Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

I can do psychokinesis. It tends to be easier in an "extreme" state of mind; extreme focus, extreme relaxation(meditation), extremely angry, sad, etc.. Also try to become one with the object. How does it feel like to move your arm, do the same to the object. Check out There are videos at the media-section. And articles to help you learn PK...

PS. Extreme focus works best for me, but after like 10min. I feel EXHAUSTED! As if I'd had the flu. So medit. for long-time PK, focus for short PK-session.
I saw on the first page someone claiming to be "empathic." And I was like, "Wow, good to know he's fucking human."

Empathy is a human emotion. It's the ability to pick up on nonverbal clues to find out how someone feels. One can either train oneself to do this and approach logically, use a machine (lie detector) which reads the nonverbal clues for you, or have a feel for what a facial expression means. When you see some do this :(, it means they're sad. When they do this, :) it means they're happy. And this :bugeye: means they're skeptical.
I have amazing powers of mind over matter.

I can actually turn a tiny fluctuation of energy - say, a thought - into a complex mechanical process that actually levers my arm - itself a complex composite of trillions of tiny packets of energy - into bouncing a ball, for example, a piece of energy-field we call matter - that is in no real way attached to the original thought energy. This interaction - or mind over matter as I call it - created every man-made thing you will ever experience, such as ores into metals into machines - and then machines into producing music, carrying us, protecting us, and so on.

Of course, we can all do this mind over matter all of the time - so it's of no interest to the mystification-mongering parapsychologists who wouldn't recognise an improbable miracle (such as dog) even if it came up to them and bit them on the ass.
Hi, I think I'm psychic

Hi, I think I'm psychic. I can predict things. The weird thing is I can't control it. It just happens. I will tell you a few thing that have happened. My mother in law and father in law sold there home in MA, two years again amd moved to FL. Well they were talking about how they miss living there sometimes. Then I asked, if the people still live there or have they sold it. They said they think they still live there. Well here comes the weird part the next day someone told them that those people were selling the house.

Also I asked them if a cousin was having a baby and they said not that they know of. A few days later we find out that shes pregant.

I'm not sure if this means I'm psychic or not. Maybe its ESP.

I would appreacate and answers. Thanks.
I remember back when i was really into lucid dreaming i consciously tried to have a vision of something that i would experience in the future.
I got what i wanted, and the vision matched up so well with what i saw and with such a degree of accuracy that im satisfied that more than mear coincidence was at work.
Having said that, it was such a chore to have a precog vision, i dont really think i could ever be bothered to go through the hassle of it all ever again.
Im sure some people are predisposed to such an ability, but im obviously not.

Not even sure if this is worth mentioning as well, but back 'int day after a heavy mdma session id sometimes mediate while lying in bed. Id get visions of very old antiquated texts written in some sort of ancient language that i couldnt understand.
Not sure what that was all about really, interesting never the less.
Also, my work radio battery always seems to drain faster than any of my partners at work.(im a cop) and i get bad reception in my patrol car. I bought an entennae amp. and it helped a little, but no one else seems to have the same problem. ( i can shock the hell out of someone when im staticly charged, like on carpet! i can leave 'hickies' with the arc!)lol Is anyone else like this? Is it usefull in any way? Please post back, im a little weirded out.

My advice? Stop wearing pantyhose, they rub against your uniform and the static build up is dangerous.
I must know If any of you guys have psychic powers yet. I don't want lies :( I really would like to talk to you about it.


goodbye...until we meet again...

I do. I can see the future in my dreams. Except I cannot control what I see, its all random, has to do with me, but inderectly.
Oh but i like the control they provide, they hide my doughnut gut . idiot

ah, changed 'gut. ass' to 'gut. idiot' eh?

Good edit, as I wasn't sure if you were describing what munching all those doughnuts had done to your figure, giving you a combined gut/ass ring of lard around your middle, or whether you were making a clumsy attempt at an insult.

Either way, I find it kind of scary that you really think you have some electric power, and you are a cop. I'd like to think that cops were sane, not closet X-Men. Or perverts in panty hose for that matter. Are they bright yellow footless spandex tights maybe? Your X-Man uniform?
Also, my work radio battery always seems to drain faster than any of my partners at work.(im a cop) and i get bad reception in my patrol car. I bought an entennae amp. and it helped a little, but no one else seems to have the same problem. ( i can shock the hell out of someone when im staticly charged, like on carpet! i can leave 'hickies' with the arc!)lol Is anyone else like this? Is it usefull in any way? Please post back, im a little weirded out.

Some people suffer from shocks when it comes to cars due to the most part that cars aren't always earthed. Some vehicles do however have earthing strips, they usually hang down near where the mudflaps are located and touch the road surface.

