Did Tesla Create UFOs?

Jozen-Bo, you are funny :D Where do you come from??

The same place we all come from I suppose. All of this started out somewhere as a singularity that we can never find, yet evidence points to it. Then again, I could answer this question in so many different ways. It is not so easy to answer as it appears. Where was I before I was conceived into this world? The potential of my existence must have been there all along, or else it would never manifest into what I am now. Though was I merely a potential then? Possibly on some other world in a body type, or drifting as a spirit? Not even there? What if all of these things could be correct at the same time?

To cut myself off, the topic it Tesla making UFO's. I noted that I was able to conduct an energy in my mind that allowed me to experience the sensation of jumping into a parallel versing of this world, almost exactly the same. A very interest part of this I noted when returning to this Universe was the amount of electricity blasting actively through the brain, though the consciousness of the mind itself was displaced in another parallel.

Considering this topic overlaps into electricity and electro magnetic fields (which would have been a likely choice to fly objects), my awareness shifts into seeing the incredibly complex waves pulsating through the human brain itself, what a lovely instrument to see. How these waves form themselves when thinking or feeling emotional states while translating and superimposing their signatures into the matter that conducts them, this I find interesting. Giving the waves ability to be controlled; manipulated by our ability to steer these thoughts, the potentials that the shape sequences of mind can quickly go through, indicates there a functions of such a vast range to explore that it is safe to say we barely understand the full scope of possibilities.

No other machine can crush and stamp energy patterns and imaging faster into such intricate shapes and formations. As I scour my memory for these shapes I felt before the jumping, they where focused at the cortex center just behind the central ventricle chambers.

There was a lecture at a University regarding the strong possibility that electrons travel through parallels. I will have to see if I can dig up the details. It was interesting to listen to, and seems to make more sense out of what happened to myself when I fit it in the puzzle.

I wonder if Tesla ever considered using the electricity already in our brains to conduct advanced functions by navigating the energy shapes. As mechanisms, they certainly offer a lot of avenues, one simply needs to start looking in the right direction perhaps to find them.

I think Tesla would have gotten a kick out of the my research...:)
Though was I merely a potential then? Possibly on some other world in a body type, or drifting as a spirit? Not even there? What if all of these things could be correct at the same time?

I realised this weekend that it's actually worse than I'd originally stated.
You may not have to wait for kinetic heating to destroy the particles: it's a little-known fact that metal in very small particles self-ignites due to oxidisation.
Once the surface area to volume ratio reaches a certain figure the metal rusts so fast that it actually catches fire: powdered lead, believe it or not, is a very effective incendiary.

I was going to mention this, 'cos I once saw a really cool demonstration in my chemistry class. My teacher had prepared a very fine powder, which he simply sprinkled in the air, and it caught fire, but I couldn't remember which metal it was, and my Google-Fu failed to find it out.

Here however is a story about some cannonballs recovered by divers, which explains the effect nicely;


Scroll down to "Old Balls Still Scorch - Pores Made Shipwrecked Cannon Balls Glow Spontaneously."
but I couldn't remember which metal it was, and my Google-Fu failed to find it out.
It could be practically any metal - even aluminium oxidises.
Get the particles small enough and Woomph! instant barbecue.
I have reached a difficult, nonetheless real conundrum, in the short time that I have been looking into this Tesla death ray business.

There is a HUGE difference in what people report as being Tesla's final invention or proposed invention. The metal particles avenue is definitely one. But there is also the laser, magnetic, AND the high frequency matching devices that he was working on.

The truth (as far as I have been able to discern) is that Tesla was working on inventions of this nature for the last 40 years of his life. They evolved as his understanding of transmittable & high frequency energies evolved.

The truth is that Tesla REALLY pissed off JP Morgan and his associates. He was supposed to be working on an invention to specifically transmit radio signals to large ships at sea. In reality Tesla took the 100,000 clams that Morgan gave him for this exclusive purpose and used it on his wireless electricity idea which was in fact tied into the perfecting of the death ray invention.

The conundrum I have reached revolves around the fact that the device that we both agree (I agree thanks to you specifically) that the idea of sprayed tiny metal objects would self incinerate over such a distance. No question. Thing is, I don't believe this is what he was pedaling whatsoever when it came to what he was actually attempting to sell for 20 million dollars toward the end of his days. No way.

I mean, why would he? This guy was a phenomenal genius. He would have known what you are making clear here in a New York second. He gave us AC for God's sake. He created and engineered the first hydro electric facility at Niagara Falls. Edison despised him (and most likely caused him irreparable damages) because he solved problems constantly that he himself could not fathom.

There is no question that Tesla was eccentric to a degree that rendered him socially awkward and excessively reclusive. That don't mean a thing in the face of all the man gave us. Tesla PROVED to be far and away ahead of his time so to speak and science as a whole hated him for that because he was well beyond relating to at that time. The sad thing is that we will never know just how much spin the government put on his specific efforts because of national security issues.

Tesla was NEVER a quack or the kook that people sometimes make him out to be. He was just WAY too ingenious for his own good and as a result, he pissed off the wrong people. The industry giants of that time. The most powerful publicly recognized people wanted him wiped off the face of the planet for the last 50 years of his life. He threatened them directly because he had no mind for capitalism and as a result his personal history was squashed like an insect and marred like a heretic that crossed the church. So sad, but so true.
The same place we all come from I suppose. All of this started out somewhere as a singularity that we can never find, yet evidence points to it. Then again, I could answer this question in so many different ways. It is not so easy to answer as it appears. Where was I before I was conceived into this world? The potential of my existence must have been there all along, or else it would never manifest into what I am now. Though was I merely a potential then? Possibly on some other world in a body type, or drifting as a spirit? Not even there? What if all of these things could be correct at the same time?

To cut myself off, the topic it Tesla making UFO's. I noted that I was able to conduct an energy in my mind that allowed me to experience the sensation of jumping into a parallel versing of this world, almost exactly the same. A very interest part of this I noted when returning to this Universe was the amount of electricity blasting actively through the brain, though the consciousness of the mind itself was displaced in another parallel.

Considering this topic overlaps into electricity and electro magnetic fields (which would have been a likely choice to fly objects), my awareness shifts into seeing the incredibly complex waves pulsating through the human brain itself, what a lovely instrument to see. How these waves form themselves when thinking or feeling emotional states while translating and superimposing their signatures into the matter that conducts them, this I find interesting. Giving the waves ability to be controlled; manipulated by our ability to steer these thoughts, the potentials that the shape sequences of mind can quickly go through, indicates there a functions of such a vast range to explore that it is safe to say we barely understand the full scope of possibilities.

No other machine can crush and stamp energy patterns and imaging faster into such intricate shapes and formations. As I scour my memory for these shapes I felt before the jumping, they where focused at the cortex center just behind the central ventricle chambers.

There was a lecture at a University regarding the strong possibility that electrons travel through parallels. I will have to see if I can dig up the details. It was interesting to listen to, and seems to make more sense out of what happened to myself when I fit it in the puzzle.

I wonder if Tesla ever considered using the electricity already in our brains to conduct advanced functions by navigating the energy shapes. As mechanisms, they certainly offer a lot of avenues, one simply needs to start looking in the right direction perhaps to find them.

I think Tesla would have gotten a kick out of the my research...:)

I think you would've sent his head spinning.