Discussions about Carico's God

If you look at enough cases of NDEs you will see it's not about people encountering God as some separate entity as depicted in the monotheistic religions but rather that there is a part of our consciousness ,that other half of duality that we share with the structure of the physical universe that is the part that is already part of the greater whole (God). It's not about encountering a tempermental alpha male God as some religions depict God. God from what I gather by having read hundreds and hundreds of cases is more like a universal consciousness that sustains all of reality and we are all part of it.
There is actually a morality we are helf accountable to..how much love we have within us..not our belief in religous dogma.

You've looked at enough cases to get the impression you have & think I should have the same. I couldn't guess how many cases I've looked at. I've been looking at it since you were born. Don't tell me what I will see.
If we're all god, the word god has no meaning.
Carico I know I haven't walked on water or raised the dead which is precisely

Its quite easy and like I said you are doing a disservice to your loved ones not to learn how to raise them.

Carico it won't be hard to believe that Jesus did either.

Where did I dis JC's claims about either of those?

Carico Jesus is who he says he is.

JC said he was the son of man.

It is you high priest, who wants to make him god for your own purposes.
Carico: But the truth is eternal because it holds no lie or contradictions.

You realize that you've said the equivilant of "Blue is Blue". Truth by it's definition cannot contain lies or contradictions. Please remember that you're not speaking to your congregation of gullible, naive people who suck up parroted fantasy.

It therefore can never go away as Jesus tells us.

Jesus never told you anything. The man named Jesus, (if in fact he ever existed), died two thousand years ago. The only thing you think you know about that person is what you have read in a book that was written by some person you've never met, and translated by yet another person who you've never met and that person has never met anyone who spoke or read the original language that your book was transcribed into. You're relying on a copy of something you have no way of proving is accurate.

That means that the Ten commandments and the rest of God's word will always be true forever.

This fantasy being you refer to as one of the "gods" that have been made up by men has never said anything to you. You've never read anything written by that "god". The commandments you refer to are just another fantasy written down by another person. You have no proof that they aren't the result of an active imagination after a night of too much wine.
Carico That means that the Ten commandments and the rest of God's word will always be true forever.

Which ten commandments? The first one or the second one? Exodus 20:2–17 or Deuteronomy 5:6–21
Man, six numbers just popped into my head! I think they were from God. I'm on my way to the store for a lottery ticket!

If they don't win, it wasn't god....just gas. :D
Man, six numbers just popped into my head! I think they were from God. I'm on my way to the store for a lottery ticket!

If they don't win, it wasn't god....just gas. :D

Sorry they weren't from the God of the bible because the bible tells us not to indulge in games of chance. So they have to be from a god of your imagination which of course, makes him imaginary. ;)
Hmmm... strictly speaking, it is covetousness that is condemned in the bible. Games of chance which don't involve the desire to acquire money are fair game. Look at how many times the casting of lots (by God's people) is mentioned.
You've looked at enough cases to get the impression you have & think I should have the same. I couldn't guess how many cases I've looked at. I've been looking at it since you were born. Don't tell me what I will see.
If we're all god, the word god has no meaning.

Fair enough.
I don't however think you should have the same interpretation of them as I do ..sure it's subjective to some degree according to each individual.

Since I was born?...and here I thought I was getting to be an old dude!;)
Sorry they weren't from the God of the bible because the bible tells us not to indulge in games of chance. So they have to be from a god of your imagination which of course, makes him imaginary. ;)
So all those bingo games where the players get money by chance don't count? Must be a special dispensation I didn't hear about.

Half the churches in the USA sponcer them.

Carico, you are so full of crap. You have both eyes glued shut against any logic that might slip in.
So all those bingo games where the players get money by chance don't count? Must be a special dispensation I didn't hear about.

Half the churches in the USA sponcer them.

Carico, you are so full of crap. You have both eyes glued shut against any logic that might slip in.

I just saw an article in the newspaper that said that 83% of people in mainline churches don't believe that Jesus is the only way to God even though he specifically says he is. So most people who call themselves Christians today don't believe the bible, which means they can't follow Jesus since they doubt what he said is true. But Jesus prophesies that in Matthew 24:10. And once again, he's right, as always. ;)So I go to the shepherd, not the sheep for the truth because only the shepherd is always right as Jesus has shown. ;)
I just saw an article in the newspaper that said that...
Nobody cares. I noticed and everyone else noticed that you didn't reply to the fact that hundreds of Christian Churches promote gambling via bingo games in the church.

Why are you avoiding it?

Explain why the leaders of these churches approve of gambling on church property.

I know....it makes them money.

The church is a money making business. Nothing else.
Nobody cares. I noticed and everyone else noticed that you didn't reply to the fact that hundreds of Christian Churches promote gambling via bingo games in the church.

Who's "everyone else" figments of your imagination? Probably.;) So you and "everyone else" need to read my last post to see that most Christian churches don't follow the bible. So your point?:confused:
Who's "everyone else" figments of your imagination? Probably.;) So you and "everyone else" need to read my last post to see that most Christian churches don't follow the bible. So your point?:confused:
Everyone in this group is what I meant by "everyone else". How could they miss the fact that you avoided commenting on the fact that thousands of churches have and promote gambling on church grounds.

"most Christian churches don't follow the bible" you say? Who made you the Judge? I know without asking any of those other Churches that they think that your god-being and jebus both love bingo! Hell, if bingo had been around two thousand years ago, it would have been included in that comic book you call the babble.

What church do you belong to? The church of..............

Are you ashamed to tell your age? Why are you avoiding it?