Did Tesla Create UFOs?

According to him, at the age of four or so he discovered a "nazi spy" radio and upon reporting it was allowed to keep it...
Um, really?

Ah, I bet if anything like that actually took place they were just saying 'yes, well done little man' and laughing to themselves about the innocuous item he'd found as they made their way back to base.

It was probably just a bail of wire in a old crate or something.
I bolded the portion of your quote above to affirm my agreement with the obvious, however I think pretty much everything else in your post is hearsay or basically an interpretive analysis of second hand information at best. There is no question that Tesla was eccentric and somewhat disturbed, but I sure as hell don't believe the government seized his papers because of a heart felt need to protect anyone from their carelessness. That's silly.

Your neglecting that not everyone understood his work and therefore feared it.
As of 1999/2000:

2 days after Tesla died the government officially appointed a specific FBI task force to secure Tesla's belongings. This was in response to what his nephew publicly reported 1 day after his uncle's death having just found out about the fact. To give you an idea of how vitally important Tesla himself was considered by the "powers beyond", his nephew Sava Kosanovic rushed to his room the morning after his death. He reported that not only was Tesla's body already gone (!?) but his papers were partially missing as well as his personal notebook with his most important latest findings & research which Tesla kept regularly and had for quite some time. The events relating to the death of Tesla are indeed very suspicious. The PBS documentary makes clear reference to a car accident. Other reports indicate he died of a heart attack in his hotel room with no reference to a car accident whatsoever. Maybe he got hit by a car and then later died of heart attack. I don't know. The motivating reason for all the potential secrecy concerning Tesla's papers and his demise was Tesla's "Death Ray or Beam" which was a particle beam weapon of great interest to the US government. Tesla literally had an appointment at the Pentagon to discuss and subsequently pedal the device at the time of his death. His papers were all initially microfilmed and studied in overview by an electrical engineer with the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. After 3 days it was "officially" determined that the papers were of little interest. That's precisely why they remained completely classified and hidden from the public for the next several years! Right after WW2 there was a renewed interest in particle beam weaponry and all the papers containing references and R&D themselves were sent to Wright-Patterson to a specific top secret section apart from any other research dept. This being for further analysis that lasted officially for several years after which time it supposedly was discontinued. It is a known fact that something incredibly suspect happened at this time however. That being that the copies from the original particle beam papers that were sent to Wright-Patterson disappeared without a trace and no, they were never officially destroyed. After which, in 1952, in cooperation with Tesla's nephew Sava Kosanovic who had been actively pursuing his uncles effects and papers, the REMAINDER of his estate was given over to Belgrade, Yugoslavia where all his personal belongings remain to this day on exhibit. During the cold war years there was zero public access to this museum exhibit by anyone other than the European countries in the surrounding area.

There is so much espionage BS that happened during this time that no one is publicly certain whether the Russians actually started Particle Beam research first via leaked information, or whether the US did via Tesla's papers themselves. Tesla's nephew was connected to the Communist party so that's specifically where the spin was linked, but it is suspected that this is just more politically based cover up to dodge the USA's theft of Tesla's papers and subsequent research.

The thing is, we will NEVER unquestionably know how much of Tesla's research has never been disclosed to the public. Because of the SDI HARP project that references Tesla's research in detail, much of those original papers and subsequent research and invention remain classified.

This was as of the year 2000. I will be able to comment further soon when I acquire newer research materials.
Your neglecting that not everyone understood his work and therefore feared it.

