Do atheists believe in survival of the fittest?

Survival of the fittest

  • Big fish feed the little fish

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SAM said:
Live longer/healthier by not having children? Does it work?
Seems to,in general.

Statistically, probably, even for people. It's a complicated thing to analyze - sick and malnourished people have fewer children, rich people have fewer children, people who were directly killed by childbirth have fewer children, religious ascetics tend to live longer but for many reasons, it's hard to compare apples and apples.

It definitely works for other animals, though. Parents get killed on the nest and defending young, spayed/neutered pets live longer, many plants and animals and fungi die in the act of reproduction, and so forth.
Do atheists believe in survival of the fittest?

why do you even have to ask such dum question.

who else do you suppose survives,,,the weakest??
I do as well, but I don't want to. Its hard to feel bad about the Holocaust or the Native Americans when you think that way.
Why? It has nothing to do with those things. Native Americans are for all practical purposes, the same as Europeans. Human culture was responsible for those deaths, the random circumstance of some people having power while others had less.
The Europeans used their resources and made weapons that were far superior to the Native American's. Yet they had the same resources.
orleander said:
The Europeans used their resources and made weapons that were far superior to the Native American's. Yet they had the same resources.
They did not have the same resources - not even close.

And the main killer of Reds was disease - most of the Reds that were wiped out were gone before they ever saw a White. The dense populations and cities along the Mississippi and Amazon Rivers, for example, had vanished by the late 1600s.