Did We Really Go To The Moon

the moon turns around the earth when there is a full moon then the moon is behind the earth relative to the sun, it's surface is completley lit up but from the moon surface we can only see the part of earth that's not light up by the sun, so the earth would apear pitch black.
If you turn the situation around during new moon the surface of the earth is going to be completley lit, you would however still see the earth rotate so it wouldn't look static like the moon.

This only aplies offcourse to the side that's visible from earth the fare side never sees the earth.
offcourse no human being has set a foot on the moon no body is that stupid. They did however planted their boots on the moon plenty of times.

However They (meaning NASA) where that stupid to send only a single man to the moon ever. All those people like neil armstrong, aldrin didn't count they mind of well send a goat up there Harrison smith was the only person that was actual a person qualified to be send to the moon (btw he had to stay up in the module around the moon so he didn't even landed).
that was because he was a geologist therefore he was qualified to be send to a body of geological interests. The rest no offens to them and there relatives they where highly trained and where smart people, but in the end they were nothing more then test pilots.

2 different sorts of lunar rovers where active on the lunar surface. (Not counting the lunar buggy that moved astronauts)
1. It costs a lot.
2. There is nothing there.
3. It costs a lot.
4. There is nothing there.
5. Mars is far more interesting, and there isn't much on Mars either. There is a rover though.
6. It costs a lot.
7. There is nothing there.
8. I'd like to think you've got the point by this time, but this thread will be back next year, right on cue.
would you dare to say that in the face of the original architect of the saturn 5

Ladies and getlemen the man who brought you the moon (PS it's the guy who's obscured by Himmler)
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my point was that costs and benefit, are inportant factors wether to continue a project like revisiting the moon and It was meant to show that there should also be ethic reasons against speeding up a moon and mars race. Personally I think that they 've sended the wrong people up during the original missions. That together with the cold war space race with the ID of to the moon and back again.
It makes me somehow agree with the threath quistion of: Did We Really Go To The Moon.
Aftherall yes the went up there and brought a couple of rocks back. But those people where test pilotes the moment they landed on the moon they've left all there engineering and pilot degrees home and where forced to play improvised geologist, proberly no better then you and me if we had like a 2 years minor course in geology.
Besides yust scooping up rocks... it could have been done for a tenth of the price by a sample return mission.
i wonder why they are scared to send a remote controlled Rover on moon

As Orcot pointed out (with his lovely picture of Lunokhod~1), it's been done, so I've no idea where you get this silly notion that somebody is 'scared' to do it?

Perhaps you should read more, and post less, about the Moon?
As Orcot pointed out (with his lovely picture of Lunokhod~1), it's been done, so I've no idea where you get this silly notion that somebody is 'scared' to do it?

Perhaps you should read more, and post less, about the Moon?

Its amazing that they send rovers again and again to Mars so far away.

But if they send one the moon, i am sure the new generation scientist will rove it towards the Lunar maned landings sites,

Its amazing that they send rovers again and again to Mars so far away.

But if they send one the moon, i am sure the new generation scientist will rove it towards the Lunar maned landings sites,


But what is the point?? Other than to show a bunch of morons that we stepped there( These brain surgeons will only dismiss it as staged once again anyway:rolleyes: )