I should have been clearer. I just mean that I don't believe that the classification and secrecy involving Tesla's papers had anything to do with "protecting anyone from themselves". I believe that albeit a few, they well understood the potential of Tesla's work and were making certain no other government agencies got a hold of it.
As of 1999/2000:

2 days after Tesla died the government officially appointed a specific FBI task force to secure Tesla's belongings. This was in response to what his nephew publicly reported 1 day after his uncle's death having just found out about the fact. To give you an idea of how vitally important Tesla himself was considered by the "powers beyond", his nephew Sava Kosanovic rushed to his room the morning after his death. He reported that not only was Tesla's body already gone (!?) but his papers were partially missing as well as his personal notebook with his most important latest findings & research which Tesla kept regularly and had for quite some time. The events relating to the death of Tesla are indeed very suspicious. The PBS documentary makes clear reference to a car accident. Other reports indicate he died of a heart attack in his hotel room with no reference to a car accident whatsoever. Maybe he got hit by a car and then later died of heart attack. I don't know. The motivating reason for all the potential secrecy concerning Tesla's papers and his demise was Tesla's "Death Ray or Beam" which was a particle beam weapon of great interest to the US government. Tesla literally had an appointment at the Pentagon to discuss and subsequently pedal the device at the time of his death. His papers were all initially microfilmed and studied in overview by an electrical engineer with the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. After 3 days it was "officially" determined that the papers were of little interest. That's precisely why they remained completely classified and hidden from the public for the next several years! Right after WW2 there was a renewed interest in particle beam weaponry and all the papers containing references and R&D themselves were sent to Wright-Patterson to a specific top secret section apart from any other research dept. This being for further analysis that lasted officially for several years after which time it supposedly was discontinued. It is a known fact that something incredibly suspect happened at this time however. That being that the copies from the original particle beam papers that were sent to Wright-Patterson disappeared without a trace and no, they were never officially destroyed. After which, in 1952, in cooperation with Tesla's nephew Sava Kosanovic who had been actively pursuing his uncles effects and papers, the REMAINDER of his estate was given over to Belgrade, Yugoslavia where all his personal belongings remain to this day on exhibit. During the cold war years there was zero public access to this museum exhibit by anyone other than the European countries in the surrounding area.

There is so much espionage BS that happened during this time that no one is publicly certain whether the Russians actually started Particle Beam research first via leaked information, or whether the US did via Tesla's papers themselves. Tesla's nephew was connected to the Communist party so that's specifically where the spin was linked, but it is suspected that this is just more politically based cover up to dodge the USA's theft of Tesla's papers and subsequent research.

The thing is, we will NEVER unquestionably know how much of Tesla's research has never been disclosed to the public. Because of the SDI HARP project that references Tesla's research in detail, much of those original papers and subsequent research and invention remain classified.

This was as of the year 2000. I will be able to comment further soon when I acquire newer research materials.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. All I see here are a bunch of worthless claims unless you can come up with something to substantiate them...
This is a great place to start. Good Luck!


Yes, that's a good reliable source (in my opinion) but nowhere does it mention the specific part of your claim that I was concerned about. This:

"The thing is, we will NEVER unquestionably know how much of Tesla's research has never been disclosed to the public. Because of the SDI HARP project that references Tesla's research in detail, much of those original papers and subsequent research and invention remain classified. "

Because neither HARP nor H.A.A.R.P - which is probably what you really meant - has nothing at all to do with Regan's SDI. There was never a connection between either of them and any part of SDI. That's nothing more than your over-active imagination at work.

There has also been PLENTY of high-frequency research done in the decades following Tesla's death and there was no reason to fall back on his efforts which were simply crude compared to what had been developed independently of his early efforts. And I worked with some of it myself, personally.
Yes, that's a good reliable source (in my opinion) but nowhere does it mention the specific part of your claim that I was concerned about. This:

"The thing is, we will NEVER unquestionably know how much of Tesla's research has never been disclosed to the public. Because of the SDI HARP project that references Tesla's research in detail, much of those original papers and subsequent research and invention remain classified. "

Because neither HARP nor H.A.A.R.P - which is probably what you really meant - has nothing at all to do with Regan's SDI. There was never a connection between either of them and any part of SDI. That's nothing more than your over-active imagination at work.

There has also been PLENTY of high-frequency research done in the decades following Tesla's death and there was no reason to fall back on his efforts which were simply crude compared to what had been developed independently of his early efforts. And I worked with some of it myself, personally.

