Disclosure Project-For Real?

I'm at school right now and everyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm laughing my pants off at this. Croicky...

I always knew America Online was evil. But now I'm definitely sure that there is more than meets the eye with this mega media conglomerate. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find a quote of Fox Mulder's to put on my signature.
Okay, I'm gonna post that article Pollux linked to...

Demon buster

By Barry M. Horstman, Post staff reporter

Bob Larson, a self-styled ''spiritual warrior'' and veteran of hundreds of purported exorcisms, paced the stage at The Church in College Hill and prepared to again do battle with an old, familiar foe: the devil.

It wasn't going to be easy or pleasant, he warned the nearly 500 faithful in the audience - though not because of any images Hollywood may have planted in their minds. ''No heads are going to spin around, and no one's going to spit up pea soup,'' he said.

But the standing-room-only crowd saw plenty of other demonic action Wednesday night.

A 15-year-old Mason girl who said she was molested when she was 5 growled, kicked and screamed while Larson, flourishing a Bible in one hand and a microphone in the other, went toe-to-toe with a supposed demon that spoke through her in a guttural voice.

''Demon, what's your name?'' Larson snarled, inches from the contorted face of the girl, who by then was shaking violently and being restrained by a half dozen ''prayer advisers.''

''You can't make me tell you,'' the deep, raspy voice tauntingly replied.

''But God can!'' Larson roared while pointing skyward, as the crowd went wild. It would take more than an hour, but the name-that-demon battle would finally be won - with help from former Republican Cincinnati City Council Member Charlie Winburn.

Winburn, a senior elder of the College Hill church who himself conducts workshops on how to combat demons and curses, identified the strange name finally blurted out by the girl - one that seemingly confused Larson and everyone else - as Malakos, the ''ancient spirit of female sexual perversion.'' Within minutes, he also had a photocopied bio sheet on Malakos available to prove that ''demons can't trick us by speaking Greek.''

''I speak a little Greek,'' Winburn said.

Later, a middle-aged woman regressed to when she was molested at 8 by her grandfather, wailing uncontrollably as Larson exhorted her to ''go back to the pain.''

A man sobbed while seeking salvation from sexual addiction, and a woman confessed that a troubled marriage had led to a separation during which she was date-raped twice and her husband fathered a child.

Dozens of others dropped to their knees or beseechingly extended their arms in often-teary supplications for a long list of sins and pains of the soul.

''I have a message for the devil,'' Larson said amid the litany of woes. ''Satan, listen up. I've had enough of what you've done to God's people. . . Get out!''

Across the nation, Larson's demon-chasing message is an increasingly common one these days.

Whether spawned by end-of-the-world fears heightened by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, an intrigue stoked by occult films or a force attributable to other biblical or psychological sources, exorcism - the ancient ritual of casting out Satan and his demons from the souls of the possessed - is thriving in America.

''Exorcism Making a Spirited Comeback in U.S.'' said a headline in the New York Times last December. Over the past decade, the American Catholic Church has quietly doubled its number of appointed exorcists to nearly 20. Two years ago, the Chicago Archdiocese drew international head lines by confirming that, for the first time in its 160-year history, it had named a full-time exorcist to ''cleanse those afflicted by the Evil one.'' (The last official exorcism in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati occurred several decades ago, spokesman Dan Andriacco said.)

The real growth in exorcism, though, has been in charismatic and evangelical Protestantism, where Larson's Colorado-based operation today is one of hundreds of exorcism ministries, some with Ghostbusteresque names like Demon Stompers.

''Exorcism is more readily available today in the United States than perhaps ever before,'' said Fordham University sociologist Michael Cuneo, author of a new book titled ''American Exorcism.''

Larson, one of the better-known practitioniers thanks to frequent appearances on TV shows ranging from ''60 Minutes II'' to ''Oprah,'' realizes that not everyone who attends his nearly weekly rallies leaves a true believer.

The author of more than two dozen books on demons and the supernatural and the host of a weekly TV series broadcast on more than 500 stations worldwide, Larson made two appearances here this week at Winburn's invitation.

''Doubt is a challenge every minister faces,'' said Larson, whose extensive series of videotapes for sale posit, among other things, that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark and that UFOs pose a spiritual threat.

To some skeptics, it's all an act, replete with Vegas lounge showmanship and plants in the crowd.

Others, he conceded, suspect his audiences' histrionics have more to do with psychiatric problems than Satan, or reflect the theatrical excess of people genuinely suffering and desperate for any answers.

The 57-year-old Larson insists, though, his exorcisms are the ''real deal,'' and pointedly told the crowd: ''This is not Miss Cleo. This is not Jon athan Edwards crossing over.''

From the beginning of the three-hour rally, it was clear Larson had the audience with him.

