Did Tesla Create UFOs?

...your stupid, childish claims that neo-Nazis are marching in the streets of the U.S.?
That's just plain stupid and ignorant.
And that's the mark of a child and a very small, inadequate mind.

You call this composure?

And about the papers...
"In 1979, when I tried to gain access to Tesla papers held at the J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center, at LANL ("Los Alamos National Lab), the government admitted possession, but denied access for lack of the appropriate "badge" (security clearance). Tesla's papers are now held at least in part, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. On that same day, I found the hydrogen bomb plans on the public access shelves, yet was denied access to Tesla's papers. What could be more sensitive than the hydrogen bomb..."

An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics
by William R. Lyne

from http://www.members.tripod.com/~lyne4lyne/tesla.htm

So Ive provided proof, you have to take this at face value unless YOU can prove that they ARE accessible.
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You call this composure?

And about the papers...
"In 1979, when I tried to gain access to Tesla papers held at the J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center, at LANL ("Los Alamos National Lab), the government admitted possession, but denied access for lack of the appropriate "badge" (security clearance). Tesla's papers are now held at least in part, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. On that same day, I found the hydrogen bomb plans on the public access shelves, yet was denied access to Tesla's papers. What could be more sensitive than the hydrogen bomb..."

An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics
by William R. Lyne

from http://www.members.tripod.com/~lyne4lyne/tesla.htm

So Ive provided proof, you have to take this at face value unless YOU can prove that they ARE accessible.

Har!! That site is no more reliable than this one for use as proof of anything.

In other words, you've accomplished nothing more than just providing another rumor source. In fact, it would take someone with serious mental defects to accept anything presented on that site.

Care to try again? Really - if you can come up with something that contains a degree of credibility, I'd like to read it.

And yes, those statements of mine that you quoted display composure - I could have easily said things MUCH, MUCH stronger - just as I could now at your extremely lame effort to show that Tesla's papers are out of the public's reach. That was absolutely pitiful!!!:bugeye:

I've looked into this for some time. The story goes that Tesla faked his own death so he could join a group of select scientists in developing his space travel tech in secrecy. Thus the increase in sightings, etc. after his demise. It sounds pretty nice but I don't think he'd have had so much pull in the field at this time since he'd been struggling with so many peoples angry boasts about how insane he was...

There's 2 possibilities:

1. He did fake his own death and developed UFO tech in secret
2. He did die and his papers were taken, perhaps some contained UFO data

Take a look here http://www.thelosthaven.co.uk/NikolaTesla.htm

So anyway this seems cool in my IMO but we have a problem, what about the mysterious air ships

Why does everybody revere Tesla so much? Why do they think that the millions of scientists around the world now, could not achieve whatever they think he did?

Einstein was Einstein, and we know of him because he published first. If he hadn't somebody else would have. This is why we see arguments about who discovered or invented certain things first, many people working in the same field get to similar points in their research at similar times, but either the one that gets there first is remembered, or the one that makes the biggest broohaha, like Edison, who is credited with inventing the lightbulb, but actually created the first practical, mass produced bulb.

Tesla was not the only person working in his field, and modern scientists easily surpass his knowledge, so I don't get this 'cult of Tesla' thing.
That particular book (which I've had a copy of for a year or so) is pure crap.
The author has little connection to reality. Whether talking about Tesla's work, its application or the author's own life - that quote about hydrogen bomb schematics being a good example.
The man is a delusional conspiracy freak with a vastly inflated sense of his own abilities and importance.

And as for Tesla's papers, a thread in this very subforum a year or two back discussed them and showed that ALL of his papers were returned.
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Why does everybody revere Tesla so much? Why do they think that the millions of scientists around the world now, could not achieve whatever they think he did?

Einstein was Einstein, and we know of him because he published first. If he hadn't somebody else would have. This is why we see arguments about who discovered or invented certain things first, many people working in the same field get to similar points in their research at similar times, but either the one that gets there first is remembered, or the one that makes the biggest broohaha, like Edison, who is credited with inventing the lightbulb, but actually created the first practical, mass produced bulb.

Tesla was not the only person working in his field, and modern scientists easily surpass his knowledge, so I don't get this 'cult of Tesla' thing.

Yeah, that bugs me too.

But facts are facts - and the fact is that all the members of the "cult of Tesla" are either 'know-nothings' or know-littles.' Meaning that they have SO little knowledge of science in general, and electromagnetism in specific, that they are prone to believe almost anything.

