Did We Really Go To The Moon

reflector on the moon that not news but on a moon from 6 landing we have only 3 point of located reflector , and all of them easy to fixed by drop from moon orbit by automatic spacecraft
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Lol.... ya know, I also watched a documentary accuing the 'moon trip' to be a hoax.... and they analyzed that scientifically too, and pretty understandable, trustable.

Ah well, supremacy is blinding....
:D lol. I can't see much reason to doubt it. Why would the United States try to fool the world like that? By the way, did you see the solar eclipse in 1999? Big stuff! :eek:
That clip is too funny to be true :p
If they really made some mistakes while filming I doubt it would have been funny :p
did you see the solar eclipse in 1999
not , but from age 12 up to 18 i had a hobby astronomy and had 4 telescope which i bought or made by self also made by self a flyin rocket (modelism) even based on liquid fuel ,so i can have my self point of view , i hear about that hoax more 3 year ago but i neva take it i think all of that just some yellow press ,but 3 day ago i try to learn more like technician and like photographer, and i tellin ya i think most suspicious fakt is truth , well i know how diff to take that lie , any way look hera i found it just half hour ago http://www.moonmovie.com/moonmovie/ maybe it comin good
Why would the United States try to fool the world like that?
i m sorry but the matter of fakt us goverment use aggressive interior and exterior politics and as we well know all politician is a lier ,cause needed always cover a dirty deal/ dirty money ,,maybe u knows that the 11 astronauts candidates to apollo crew is dead in different accident like car or airplane accident just within 1967 year ? do u know that ? if u want i give u all names , but that a not a news and that not directly matter about apollo moon program if we tryin to stay away from stupid conspirasy and use only neutral objective position
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Tyltyl said:
That clip is too funny to be true :p
If they really made some mistakes while filming I doubt it would have been funny :p
next time i give u link with my comment about funny staff in movie clip from nasa.gov )) and u will got some real fun ))
I dont understand how people could believe we didnt. The simple fact is that it would be more expensive, more time intensive, and 10x harder to pull of a hoax than to just go! And thats a simple, logical fact.

Why is it that we can see EarthRise on moon , when fact is that from moon earth should always be seen fixed in the sky ?
hmmm, moon landing huh? science? lol

well,im new to this and lately the theorists have been at it again.
i have my beliefs like anyone and each time i see the discovery channel have a show and some ass scientists teaching as fact that the negro race are direct from apes is so funny that i just laugh.
science has always taught this stuff and any normal person with common horse sense would know this is impossible.
im 26 and havent argued with a teacher in a long time but what they taught as theory they are now pumping into young college kids as truth and its all hogwash.
once i asked what motivated that monkey to stand up straight and decide it wanted to walk out away from its clan and grown a brain and as well asked the asshole was it a female that went with him or her or what? he said that didnt matter.
i laughed and i had him so confused he actually got tears but he held his water pretty well.
i asked him if he felt all this and i point at a beautiful girl and a tree outside came from a single celled thing? he said yes. i asked if he believed in miracles. he said no. i said if we indeed came from monkeys then sir that is a miracle and i suspect it will rain rolex watches at any second. its more likely it is now raining vws than we came from single celled things. let me look outside. nope , so im right and lard head is wrong.
i partly jest at what im writing. but when science takes a complex puzzle and cuts the pieces the way it wants rather than the way it is then how can any of us belive science. in the past science dealt with one and one is two. now they deal with theory as fact and it will never be fact. lucy is traveling teh world again and being the missing link. so few scientists believe she is a humanoid that it is useless. one man asked why does lucy's arms drag teh ground and appear like a money. cause lucy be a monkey!
anyway , i have my doubts that we went to the moon really but i always say we did if its brought up.
lastly, how is it possible that all this around us was made and put into delicate balance by accident? if God didnt do this , then how? science now says there was never a time that the elements were not present. back to making the pieces fit. this just doesnt make sense. where did all this come from?did it have a brain and mind of its own? or is it just easier to say it was always here?
its impossible that all this was possible always. there had to be a start to the elements. all things have a start.

Why is it that we can see EarthRise on moon , when fact is that from moon earth should always be seen fixed in the sky ?

Who said that the Earth is rising from the moon's horizon? All you show is an image from the ground on the Moon. All the "Earthrises" I have seen involve someone orbiting the moon. Have you ever seen Apollo 13 when they orbit the Moon? That's an Earthrise.