No one balked when he asked them to play act as if they were getting dressed for a spiritual battlefield by donning ''the girdle of truth,'' a ''breastplate of righteousness'' and the ''helmet of salvation.''

They also responded on cue when asked to raise their Bibles as ''swords of the spirit'' and listened raptly as Larson told them what to expect.

To free people from ''the bondage'' tormenting them, Larson explained, he would have to take them back to the most horrible moments in their lives.

''I'm a little different than most preachers,'' Larson said. ''I'm here to bring out the worst in people. . . Some of you came here with ugly tonight. I don't want you to go home with ugly.''

With a stand-up's timing, he punctuated the last line by adding he wasn't talking about a woman's husband in the second row.

Within seconds of Larson urging anyone who had been privately struggling with demons to come forward, a young girl was screeching inconsolably and a woman was hunched over, choking back sobs that filled the church's large assembly hall.

Conveniently, both were seated in the front rows - at least until the girl flung herself on the floor.

One of the first to draw Larson's ministrations was Kim Centers, 38, who said that between the ages of 8 and 11, she had been molested by a now-dead grandfather who also had abused her younger sister.

Her inability to cope with the lasting shame, she said, had contributed to a failed marriage and drug usage that cost her custody of her two daughters.

After anointing the woman with oil, Larson led her through a series of self-affirmations: ''A terrible thing happened to me. My grandfather incested me. . . . It wasn't my fault. I don't have to be ashamed. . .T. I don't have to hate myself. . . . I deserve to be loved.''< p> Instructing Centers to think back to when she was 8, Larson told her to ''put that anger on me'' and talk to him as if he were her grandfather. ''Why are you doing this to me?'' Centers screamed. ''I hate you. I want you off the Earth.''

Larson responded by placing his Bible to Centers's head and sternly saying: ''Satan, you' re going to let this woman go.''

Instantly, her anguished expression was replaced with a beatific smile, drawing shouts of ''Thank you, Jesus.''

Larson then moved on to 15-year-old Jeanette, whose cries were becoming ever louder.

The girl said that she, too, had been an incest victim, as was her sister. Their mother, on stage with them, said she had been unaware of the incest, but worried that having been abused herself by lesbi ans when she was 7 perhaps had brought a curse on her family. (Winburn, saying he plans to alert authorities to the case, asked that the girl's last name not be used.)

The teen would be Larson's most spectacular struggle of the night, producing a protracted war of wills with the demon he said had gained a foothold that allowed it to manifest itself by taking over the girl's personality and voice.

Again and again, Larson demanded that the demon identify itself. ''Who are you? Answer me!'' he shouted repeatedly, only to be met most times with deep-throated growls and fierce, wild-eyed looks from the girl.

Finally, the sounds gelled into words and the dramatic scene slowly built toward a climax.

With the girl prostrate on the stage, her head dangling over the edge, Larson pleaded: ''Push him out, Jeanette! The last little bit!''

A deep, rumbling voice replied: ''I am, I am, I am - I am Malakos!'' It was left to Winburn to explain who Malakos is as the girl smiled and said she ''felt light.''

To the crowd, it was an entirely believable triumph of divine good over satanic evil.

''I'm sure it's 100 percent legitimate,'' said 19-year-old Aaron Nelson. ''Demons can have a hold on communities as well as people. He helped those people get rid of demons tonight.''

Asked whether he had ever witnessed an exorcism before, Nelson said: ''One happened here a couple of years ago, but I was out in the car and missed it.''

With the evening winding down, Winburn urged the crowd to ''make an offering for Bob'' in envelopes distributed for that purpose. As people began stuffing dollar bills and checks in the envelopes, Larson leaned over to Winburn and whispered something.

''They can take Visa,'' Winburn told the audience.

The devil never had a chance.
That is not me!

That is not me on that website! That man is just some religious nutter! I am a sane man, I used to work for the US government, and I have been involved in things you would not believe even if you saw them.

Yes, AOL is evil. Many of the larger business enterprises, particularly in various information-spreading types of business such as internet companies, are controlled by Them. They use these businesses to spread their lies and misinformation. If you look up something like "demons reality" in a search engine, most of the websites will probably say it is all lies. Ever wonder why? Because most servers and web-hosting businesses in the world ared owned, ultimately, by a very small number of businesses, which They control!

I vote we form a posse and go kick demon butt!
I only wish you were serious Adam. I fear you are firmly held in the grip of Their lies.

Oh great, another 'net prevert going on about bondage and what he is wearing.....
You can joke about it if you wish, Xev, but you are in danger, and deep inside I think you know it! Most people can feel their soul being eaten away by this disease of the world, and don't know what it is, so they feel disillusioned and uncomfortable with life in general. All you need to do is open your eyes and SEE!
Fox tell us what you've seen, exactly.

