.

You are right about the attitude of atheists. They keep knocking on my door, preaching Darwinism and asking me whether I have kicked Jesus out of my life.

If they don't have Paul's glass in your church, they ought to because he founded Christianity.

I know exactly where you're coming from with monkeys and shit. It's a clear reference to fundies, born-agains and their ilk. Don't e too hard on them; they are not nasty, just ignorant.

Sheep, as you say, are relatives of other sheep, so what's new ?

Why the arrogant assumption that pople haven't thought about their beliefs, which translates as their not seeing things your way. In my experience it's the bible-thumpers who have not thought through the nonsense they believe. They always refuse to take part in a rational discussion beyond a point where their position becomes untenable. That's when they hide behind their holy books and circular arguments begin.
Why the arrogant assumption that pople haven't thought about their beliefs, which translates as their not seeing things your way

Exactly, why?
How can I counter such a devastating response. I'll just have to do the best I can without the power of prayer.

Not at all. I shall pray for you. Now you can claim any success was partially divine intercession.

I made an egregious error in supposing Wilde was quoting the bible. I shall hang my head in shame.

As long as something gets hung, I suppose. But honestly: Wilde and the Bible go together like grass and transsubstantiation.

If they don't have Paul's glass in your church, they ought to because he founded Christianity.

I know exactly where you're coming from with monkeys and shit. It's a clear reference to fundies, born-agains and their ilk. Don't e too hard on them; they are not nasty, just ignorant.

Well, I think we've given up official faith in relics, or at least the parishioners have. Now you might have a point about the evangelical types; but in my line of work it's dangerous, career-wise, to have too religious an opinion, so I tend to see the other side of it. I've had JW's knock on my door, of course, but they never threatened to beat me up any more than any political candidate's representatives, and they never threatened to destroy my career and impoverish me and my wife and children. So, all in all, less innocuous to me, thanks. I assume we can at least agree that the crimes of the secular have been at least as egregious as those of the religious?

Why the arrogant assumption that pople haven't thought about their beliefs, which translates as their not seeing things your way.

I was just about to ask you the same question.

Best regards,

I agree with that. I think parenting is the most difficult thing to do, that too without a training manual. Most people, IMO, do the best they can, within the limitations of their knowledge and experience. Its a pointless exercise to look back, I agree, but its definitely necessary to move forward, instead of repeating the same pattens of behaviour.

I find the last is very difficult. I myself tend to slip back into unproductive patterns of old behaviour with my parents so I can understand how difficult it is for them too, to avoid the same pitfalls.

Do you ever find yourself facing such quandaries?:)

Not any longer because my kids are now all grown up and gone their own ways. I feel some of the parenting stuff talked about by "experts" ( whatever happend frh the Spock generation ? ) is designed to make parents uneasy and sell books.

There's always room for impeovement in anything we do but, loking back, parenting in the caves can have been all that bad because e are here to tell the tale.

IMHO one of the biggest problems facing parents is the peer pressure to which their kids are subjected, much of which comes from advertising. Advertiser recognized a long time ago that many kids have more disposable income than their parents, so they became targets.
Not at all. I shall pray for you. Now you can claim any success was partially divine intercession.

As long as something gets hung, I suppose. But honestly: Wilde and the Bible go together like grass and transsubstantiation.

Well, I think we've given up official faith in relics, or at least the parishioners have. Now you might have a point about the evangelical types; but in my line of work it's dangerous, career-wise, to have too religious an opinion, so I tend to see the other side of it. I've had JW's knock on my door, of course, but they never threatened to beat me up any more than any political candidate's representatives, and they never threatened to destroy my career and impoverish me and my wife and children. So, all in all, less innocuous to me, thanks. I assume we can at least agree that the crimes of the secular have been at least as egregious as those of the religious?

I was just about to ask you the same question.

Best regards,


Come along now, dear boy. Even you must know that the mirror is a metaphor, or do you think it existed ?

Are you suggesting that you have been victimized by people because they were atheists, as opposed to people who just happened to be atheists .I am with Voltaire in defending your right to believe what you wish, even though I may totally disagree with you.

Ps. Apropos of grass and transsubstation, the first is for the sheep, the latter for the birds.
Power hungery succubus? :p
Do you see a single complaint related to my moderation that has not been addressed by me or by the admin before?
Honestly, do I need to cater to the lowest common denominator on the forum?

I'm not complaining about you I'm just trying to give you their mind set, at present they are sure you some kind of demon.

As soon as I get mine for "theists are child abusers". :p

So we atheist need to apologies for Dawkins comments? Does a Catholic need to apologize for the Popes comments (Dawkins is not the Pope of athiest by the way)?
So we atheist need to apologies for Dawkins comments? Does a Catholic need to apologize for the Popes comments (Dawkins is not the Pope of athiest by the way)?

I wasn't referring to Dawkins. ;)

Though, I will say, I am frequently asked to explain the action of Muslims I have neither met nor heard of.
I wasn't referring to Dawkins. ;)

Though, I will say, I am frequently asked to explain the action of Muslims I have neither met nor heard of.

True and being asked to do so is wrong, but repeating that wrong on others does not make it right. Who ever called all theist child abuser you don't need to apologies to.
You'd be surprised how often people recognise their fallacies when you repackage them and hand them back. :)

You'd be even moer suprised when you realize how many people will point at their own repackaged bullshit and not recognize it. :D