Do Aliens Exist?

There is no credible evidence of advanced aliens (equivalent or superior) to us. If extraterrestial microbial life had been found(NASA has looked on Mars) , it would have made world-wide headlines. We have no idea how probable or improbable life is. There may be millions of inhabited planets. We may be alone. At the moment, there is no way to know. Here's a Wikipedia link (look at recent history):

i guess u misst part of that qote.. if the universe is the size of the 7mile beach.. we have .00001% of 1 grain of sand discovered
If you are referring to ALH84001 it was by far from proven.

i never said it was proven they found evidence that looks identical to microbial skeletons here on earth. is it conclusive? no skeptics wont take believe it untill something live comes back then they will say it was jsut contamination
i never said it was proven they found evidence that looks identical to microbial skeletons here on earth. is it conclusive? no skeptics wont take believe it untill something live comes back then they will say it was jsut contamination
They found a rock that may be from Mars that might have fossilized bacteria. Just a theory at the moment. Here's a link:
What if what we perceive as being poisonous is not to them?

this is the million dollar question.. its already been proven that life can exsist where humans thought was impossible to live in water and temps well over 100deg f and in levels of sulfer that would kill us..

i always think we might dismiss places we could find life because we are only looking for places that we could exsist.. but whos to say there is a species out there that needs air or gass with very high concentrations of sulfer or some other gas
i never said it was proven they found evidence that looks identical to microbial skeletons here on earth. is it conclusive? no skeptics wont take believe it untill something live comes back then they will say it was jsut contamination

That's not what you said at first, you said they had found 'skeletons of microbial life'. No doubt implied in that statement at all. You stated it as fact.
I cannot prove aliens exist; likewise it cannot be proven that aliens do not exist there is not even a good argument as to why alien-life could not exist.

Face it, at this point all that can be said is that we have not discovered alien life yet (or atleast it is not known to the public) and That is not saying much at all!!! when you scientifically analyze the concepts that are being questioned you will understand there is more evidence to support alien life than not.

The systematic responses here disqualify anything with limited or no physical proof narrows our perspective consequently the scope we view existance will not be reality; it will be manafactured.

Us, sheeple, can only assume. As for any type of evidence; explain the following logically, apply critical thinking but do not be skeptical beyond reason. There literally are exoplanets that are being discovered with backward orbits obviously the universe doesnt give a fuck about your perfect understanding of science in our given context.


There literally are hundreds of examples in history of art that portray alien life that collaborates with records of modern-day 'loony tunes'. I could provide sources but im sure it will be responded with witty remarks rather than logical rationale.

2. NASA has acknowledged a UFO before... read or listen to the 1989 discovery transmission.... and explain it to me. I want you to prove to me that it is a hoax.

3. The wow signal (this happened more than once)

An astronomer, Dr. Jerry R. Ehman, studying the data from the telescope was shocked when a radio signal clocking in at ‘6EQUJ5’ came from a seemingly empty spot in space.

4. The drake equation.

5. SETI Radio Signal February 2003

stryder said:
Just to save time (and repeating myself) here's some potential gems reposted:

A Manmade Universe

Originally Posted by Stryder
I'm pretty sure that we hold the answer to if alien civilizations exist and even where they would be in the universe, but my reasoning is down to the decision that we will have to make about our own universe. I guess you could say that I have a hypothesis that mankind could reach a point where it branches one of two directions, One direction is to add to the creation of the universe (Which would incidentally be becoming apart of creating a Singularity with some parallel universes) or we fob off the idea as being too star trek, ignore the possibilities that we could govern our own existence and be reduced to living out a "flat system" tangent.

Make our own universe Stryder? Applying that logic would it not be possible or - should I dare say - probable to assert that we are infact apart of an alien made universe if we take account time and if we recognize that we are a relatively new species.

Now you are probably wondering where this above hypothesis fits in with knowing if Alien Civilizations exist or where they are. Well that's down to the decisions we'd have to make if we are to truly play a role in the creation of our universe. I mean we could bring an alien race up to speed and bring them into the creation of the universe, this would secure their existence and make them equals with us, Or we could go with the absence of any aliens, making an entire universe devoid of life apart from this little blue-green planet we call home, or further still we could place "chaos" into the framework, a random potential for life to exist elsewhere in the universe. (This of course would be like playing a Sid Meiers game on "Deity", after all would we assume an Alien to be equal, would we fall to the foul stench of earth's history in regards to slavery, would we assume to be their superiors or indeed would they assume to be ours?)