Also Adam I'm curious as to what strange things you saw in the Military (assuming you're alowed to talk about them).
Originally posted by Pollux V

Also Adam I'm curious as to what strange things you saw in the Military (assuming you're alowed to talk about them).
Never saw anything strange really. I saw flying fish sailing through Asia, they were kinda groovy.
Damn, Adam, well the least you could've done was to make something up. Oh well...
You weren't paying attention. What I said was "Never saw anything strange really." As in "What you saw was highway lights reflecting off swamp gas..." :p
"I am a sane man,"


" I used to work for the US government,"

Which agency?

"Yes, AOL is evil."

Amen to that!

"You can joke about it if you wish, Xev,"

Sorry dude, but if you go on about demonic bondage and demon pizza, expect me to joke about it.

" but you are in danger,"

Yes, I risk falling out of my chair laughing hysterically.

"and deep inside I think you know it! Most people can feel their soul being eaten away by this disease of the world,"

Owwww! That's gotta hurt!

"and don't know what it is, so they feel disillusioned and uncomfortable with life in general. All you need to do is open your eyes and SEE!"

I don't feel disillusioned or uncomfortable, Foxy.
I think that that "disease of the world" is us. Therefore, we must be the demons, and Fox is an alien trying to get us all.:D

Or maybe that feeling of being eaten from the inside is just the demon pizza that I had before bed. Never again.
oh NO, I'm missing the whole show:( That is the punishment for not being a frequent visitor to free thoughts:mad: :(

ooooo DEMON PIZZA, where can I order, sounds tasty
Demon pizza is NOT somthing to joke about!

ooooo DEMON PIZZA, where can I order, sounds tasty

Demon pizza is NOT tasty!

I think that that "disease of the world" is us. Therefore, we must be the demons, and Fox is an alien trying to get us all.

The "disease of the world" is the demons who are trying to take over the world!

Which agency?

A secret branch of the FBI, as a liason between them and the military...you see, the military was trying to contact these demons to gain their help. But demons are not to be bargained with. I saw what happened to one agent who sold his soul to these demons, but backed out on the deal.

It was very hard work saving him, but I did!

I don't feel disillusioned or uncomfortable, Foxy.

"They" are blinding you to that feeling. Xev, you don't believe in God, you said? You must feel very empty and alone. :(
Demon pizza is NOT tasty!
now I know you are joking. comon, who are you really?:confused:
A secret branch of the FBI, as a liason between them and the military...you see, the military was trying to contact these demons to gain their help. But demons are not to be bargained with. I saw what happened to one agent who sold his soul to these demons, but backed out on the deal.
no comments, only- which drug you are using?
you don't believe in God, you said? You must feel very empty and alone.
I don't know for Xev, but I feel good tht I didn't fall for that 2000 year old crap/hoax
Avatar: It's like I keep saying:

'FESS UP! Which one of us is Fox?

Polly, are you Fox? You have the interest in aliens and all.....

Anyhooo -

"Demon pizza is NOT somthing to joke about!"

Dear sweet christ, you're - you're - you're mental!

"A secret branch of the FBI, as a liason between them and the military...you see, the military was trying to contact these demons to gain their help. But demons are not to be bargained with. I saw what happened to one agent who sold his soul to these demons, but backed out on the deal."

Damn, I hate it when you buy a soul, and then it goes on sale, like, a week afterwords!

"It was very hard work saving him, but I did!"

Bully for you, FoxyNutter.

""Xev, you don't believe in God, you said?:"

Of course I don't believe in God!

What, do you?

"You must feel very empty and alone."

Well, my tummy is grumbling....:p
We swears on the precious', we swears! Nice little hobbitses...

Now can we get back to the original post? What do you think of the disclosure project? FoxMulder please be involved in the discussion only if you intend to directly comment on the disclosure project, same goes for everyone else.

P.S Damn I just keep making succesful threads, I am a god....
PolluxV is not a God! PolluxV is human!

'FESS UP! Which one of us is Fox?

I am FoxMulder! I am not PolluxV! I am FoxMulder and only FoxMulder and I am for real!

I am here to help, Xev. This is not a joke!

Bully for you, FoxyNutter.


And I always defeat demons. For God is on my side. He is my rock and my light and my strength, and he is good!

Well, my tummy is grumbling....

Answer the question, foolish one! Cthulhu cannot save you, only Jesus can!


Do not swear by Cthullu! Cthullu is a demon monster!

Now can we get back to the original post? What do you think of the disclosure project? FoxMulder please be involved in the discussion only if you intend to directly comment on the disclosure project, same goes for everyone else.

I am sorry! I will soon! I know much about these 'aliens'! They are not aliens at all!

P.S Damn I just keep making succesful threads, I am a god....

There is only one God and you are not Him!