I ask you this Read-Only: How could we possibly know? The papers were completely withheld from anyone other than the agencies they were in possession of for 9 years! Who is to say that some papers were not withheld permanently? I must have gotten it wrong when watching the documentary. The had a key person on/in the documentary that is involved in the haarp project. The project is very classified so the man could not say that much other than to state emphatically that several agencies around the globe were working to bring the particle beam technology up to weapons grade. Does Haarp have nothing to do with the particle beam? That is SDI reference I was making. The HARP as opposed to HAARP was just a dumb mistake. I don't mind being wrong when I am attempting to be correct. How else can you learn?
I ask you this Read-Only: How could we possibly know? The papers were completely withheld from anyone other than the agencies they were in possession of for 9 years! Who is to say that some papers were not withheld permanently? I must have gotten it wrong when watching the documentary. The had a key person on/in the documentary that is involved in the haarp project. The project is very classified so the man could not say that much other than to state emphatically that several agencies around the globe were working to bring the particle beam technology up to weapons grade. Does Haarp have nothing to do with the particle beam? That is SDI reference I was making. The HARP as opposed to HAARP was just a dumb mistake. I don't mind being wrong when I am attempting to be correct. How else can you learn?

I can overlook a mistake like that, no problem.

And no, HAARP has nothing at all to do with particle beams. It's strictly HF electronics (and really not that HIGH, either) - no particles in anything like that. If you'll do just a bit of serious research on HAARP you'll find that it's not as classified as you think. In fact, there's a TON of info on it right here: read and learn.;)
The motivating reason for all the potential secrecy concerning Tesla's papers and his demise was Tesla's "Death Ray or Beam" which was a particle beam weapon of great interest to the US government.
Except that, according to Tesla's own papers the "particles" were particles of metal - i.e. they may as well have been bullets, they certainly weren't sub-atomic particles.
In other words Tesla's vaunted "particle beam weapon" was NOT what is genearlly accepted to be a particle weapon these days.
Except that, according to Tesla's own papers the "particles" were particles of metal - i.e. they may as well have been bullets, they certainly weren't sub-atomic particles.
In other words Tesla's vaunted "particle beam weapon" was NOT what is genearlly accepted to be a particle weapon these days.

OK, I have decided to get "real" and not avoid anything or anyone in my pursuit of the truth concerning occult sciences. I was insanely busy over the weekend and didn't get half of what I wanted to get done, done. (boo frickin' hoo) I did rewatch the PBS video documentary section on H.A.A.R.P. and according to one of the key developers, Tesla's work is referenced as being key in it's development. Even more so via the SDI/BMDO and Star Wars. I am reading and studying several other sources of information however and as I stated, I just didn't get nearly enough accomplished over the weekend to make an intelligent assessment. So in retrospect I am not contending anything officially at this point.

Now, Oli, are you saying that Tesla's "Death Ray" was basically akin to a "shotgun blast"???? Or are you referring to much smaller particles?
Once again ,you are simply deluded. DC and DC motors were in existance and in use (and DC is electricity, too) long before Tesla ever got involved with it. As I said earlier, Tesla gave us AC and many very other fine advancements - but he was FAR from the first that figured out how to "harvest" (as you crudely put it) electricity. Edison was producing and shiping DC around before he ever hired Tesla.

OK...then who gave us DC! I don't trust you further then I can spit...so please provide a few good links (I also wouldn't trust a single link from you...will need a few...). Your negativity makes you shifty and harder to trust.

No, it's not off the topic - which is YOU! You mangle facts with fiction and just make up things as you go - and refuse to stand up like a real man when your nonsense is directly challenged. And that's the mark of a child and a very small, inadequate mind.

I would bet money I would whip your ass all over and again...heck...I bet we could multiply you by 10 and I would still whip up. This is not threat...I am simply saying I would bet on myself giving that opportunity to. Since I don't normally go seeking physical fights, the chances are that this will never happen. Still, you are unusually insulting and snotty. What is your problem anyways, way are you so worked up? You could express yourself without resorting to becoming a total jack-ass you know, I recommend giving it a try.