Perhaps you should inquire about having such strips fitted to your car if they aren't already existant.

As for it being useful? Well I wouldn't suggest filling your car with fuel if you truly suffer from such static as it's a potential hazard and why I believe fuel stations earth their pumps.
It's easy to create static when wearing manmade fibres like nylon. In the winter, when I wear one of those light jackets, every time I get out of the friggin' car and I touch the metal part of the door I get a fucking electric shock, and at night I can actually see the blue electric spark; freaks me out.
It's easy to create static when wearing manmade fibres like nylon. In the winter, when I wear one of those light jackets, every time I get out of the friggin' car and I touch the metal part of the door I get a fucking electric shock, and at night I can actually see the blue electric spark; freaks me out.

You are lucky. I get static whenever I get really tired. Its like when it comes to 11pm and I got to go home, I feel really tired and if I get close to the metal handles of the door I get shocked with electricity, its so strong that if I touch the metal again I get the electricity built up in my hands in about 30 seconds. It is really kind of painfull, so what I do, is I try to twist the handle with my torso, but sometimes I get shocked there too. Recently I have tried using books to twist the handle, I just press with the book on the handle to twist it and that way dont get shocked, it works...but is sorta lame when other people see me do it.

Oh and every 3 months or so, I see an actual spark from my hands with the metal, on like 2-3 centimeters distance, its crazy.
dude, i said that i didnt claim to have powers, i just wrote that something wierd happens sometimes.

So your radio battery depleting isn't due to this static problem you claim to have? Sounds ike you are claiming something out of the ordinary.

Get over yourself and you obvious hate for cops.

I don't hate cops, I hate woowoos who think that mundane thngs are special. Man made fibres generate static. It's either your cop uniform, the seat covers in your cruiser, your shoes, or the carpets in your car, or a combination of. It's not _you_.

People like you are the reason i have a job.

Yeah, it's your job to protect law abiding citizens like me. Get protecting and serving dude, run along!
closest thing i can offer you from my experience are these:
(1) when i was ab 4, my mom tried teaching me how to swim. she was holding me up w one arm and chatting with my sister. i had nothing to do, and thought: "what would it feel like to drown?" next thing i knew my mom let go of me and i slowly watched water rize up right in front of my eyes.
(2) ab a year ago, at a party, we were sitting around in the kitchen and i thought "what if that pan (on unlit stove!) would burn?" 30 minutes later it was burning. i swear i didnt do or say anything to cause that! nobody confessed. i guess it did that by itself.
Interesting i experienced something similar, i once was on the bus and thought 'what would it be like if this bus hit someone' then about 10 seconds latter it hit a guy.
Weird eh.
well, i dont have those types of powers, or even claim to have (powers) at all, but i seem to cause severe static interfeirence with electrical equiptment. And if im in a bad mood its stronger, to the point my tv gets no reception untill i leave the room.... any helpfull coments?

Just earth yourself regularly - rub your hand together, grip something earthed - your static potential will dissipate harmlessly. You're likely spending a lot of your time wearing man-made, synthetic materials, rubber souled shoes etc and somewhat prone to building a slightly higher static potential than others - it can happen.

Mr Stryders suggestion of getting one of the mechanics to equip a static strip to your cruiser should actually be enough to do the trick - think it through. You're in a tense occupation, though you're in a car a lot of the time it's really quite remarkable how much upper body movement city driving requires - all the time you're wearing a uniform likely with a lot of nylon in it for durability plus a top coat of equally durable substance, synthetic covers on the seat and foot-well - the car's jacked up on rubber wheels you wear synthetic souled boots - how're you supposed to earth?

If you wear an undershirt, make sure its 100% cotton, same for socks and whatever else you wear closest to your skin, and just get into he habit of looking out for something earthed to touch during the course of your daily routine. Cut down on caffeine and, in your apartment, pick up a few fabric/non synthetic rugs for walking around on or else consider ditching the carpet y'do use entirely.

If you've radiators and your electrical equipment in the home seems to be fritzing up, instead of leaving just grip the radiator or go to the kitchen and grip the taps, both hands - if it is actually you causing the interference this will dissipate it immediately. If you do this and the problem still seems to persist, you're looking at some other cause going on here.

Simplest way to test this is just follow the above procedure and if it still happens immediately afterwards you can know for a fact it isn't you causing it because you've earthed yourself.

See how you get on, let us know. Hope that helps some,

Psychic Abilities?

I have unusual abilities.... I heal folks, remove pain or determine the cause of an unfigurable illness with a touch.
Marvellous, I'll look forward to seeing that - posting linkies, not a problem, so long as its not towards bare nekked ladies or boys, or both at the same time.