Discussions about Carico's God

Scientists claim that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That makes energy eternal.
I think thats incorect,matter is eternal..energy gets disipated eventualy.
God is Spirit so he's as invisible as energy.
thats just an ASSumption, care to PROVE it?
He has to be invisible because everything seen is finite since we can see the beginning and end of everything seen. So energy and God have to be invisible to be eternal.
say what?
But we know that God exists by the affects of his presence in the world,
i.e., the existence of good and evil, love and hate, and the miracle of life itself which even scientists can't explain.
ok which gods are doing these things
We also know that energy exists by the effects that energy has in the world. So how can scientists deny the existence of God when their definition of energy is the same as the definition of God?
we can detect,measure and confirm existence of every known energy,
unlike with any of the gods!
man would have to admit he sins and most men can't admit that.

Why would anyone admit to that which they don't believe?

So they pretend there is no God erroneously believing that will make God go away. But it never does.

If you went away, so would any traces of your god. *poof*
Wow Carico. Your ignorance its truly a force to be reckoned with when coupled with your absolute certainty that you have all the answers and driven by the obvious despair that so many obviously sharp people think you are full of it.
Why not call it God? The answer is easy, because then man would have to admit he sins and most men can't admit that. So they pretend there is no God erroneously believing that will make God go away. But it never does. ;)
M*W: No, Carico, you are wrong. There is no proof of a god, but there is proof of energy, so why not stick with what is proven?

Please show us what energy has to do with "sin." Do you even know where the word "sin" comes from? There's no point in informing you, because you won't do the research to find out.

And what does man not admitting his "sins" have to do with energy?

It's not man's pretending to not have "sins," there is no proof that there is a god. You believe in this god of yours, because you have been brainwashed to believe it.

You have come to a scientific forum where we discuss religion that can be proven as scientific or at least anthropological fact. Your bible does not support ANY facts. That's all in your head.

It appears that you only came to sciforums to cram your version of christianity down our throats. I'm afraid if you continue your little game, you could get banned. So, why not just traipse your little mind on over to a christian forum where you should be most happy.
M*W: No, Carico, you are wrong. There is no proof of a god, but there is proof of energy, so why not stick with what is proven?

Energy is invisible. So how do you know that energy is not the Spirit of God? ;) Also, the life and deeds of Christ prove that God exists. And denying he wasn't witnessed or written about is not a valid refutation any more than making up your own history of what happened in Jerusalem during the time of Christ is. ;)

Again, the miracle of creation proves that God exists. A miracle is an unexplained event. And since scientists still can't explain how life got here, then it's a miracle. So again, denial isn't a valid refutation. ;)
I see the mods have a habit of deliberately misquoting people here by making up a title of a thread and putting my name to it. That's actually a form of plagiarism. That doesn't speak too well of their integrity and thus their opinions can't be considered credible. If someone has to resort to deceptive tactics to make his case, then he has no case. So the mods are actually making my case for me by showing that they can't be trusted.
I see the mods have a habit of deliberately misquoting people here by making up a title of a thread and putting my name to it. That's actually a form of plagiarism. That doesn't speak too well of their integrity and thus their opinions can't be considered credible. If someone has to resort to deceptive tactics to make his case, then he has no case. So the mods are actually making my case for me by showing that they can't be trusted.

Plagiarism is claiming something as your own work when it is not. At worst this is misquotation, if it is even that.
Plagiarism is claiming something as your own work when it is not. At worst this is misquotation, if it is even that.

I said a form of plagiarism. Deliberately misquoting someone is deliberately misrepresenting what someone said. It's actually a form of libel. So why do it except to slander someone? So again, if one has to deliberately lie about what someone else said, then he has no valid defense against what the person actually said. So whatever you call it, it's lying. But since Satan is the father of lies and also the ruler of the air, then I don't expect anyone who denies God to tell the truth, which the mods prove perfectly. ;)
I said a form of plagiarism. Deliberately misquoting someone is deliberately misrepresenting what someone said. It's actually a form of libel. So why do it except to slander someone? So again, if one has to deliberately lie about what someone else said, then he has no valid defense against what the person actually said. So whatever you call it, it's lying. But since Satan is the father of lies and also the ruler of the air, then I don't expect anyone who denies God to tell the truth, which the mods prove perfectly. ;)
M*W: Carico, you are the father of lies.
Something that can't be created or destroyed can't be created. :rolleyes: So sorry, but since human wisdom is fallible it will always backfire. ;)

The internal combustion engine is fallible but that does not mean it is guaranteed to break every single time you attempt to use it.
The internal combustion engine is fallible but that does not mean it is guaranteed to break every single time you attempt to use it.

But it will eventually break. But the truth is eternal because it holds no lie or contradictions. It therefore can never go away as Jesus tells us. That means that the Ten commandments and the rest of God's word will always be true forever. :)
But it will eventually break. But the truth is eternal because it holds no lie or contradictions. It therefore can never go away as Jesus tells us. That means that the Ten commandments and the rest of God's word will always be true forever. :)

That has nothing to do with my post at all.
I use an analogy to illustrate a point, you take the opposite of the meaning of the analogy and then go off on a tangent.
M*W: Carico, you are the father of lies.

One first has to know what the truth is before he knows what a lie is. And since you haven't walked on water or raised the dead, then you haven't shown the world that you know what the truth is. So sorry, but your opinion of me can't affect my eternal fate in the least. It will unfortunately, only affect yours.:eek:
Carico And since you haven't walked on water or raised the dead

Actually I have walked on water and know how to raised the dead. If you don't you should learn since the dead you are most likely to raise is a loved one.
Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa========If NDEs are valid, that says nothing of whether there's a god.

Many NDE experiencers report nothing about gods or religion. All the others report extremely little from the experience concerning religion & it's always related to the religion they previously believed. Buddhists saw Buddha, Moslems saw Allah, Christians saw Jesus. Many saw a bright light or something they called god or Jesus or whatever but which was not identifiable. Some return with an inexplicable urge to study science. Usually they are told by the beings there that we are here in this life to learn but are never told to learn about religion or gods.
The experiences so far indicate religion, gods & even morality to be of little or no concern in the other life or at least during the transition.

If you look at enough cases of NDEs you will see it's not about people encountering God as some separate entity as depicted in the monotheistic religions but rather that there is a part of our consciousness ,that other half of duality that we share with the structure of the physical universe that is the part that is already part of the greater whole (God). It's not about encountering a tempermental alpha male God as some religions depict God. God from what I gather by having read hundreds and hundreds of cases is more like a universal consciousness that sustains all of reality and we are all part of it.
There is actually a morality we are helf accountable to..how much love we have within us..not our belief in religous dogma.
Carico And since you haven't walked on water or raised the dead

Actually I have walked on water and know how to raised the dead. If you don't you should learn since the dead you are most likely to raise is a loved one.

I know I haven't walked on water or raised the dead which is precisely why I trust the only one who did. And it wasn't you. :D But, if you really did walk on water and raise the dead, then of course it won't be hard to believe that Jesus did either. ;)So either way, all you prove is that you have to make false statements to deny that Jesus is who he says he is. But I already knew that. ;)