I am here standing up...like a real man...perhaps you are simply projecting your own inner insecurities? OK...maybe I learned wrong (I think it was in school...?) regarding Tesla and electricity, though I do recall learning that he developed the means to harness electricity. If not, then who?

As to your rating my mind...this is very despicable and lowly of you to do. Since you feel that it is your duty to make an ass of yourself on the internet by telling people they are stupid like a parrot or a broken record, then perhaps you will "stand up like a man" and show your formal authorization to judge and rate the minds of others, their mental conditions, and their level of intelligence? Let's see that degree of yours stating your invested authority to rate and judge the soundness of other peoples mind! If you can't provide this...then why not *bleep* off (pardon me...stop with it)?
Last edited:
As of 1999/2000:

2 days after Tesla died the government officially appointed a specific FBI task force to secure Tesla's belongings. This was in response to what his nephew publicly reported 1 day after his uncle's death having just found out about the fact. To give you an idea of how vitally important Tesla himself was considered by the "powers beyond", his nephew Sava Kosanovic rushed to his room the morning after his death.

He reported that not only was Tesla's body already gone (!?) but his papers were partially missing as well as his personal notebook with his most important latest findings & research which Tesla kept regularly and had for quite some time. The events relating to the death of Tesla are indeed very suspicious. The PBS documentary makes clear reference to a car accident. Other reports indicate he died of a heart attack in his hotel room with no reference to a car accident whatsoever. Maybe he got hit by a car and then later died of heart attack. I don't know.

The motivating reason for all the potential secrecy concerning Tesla's papers and his demise was Tesla's "Death Ray or Beam" which was a particle beam weapon of great interest to the US government. Tesla literally had an appointment at the Pentagon to discuss and subsequently pedal the device at the time of his death.

His papers were all initially microfilmed and studied in overview by an electrical engineer with the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. After 3 days it was "officially" determined that the papers were of little interest. That's precisely why they remained completely classified and hidden from the public for the next several years!

Right after WW2 there was a renewed interest in particle beam weaponry and all the papers containing references and R&D themselves were sent to Wright-Patterson to a specific top secret section apart from any other research dept.

This being for further analysis that lasted officially for several years after which time it supposedly was discontinued. It is a known fact that something incredibly suspect happened at this time however. That being that the copies from the original particle beam papers that were sent to Wright-Patterson disappeared without a trace and no, they were never officially destroyed.

After which, in 1952, in cooperation with Tesla's nephew Sava Kosanovic who had been actively pursuing his uncles effects and papers, the REMAINDER of his estate was given over to Belgrade, Yugoslavia where all his personal belongings remain to this day on exhibit. During the cold war years there was zero public access to this museum exhibit by anyone other than the European countries in the surrounding area.

There is so much espionage BS that happened during this time that no one is publicly certain whether the Russians actually started Particle Beam research first via leaked information, or whether the US did via Tesla's papers themselves. Tesla's nephew was connected to the Communist party so that's specifically where the spin was linked, but it is suspected that this is just more politically based cover up to dodge the USA's theft of Tesla's papers and subsequent research.

The thing is, we will NEVER unquestionably know how much of Tesla's research has never been disclosed to the public. Because of the SDI HARP project that references Tesla's research in detail, much of those original papers and subsequent research and invention remain classified.

This was as of the year 2000. I will be able to comment further soon when I acquire newer research materials.

I broke up your monster paragraph there so it would be more fun to read...now I will read it! (Note: I have worked hard to break this habit myself of making huge paragraphs, I find that I avoid reading them when I see them and, thus, assume others do to- so I try to keep them smaller and more compact)

Awesome topic, by the way!
OK...then who gave us DC! I don't trust you further then I can spit...so please provide a few good links (I also wouldn't trust a single link from you...will need a few...). Your negativity makes you shifty and harder to trust.

I'll provide you with exactly nothing.I'm not here to teach you the very basics of the history of electricity, dummy. You should have learned that very simple stuff in school. What happened - sleep all the way through OR didn't even finish as all???

