Do atheists believe in survival of the fittest?

Survival of the fittest

  • Big fish feed the little fish

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Go and read about evolution and you'll see that it has a much wider definition.

You ask a question about atheists " who do not believe in Creationism and ID "As I keep suggesting, your question is absurd. When yopu have found anj atherist who believes such nonsense, I'll ta;lk to him.

Ah so you believe survival of the fittest is a definition of evolution?

I mean it has no direction towards betterment, there is no goal of dominance.

why would you make such an assertion. is it in response to anything in particular? i mean, betterment and dominance are animal impulses. they require a consciousness to be articulated and executed

evolution on the other hand is a process

Its a conjunction between environmental stressors and "adaptations" as determined by a combination of inherited traits, genetic drift, mutations and reproductive potential. Whats ideal in one environment can be lethal in another.

Unless you believe in design.

i am guessing this is a random thought describing the process of evolution
thanks for the primer

do you disavow the assertion in question?
if still maintained, i require a justification

the perspective is important
the fallacy is rooted in that
why would you make such an assertion. is it in response to anything in particular? i mean, betterment and dominance are animal impulses.they require a consciousness to be articulated and executed

evolution on the other hand is a process

Exactly, but its a process with no goal of improvement or dominance of traits, just the survival of those that already exist.

Take the Pima Indians. They have been evolving for thousands of years (for example) in the rough desolate desret area of the Sonora. They have a hunter gatherer lifestyle and live on meat, fruits and nuts. As a result of colonisation, they get civilised and gain 50-100 pounds. So clearly they are adapted to an environment where food is scarce and hard won. In that environmet, the survivors are all good for famine, but will die earlier in plenty.
i am guessing this is a random thought describing the process of evolution
thanks for the primer

do you disavow the assertion in question?
if still maintained, i require a justification

the perspective is important
the fallacy is rooted in that

pas comprends
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Owned. Nice work Enmos, you lucky bastard.

Seconded - all over her like a fucking rash!

Thing is though - considering how SAM only ever asks questions that she thinks she already knows the answer to - uses some kind of advanced perception filter to ingore any answers which don't confirm to her world view - and ignores any requests for her to answer questions - how on earth is being on her ignore list going to make the slightest bit of difference??????
Darwin didn't even invent the term survival of the fittest, he preferred natural selection.
Seconded - all over her like a fucking rash!

Thing is though - considering how SAM only ever asks questions that she thinks she already knows the answer to - uses some kind of advanced perception filter to ingore any answers which don't confirm to her world view - and ignores any requests for her to answer questions - how on earth is being on her ignore list going to make the slightest bit of difference??????

The key here is to lobby to the admins to allow us to put her on ignore. I think a poll is in order. :)
Darwin didn't even invent the term survival of the fittest, he preferred natural selection.

Thats not what he said

The expression often used by Mr. Herbert Spencer of the 'Survival of the Fittest' is more accurate, and is sometimes equally convenient.-Darwin
He was worried that natural selection implied an intelligent entity doing the selection, but he knew the survival of the fittest was not specific enough.
The key here is to lobby to the admins to allow us to put her on ignore. I think a poll is in order. :)

you lie
you would have no reason to exist
imagine this self professed rationalist unable ignore without resort to code
emotional and irrational
superstitious if ignore function were treated as a modern day incantation. a magic spell

booga booga, q
Ah so you believe survival of the fittest is a definition of evolution?


No. It is part of the evolutionary process. Is that so difficult to understand ? It probably is for someone with a religious agenda,
Yup. you got it.

So, how do you define fitness?

Fitness - Also called Darwinian fitness. (Biology)

a.) the genetic contribution of an individual to the next generation's gene pool relative to the average for the population, usually measured by the number of offspring or close kin that survive to reproductive age.

b.) the ability of a population to maintain or increase its numbers in succeeding generations.