What the hell are you talking about

A Chaotic "Fluke" (or three)

“ Originally Posted by Stryder
For Aliens to exist you'd have to define that the whole universe came into being as a complete fluke, that the Energy to Matter conversion was also a fluke and the creation of life from what was originally inanimate materials was also a fluke. You've then got to apply that the latter fluke then has a flukey doppelgänger (or three) somewhere else in the universe to create an "alien race".

For aliens to exist we have to assume the univese came into being as a complete fluke? Is this a religious statement? I dont quite understand our significance in the grand scheme of things.

I'm pretty sure that the universe is going to be designed by man, for mankind, which will likely mean Aliens aren't part of the design. At least not in this universe, it doesn't mean that a completely flukey universe couldn't run in parallel to allow the generation of aliens, however you'd end up with the problem that their universe might be governed by completely different physics.[link] ”

.......what makes this universe designed by man or how would the universe be designed by man again I dont think I understand your point.

Inhospitable Space

“ Originally Posted by Stryder
I doubt there is much life in the universe. To be honest there are many reasons for my argument:

Firstly, The universe is a COLD inhospitable place, in fact the universe has more space at absolute zero than it has stars output heating. While some might claim "but life can evolve to live in freezing conditions" you should take note that cellular operations slowdown when frozen or even suffer damage through ice crystals. If you suggest that life itself has a food-cycle in which plants and animals feature, you could imply that if the food-cycle itself is broken through the food not being sustainable due to freezing temperatures; life can not support itself.

I just read an article today about ice worms that die when there above freezing tempatures.... also, I dont believe the universe to be as desolated and cold as you claim it to be.

Secondly, I'd class myself a futurist and have a reasoning that this whole universe that you see before you can actually be made by mankind over time. This means we'd get to decide what mathematics or algorithms were used for populating the universe and there would be very real discussion on how to handle "A potential Alien threat". You see if we make the universe we can decide on if aliens exist, and what technological level they are at compared to us, however this generates problems as it could create conflicts between them and us because there would be some that might attempt to apply classism or treat an alien race as slaves, or us for that matter that way.

Ideally creating a giant universe "Sandbox" without fear of having another "top of the food-chain predator" to contend with would give a number of countries military's peace of mind, however it would obviously completely undermine all the fruitcakes out there that think they are in contact with aliens.

And this is before pulling the "if they are out there why haven't we noticed them" arguments which I'm not going to bother with because they are old.[link] ”

Obviously, my conclusion is tainted with my own reasoning as to the What the Universe is and How it came about. By far though the most compelling point for me is the Chaotic "Fluke" (or three) quotation. After all for life to occur on planet earth based upon the current cosmological model (not my futurist brand) it took many different elements together to generate the right climate for life to form, it then had to survive and evolve, which is a feat in itself.

For life to exist elsewhere it too would have to undergo the same elemental conditioning, the same climate and the same "survival", which we might of only survived due to a fluke.

Why wouldent another species be able to go through the same or even a different "elemental conditioning"? Why is it such a feat? Would it be a big feat to the universe? How old do you predict the universe to be? In this amount of time your saying it is most likely we were the first type of "life" created. Your line-of-thinking asserts that life is some crazy phenom. itself and I do not think this to be the case. We havent discovered alien planets yet simply because we cannot even explore our solar system yet as advancements are made realizations will be met untill then we can only speculate if alien life can exist or not
Us, sheeple, can only assume. As for any type of evidence; explain the following logically, apply critical thinking but do not be skeptical beyond reason. There literally are exoplanets that are being discovered with backward orbits obviously the universe doesnt give a fuck about your perfect understanding of science in our given context.

No scientist would say we have a perfect understanding. How is an object in a retrograde orbit in any way related to the existence or non-existence of aliens?
" It lasted for the full 72-second duration that Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again." (!_signal)

Your point? Read the article you cited I find this significant. Who cares if it wasnt detected again.

DBNP what you are implying is that the drake equation has no foundation? He was employed by nasa and involved in several programs to why its invalid exactly Why is that? It is basically a clever equation it isnt meant to be 100%accurate or solved for that matter...could you make up one better proving otherwise? To the latter question, it defied what conventional science thought at the time, that was the only point.
Make our own universe Stryder? Applying that logic would it not be possible or - should I dare say - probable to assert that we are infact apart of an alien made universe if we take account time and if we recognize that we are a relatively new species.

What the hell are you talking about

What I was implying was where the initial hypothesis came in, you see The worlds governments would be concerned about aliens existing. After all how do you gauge an alien race?, would they be openly hostile?, would they have a change of their global politics in regards to their friendliness at the same speed as our current governments change their policies towards one another?