I'll give you one big hint - Edison was already shipping DC around town (as I already told you earlier!) and he wasn't alone. Since you don't trust me (and I don't care one way or the other), just try searching for "History of Electricity." You'll learn LOTS!!!!!

I would bet money I would whip your ass all over and again...heck...I bet we could multiply you by 10 and I would still whip up. This is not threat...I am simply saying I would bet on myself giving that opportunity to. Since I don't normally go seeking physical fights, the chances are that this will never happen. Still, you are unusually insulting and snotty. What is your problem anyways, way are you so worked up? You could express yourself without resorting to becoming a total jack-ass you know, I recommend giving it a try.

I am here standing up...like a real man...perhaps you are simply projecting your own inner insecurities? OK...maybe I learned wrong (I think it was in school...?) regarding Tesla and electricity, though I do recall learning that he developed the means to harness electricity. If not, then who?

As to your rating my mind...this is very despicable and lowly of you to do. Since you feel that it is your duty to make an ass of yourself on the internet by telling people they are stupid like a parrot or a broken record, then perhaps you will "stand up like a man" and show your formal authorization to judge and rate the minds of others, their mental conditions, and their level of intelligence? Let's see that degree of yours stating your invested authority to rate and judge the soundness of other peoples mind! If you can't provide this...then why not *bleep* off (pardon me...stop with it)?

Yeah, yeah - right. Just more of your bigmouthed empty physical threats. How utterly childish!!!!:bugeye: And your level of intelligence, bad as it is, is quite evident to EVERYONE here - not just me.
I'll provide you with exactly nothing.I'm not here to teach you the very basics of the history of electricity, dummy. You should have learned that very simple stuff in school. What happened - sleep all the way through OR didn't even finish as all???

I'll give you one big hint - Edison was already shipping DC around town (as I already told you earlier!) and he wasn't alone. Since you don't trust me (and I don't care one way or the other), just try searching for "History of Electricity." You'll learn LOTS!!!!!

You have no class! You continue to insult and make an ass of yourself. You act as if your the voice of everyone, but you are not. I tire of you. On top of it, your being hypocritical, as you demand from others to prove this and that, yet you won't even bother to provide a link. Your pathetic! :p

Yeah, yeah - right. Just more of your bigmouthed empty physical threats. How utterly childish!!!!:bugeye: And your level of intelligence, bad as it is, is quite evident to EVERYONE here - not just me.

EVERYONE here? You speak for yourself, as I have heard from others here and throughout my life the contrary. You are dangerously close to becoming the second person on my ignore list, because you never back up anything you say except with mindless insults. You call me childish, take a look at yourself. You ignore points that expose your weaknesses, not answering questions that you can't and not even bothering to be honest that you can't. This is weak minded childish BS. I don't want to turn this thread into a spoo match, so I let it rest here.

Read-Only, can you provide a single link where you aren't making a total ass of yourself? Or where you show some basic respect? Then again, if you keep it up, you will be IGNORED. Then you can rant and rave all you want, but I will see you said something...without knowing what nor caring...and simply state that I have decided to ignore you because you are too insulting and rude. If you want to be taken seriously, you should seriously consider what I am say to you.;)

Also, show me one example where I make a physical threat, just one, before you say something like "more of your physical threats"...one only please. Or else let it be known that you twist words and manipulate. This IS shifty, and you are suspicious.
As of 1999/2000:

2 days after Tesla died the government officially appointed a specific FBI task force to secure Tesla's belongings. ...

This was as of the year 2000. I will be able to comment further soon when I acquire newer research materials.

OK...I just read the whole thing. It was a lot easier to follow after breaking it down into more paragraphs. I find the whole subject very interesting!

Let us compare read-only's sincere attempt to understand vs. my own...

"Yadda, yadda, yadda. All I see here are a bunch of worthless claims unless you can come up with something to substantiate them..."

