Did We Really Go To The Moon


Registered Member
I am just curious, i wish to hear a few diffent opinions... I am a new user so i do not know if there are any different threads about the U.S. or any country going to the moon... Thanx!
Offcourse we did....

When you don't believe it, you can't believe anything what we've done like putting pathfinder on Mars etc.

Then you can't trust any scientific fact or calculation, then you have to check all scientific facts yourself...

neeeh:) I would say good luck, but you better believe the scientists.

The Fox network started this crap and still it goes on. If I could I'd sentence Fox to have to develope a craft capable of landing on the moon to prove their claims.

Yes, we went to the moon. I stood in the school yard and watched a rocket go up at the time we were to launch the moon shot. If we didn't send men to the moon then we wasted a lot of money on something. Another thing, we were in a race with Russia to put a man on the moon. And we were losing. If Russia had found one thing that didn't sound, look, and feel right they'd have blown the whisle in a heart beat. But everything was in film and could be readliy seen to be what it was.

Fox knows that anything that smells or sniffs like coverup is fodder for the public. They love it and can't get enough of it. And what really disturbs is that it is accepted without so much of a "Do you think this could be"? And off they go, those who watched such drivel, ready to fight the world over the teasured idea that the government lied again (with NASA as their cats paw). Fox has really took advantage of the fact that there is a whole new generation out there for who the moon shot is something that they only know from film. They didn't live through it so it isn't as real to them. I did. I had kin that worked at the cape. I couldn't get enough of it as a boy. It captured the imagination. (And still does).
Sometimes I wish we hadn't gone to the moon. It sure would lend a little mystery to the world again.
That flaoting, dead rock might not seem so dead after all. Of colurse i think they made it, but damn if that wouldn't just be juicy.
Lights camera action, film is rolling, neal armstrong (or a stunt double) getting tangling in the invisible wires, screaming about the size of his trailer and generrally just a movie start.
Cool .
I dont think we did go, the government has lied to us before (JFK, Roswell, countless UFO sightings, etc ....) and they will lie again.

They will never let us know the truth, it would cause panic and the government would fall.
I dont think we did go, the government has lied to us before (JFK, Roswell, countless UFO sightings, etc ....) and they will lie again.

Not true.
There is no evidence that the government lies to us.

The Roswell incident was just a weather-balloon from the top-secret operation Molug, to spy on russian nuclear weapons.
But noone wants to believe that because it's to exiting that aliens came to earth.
And area 51 is just a secret section, what's wrong with that, do you want any other country to have the same weapons as the USA???

And why does the government lie about JFK, and about the other UFO's, it are just stories made up by people who want attention.
I understand a lot of reporting are false. Hoaxes made up by people who wan attention.

I do believe the US government lies to us.

JFK: How do you think the people of this country would feel if they knew that their own government plotted to have their own president assassinated?

Roswell and UFO: If people seriously believed that aliens have come to this planet many times and they are watching us. It would cause mass-hysteria.

They lie to the public for their own good.

Remember they control the evidence.
My first serious book on Astronomy was Carl Sagan's Cosmos, after avidly following the series for months on TV. Here is his actual quote regarding "star stuff and us":

"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring." Dr Carl Sagan (RIP).

Carl is now star stuff - and, I suspect, travelling the cosmos right now.......
yes we went to the moon i was a small lad in grade school when they televise the apollo moon shots. and i cryed when the 3 astronaults died on the launch pad. i think man as a whole on this planet need to look up to the stars and explore what is out there its in our very beings to expand to new frontiers and to explore where none as gone before.i still got the plastic model of the atlas booster and lunar module i built when i was 9 back in 1970 for christmas. And i know in my heart that man is not alone in this vast universe and we be fools to think otherwise
People would panic and the government would fall:

Let's see -

Our planet pumps millions of tons of toxins into the air and limited supply of fresh water every day - no panic

Small children die daily from hunger, disease and neglet around the world - no panic

Those who work hard to get ahead and acheive in life are overtaxed around the world by politicians who squander the majority of the money on 1) social programs for the needy which do nothing to improve the potential of the needy but ensure their own re-elections, and 2) massive weapons programs which improves the lot of nobody - no panic

The X-Files likley won't make it another season past 2002 - no panic

Given the above, I'm hard pressed to see why the revelation that UFO's are indeed aliens, if there are glass structures on the Moon or if the face in the Cydonia region of Mars is proven artificial, why this should engender panic in the general populace.
That's why we are the "hill-billies" of the universe. It's not our fault though. Take a plant for example, if you give it light 24/7 vs 8/7 (hours/days), does it not flourish more rapidly?

What if mankind evolved in a 24/7 environment, would we not be further advanced? We would have been debating this stuff we do today many thousands of years ago.

Other civilizations in the universe have been blessed with such an environment and I believe they have this shit down-pat.

We will find the answers at an astonishing rate.

it does not matter if we actualy landed on the moon

all what matters is that we got the technology to do it.
the power to compute what it takes to get there.
and if we want to we can go there again(or for the 1st time)
Offcourse it matters...

Else we have to doubt at all the scientific facts we concluded out of our moon-visit.
Then we never have enquired a moon-rock etc.
And when they lied to us, I think that's really a big deal.

So, it matters.
when i think about if the goverment lies to us it think of one simple saying:::::::

The Person Is Smart, People are Stupid :eek:

Originally posted by Tristan
when i think about if the goverment lies to us it think of one simple saying:::::::

The Person Is Smart, People are Stupid :eek:
Hay 'Tristan', I would have to say that picture was realy neat!:D I realy liked that!
You guys are not making sense with all this debating. We will all know the truth when Japen launches the space probe to the moon. Am I right?
Welcome to the forums,Shinigami.

I do indeed hope that Japan pushes ahead with their plans. Perhaps that is what is necessary to awaken the sleeping giant.

As far as if we went to the moon, for those of us who lived through it, it is very real. For this generation it is something to speculate on as they only have films to look it. Hollywood assures us that you can not believe all you see in film. I hope the shock of seeing the remains of the mission left there will not disappoint to many.
As long as Japan don't (1) Claim it as theirs and (2) build a Honda Plant there! Will they change their flag to the Land of the Rising Earth?:D