With that assumed governments would be a little more than cautious and this was even proven during the Reagen Administration when he tried to express that the US and USSR of the period shouldn't be under a constant cold war that there were potentially other things out there to potentially worry about. (This is one of the usual points that gets picked up by your "Proof of aliens" buffs because of the fact that he was admitting to worry about extraterrestrial origins. It obviously was likely to be more of an attempt to just rationalise, why worry about us there's other concerns out there and not actually pointing a finger at any country.)

......what makes this universe designed by man or how would the universe be designed by man again I dont think I understand your point.

A manmade universe implies "Man Made it", Man makes the rules and to be perfectly honest that is the truth. Just look at the fundamentals of Physics, particular scientists worked out the particular mathematical formula's to measure things in and quantify physical constants. To an alien elsewhere in the universe there is no telling if they would EVER get the same formula. In fact if an Alien Race existed they would probably end up creating "Entirely different physics models", which would mean they wouldn't be in this universe.

Just to clarify a Different Universe doesn't necessarily mean a "Bridgeable" one, after all if the physics is different the bridging likely is too.

Currently I'm working on proving my hypothesis right about the universe being Emulated and the key is actually in Vaccum Energy. I won't bother boring you with the details.

For aliens to exist we have to assume the univese came into being as a complete fluke? Is this a religious statement? I dont quite understand our significance in the grand scheme of things.

It's not a religious statement, it's a statement made on the basis of the original Big Bang model. The point is that the universe is defined currently as being birthed from Chaos, however I'm trying to point out that for these particular events to come about from Chaos is extremely unlikely. It would actually suggests the events were Organised and therefore a form of Order. They occurred because they were suppose to and served a particular predefined purpose, a purpose we likely had a lot to do with making.

I just read an article today about ice worms that die when there above freezing tempatures.... also, I dont believe the universe to be as desolated and cold as you claim it to be.
Where do you think the worm lived, grew and ate food? I can tell you it did none of those things WHILE FROZEN. That's the point of me pointing out the hostile nature, you see if it's Frozen (Which a Majority of SPACE is) then obviously life is not going to be able to be nurtured enough to even get to the point of developing to survive.

The story you read is just about someone freezing an already living entity and thawing it, you are comparing Apples to Oranges.

Why wouldent another species be able to go through the same or even a different "elemental conditioning"?

One "arm bandit" gambling machine costs 1 credit per bet, Bob spends 10 credits on one machine, Alice spends 40 credits on another, the chance of winning increases with the amount spent but has a randomised level of payout that alters based upon previous amounts paid out. Who's more likely to win larger amounts of money?

(Take into consideration that both machines have had a potentially a different number of people spending different number of credits and winning different amounts.)

The point here is that Bob (The Champion of Earthly Beings) might have won the Jackpot, even though he spent less. Alice (The Champion of Alien beings) potentially spent a lot more, however she might of appeared after someone else had won the jackpot and her luck just might not of been in (the equivalent of evolving in a star system which goes nova)

Why is it such a feat?
Can you evolve life from nothing in a controlled environment without utilising any forms of puppeteering, programming or temporal repetition?

If you don't think it a feat, then you seriously aren't looking at things correctly.

Would it be a big feat to the universe?
Considering the Chaotic model of the universe, you are talking about a Lotteries chance of life occurring and the number combinations go a lot higher than the standard lottery.

How old do you predict the universe to be?
Totally dependent on if you want to measure the universe Linearly, personally I think linear is extremely limiting and doesn't actually have to be the Industrial Standard.

In this amount of time your saying it is most likely we were the first type of "life" created. Your line-of-thinking asserts that life is some crazy phenom. itself and I do not think this to be the case. We havent discovered alien planets yet simply because we cannot even explore our solar system yet as advancements are made realizations will be met untill then we can only speculate if alien life can exist or not

...and your speculation is a fairy tale, that is like people (aliens) living on the Moon, Mars or Venus. (All of which people believed in the past, but was proven to be untrue)
what is your take on the signal tho..?

I know it was addressed to Phlog, personal hypothesis though would be:

A paradox occurring and being observed, until entropy healed the universe to the point where the paradox is now apart of the universe that observed it.

The outcome is a one off signal that doesn't repeat.
DBNP what you are implying is that the drake equation has no foundation? He was employed by nasa and involved in several programs to why its invalid exactly Why is that? It is basically a clever equation it isnt meant to be 100%accurate or solved for that matter...could you make up one better proving otherwise? To the latter question, it defied what conventional science thought at the time, that was the only point.
The Wikipedia article I cited earlier has an extensive analysis of the weaknesses of the Drake equation.
