Discussions about Carico's God

A true Christian knows that "the meaning of God" is a meaningless statement.

God is beyond meaning.

Your close, but it's more like "God is meaningless."

"True Christian" is a meaningless statement.

Hell one of em told me the other day that jebus was god. I thought jebus was jebus and god was god. Now they're telling me jebus is god. So if jebus is god, then who is god? If god is god and jebus is god, then there are two gods! How come jebus gets a name and god doesn't'? Answer me that. If jebus is god and as god he gets to have a name, then god should be allowed to have a name so we can tell the god god from the jebus god. Otherwise, we have one god with a name and one without! That's hardly fair! I know! We could call the jebus god jebus and the other god jebus two! Wait, then we'd have jebus one and jebus two and jebus one god and jebus two god. It's getting too confusing. I think the god god should just stay a god and jebus god should only be a jebus. That keeps it all cool.
He's ashamed to admit preaching to animals & too ashamed to cite scripture reference for the 10 commandments.
I'm starting to think he doesn't like us. I'm practicing my song for him to make him feel at home here:

jebus loves me yes I know
cause the babble tells me so
la la la la la la la

I don't know any more of the words.....

The dude is ate up with it. Brain fried.
I'm starting to think he doesn't like us. I'm practicing my song for him to make him feel at home here:

jebus loves me yes I know
cause the babble tells me so
la la la la la la la

I don't know any more of the words.....

The dude is ate up with it. Brain fried.

Well if you believe you know better than Jesus does about what happens when you die, then I guess you'll have to take the chance that you're right and Jesus is wrong. :eek: But I can tell you one thing; I'm not bettin' on you. :D
Well if you believe you know better than Jesus does about what happens when you die, then I guess you'll have to take the chance that you're right and Jesus is wrong.
Dude, you're a slow one. I don't believe in any "god" or in any jebus. I think they are fictions that weak people use to get through life. They're a crutch. Nothing more.

Get it now? When I die, my body will do the same thing yours does. It will either be changed to ashes or changed to bug shit. Nothing else happens, bucko. Make this life a good one. It's all you get.

How old did you say you were?

What's the name of your church?
You guys pay more attention to Jesus freaks than anyone else posting in philosophy.

Considering that philosophers go round and round in their heads like a dog chasing a tail trying to figure out "what is truth?, "Do I exist" then end up back where they started, asking "What is truth?' and "Do I exist", then they're the last group of people from whom one can learn the truth. :D Then when they die, they still won't know whether truth exists, much less what it is! :D So I can think of fewer confused people than philosophers...except possibly evolutionists. ;)
Nietzschefan is right. Why don't we just ignore this idiot and move on to people who actually have some valid things to say?

I'd literally rather argue face-to-face with Norsefire for nine hours than fight with this idiot.
I'm not laughing at Carico being banned. Really.
But the bit about taking the rest of Sunday off nearly had me falling off my chair!

I don't exactly promote banning, but when a person refuses to engage you in the discussion, they're essentially spamming. I tried to reason with her (a girl, I guess?), but she simply refused to engage me in it. So I'm glad she was punished. If you want to be a part of this community, you have to contribute. Or, you at least can't preach.
Man, he leaves me a "you gonna die and find jebus then" PM and then I come back in and he's banned! What'd I miss? Did he throw lightening at someone or what? Maybe jebus got pissed cause he was makin shit up. :D