Here we see a rather warm hearted attempt to divert attention without even bothering to ask anything. Read-only displays his arrogance boldly and foolishly...which by now seems very typical of him.


Where did you come across this information and if possible, can you provide a link? Thank You!
You have no class! You continue to insult and make an ass of yourself. You act as if your the voice of everyone, but you are not. I tire of you. On top of it, your being hypocritical, as you demand from others to prove this and that, yet you won't even bother to provide a link. Your pathetic!

DUMMY! Since you mad it clear that you wouldn't believe me anyway, I gave you THE best possible answer of all - search for the history of electricity!!!!

And every thing else you've just said below only proves the totallity of your ignorance and lack of education.:bugeye:

Feel free to put me on ignore - and see if I care. Heh-heh!:D:D

EVERYONE here? You speak for yourself, as I have heard from others here and throughout my life the contrary. You are dangerously close to becoming the second person on my ignore list, because you never back up anything you say except with mindless insults. You call me childish, take a look at yourself. You ignore points that expose your weaknesses, not answering questions that you can't and not even bothering to be honest that you can't. This is weak minded childish BS. I don't want to turn this thread into a spoo match, so I let it rest here.

Read-Only, can you provide a single link where you aren't making a total ass of yourself? Or where you show some basic respect? Then again, if you keep it up, you will be IGNORED. Then you can rant and rave all you want, but I will see you said something...without knowing what nor caring...and simply state that I have decided to ignore you because you are too insulting and rude. If you want to be taken seriously, you should seriously consider what I am say to you.

Also, show me one example where I make a physical threat, just one, before you say something like "more of your physical threats"...one only please. Or else let it be known that you twist words and manipulate. This IS shifty, and you are suspicious.
OK...maybe I learned wrong (I think it was in school...?) regarding Tesla and electricity, though I do recall learning that he developed the means to harness electricity. If not, then who?

You are correct Jozen-Bo, in that it was Tesla that strongly advocated and accomplished the harnessing, and indeed "harvest", of electricity. AC was such a vast improvement over DC because of it's adaptable nature. Pretty much like comparing an electrical outlet in your home that can power pretty much any typical electrical device, to a basic disposable battery of one particular size. The sheer strength and the efficient transmission of AC exemplifies it's vast superiority as compared to DC in the most absolute sense.

I'll run this down quickly for you as I am very tired tonight and I apologize if I make mistakes. I do appreciate your constructive criticism concerning the paragraphs Bozen-Jo. Thank you.

Tesla, much like Einstein and most other great thinkers, took a great amount of constructive direction and conviction from his personal philosophies. Tesla was a staunch non materialistic naturalist from the start to the finish. His root belief was that mankind's essential progress, and more specifically the technologies that helped to forward that progress, lie in scientific principles that did not conflict nature. He believed firmly that mankind's technological attributes would be best founded and developed in complete harmony with nature.

This is where your "harvest/harness" scholastic impressions came from. When Tesla was a young child he saw visions of what at the time was a complete mystery to him. One such vision was of a large wheel at the base of a great waterfall. Many years later, after the invention and establishment of his AC motor and subsequent patents, he designed and was directly responsible for the first large scale hydro electrical facility at Niagara Falls.

Tesla understood that electricity was everywhere within mankind's natural surroundings at all times. It was simply up to man to harness and extract that electricity in harmony with nature. Harmony in this sense merely translates to the most efficient and productive "harvest of electricity" that mankind in cooperation with nature could reap.
Tesla understood that electricity was everywhere within mankind's natural surroundings at all times. It was simply up to man to harness and extract that electricity in harmony with nature. Harmony in this sense merely translates to the most efficient and productive "harvest of electricity" that mankind in cooperation with nature could reap.

Yes, we are surrounded by electricity....however the big natural electricity such as Lightning is DC....Direct Current....
This is fascinating and I just wanted to let you know that you really inspired me with this post. I have actually spent the last few hours in an attempt to better understand AC & DC electricity. It's pretty damn interesting and has actually left me with more questions than I started with.