And I suppose that's partly due to the fact that such weak - and usually immature - little, undereducated minds are fascinated by conspiracy theories and the like. It's very sad, really.
That particular book (which I've had a copy of for a year or so) is pure crap.
The author has little connection to reality. Whether talking about Tesla's work, its application or the author's own life - that quote about hydrogen bomb schematics being a good example.
The man is a delusional conspiracy freak with a vastly inflated sense of his own abilities and importance.

How true. And that latter part becomes very apparent when he starts talking about his direct involvement with the CIA and the president of the U.S. And that's only a small part of his overall self-provided evidence that he's practically insane.

And as for Tesla's papers, a thread in this very subforum a year or two back discussed them and showed that ALL of his papers were returned.

Thank you! I had a vague memory of that being the case but wasn't totally sure.:)
Read-Only your such an angry person.

If you had any actual interest in genuinely showing why someone is wrong you would not do so in such a immature manner.
For an old man your childish behavior can only make me think you are senile.

Why dont you lay off the name calling and your belittling remarks and have some composure.

You know, I have had a decent amount of time to reflect on "the thing about UFOs thread" and I must say that I am disappointed in myself for my participation to the degree that I made some stupid assumptions there about other posters. Really just one poster.

For what I stated/wrote/asserted about Read-Only being plagued by drinking at 10:00am and such, I APOLOGIZE for that here and now. That was flat out wrong and believe you me, I HAVE MY REASONS for feeling guilty about that. About 14 years worth of those reasons actually.

Thing is, I honestly suspected that was the case because of the bitter and exaggerated nature of Read-Only's responses. I could tell the man was intelligent, but I just could not fathom the overtly angry obstinacies to basic purposed reason. I had ZERO right to make any such specific personal judgments, so I do hereby publicly apologize to Read-Only for that unethical mistake of accusing him of alcoholism.

Read-Only, you might just be the epitome of happiness and health, I don't know. But man, you sure do "come off" like you have a broken bottle up your azz sideways. You could actually make worthwhile posted contributions in the form of skeptical rebuttal here based on your intelligence and years of real experience. Why not? I gotta ask because I just don't see how being a hard azz about everything helps or entertains anyone.

Sorry for the divergence from my own thread, but this has plagued my conscience a bit. So it's done.

We now return control of your television set to you.
You know, I have had a decent amount of time to reflect on "the thing about UFOs thread" and I must say that I am disappointed in myself for my participation to the degree that I made some stupid assumptions there about other posters. Really just one poster.

For what I stated/wrote/asserted about Read-Only being plagued by drinking at 10:00am and such, I APOLOGIZE for that here and now. That was flat out wrong and believe you me, I HAVE MY REASONS for feeling guilty about that. About 14 years worth of those reasons actually.

Thing is, I honestly suspected that was the case because of the bitter and exaggerated nature of Read-Only's responses. I could tell the man was intelligent, but I just could not fathom the overtly angry obstinacies to basic purposed reason. I had ZERO right to make any such specific personal judgments, so I do hereby publicly apologize to Read-Only for that unethical mistake of accusing him of alcoholism.

Read-Only, you might just be the epitome of happiness and health, I don't know. But man, you sure do "come off" like you have a broken bottle up your azz sideways. You could actually make worthwhile posted contributions in the form of skeptical rebuttal here based on your intelligence and years of real experience. Why not? I gotta ask because I just don't see how being a hard azz about everything helps or entertains anyone.

Sorry for the divergence from my own thread, but this has plagued my conscience a bit. So it's done.

We now return control of your television set to you.

Thank you. Apology acknowledged and graciously accepted.

The thing is, you misunderstand me and my intentions completely. I'm not bitter in the least - in fact, I have a very happy and rewarding family and personal life that also involves a couple dozen close, good friends.:) I have no debts as my home, vehicles and everything I own is fully paid for. My time is my own and I spend it doing the things I enjoy.

Here's where the rub comes in. I'm strongly opposed to anyone who attempts, through ignorance or whatever, to spread misinformation and untruths. Intentionally or otherwise. I actually don't mind ignorance at all since it really means just "not knowing." There are many things that many of us do not know.

But whenever ignorance refuses to learn, it turns into something quite different - a monster commonly called stupidity. And I will make every attempt possible to point out AND stamp out stupidity anywhere it appears. And not only me, there are numerous other people here that feel exactly as I do about it and make the same efforts.

Ignorant people should ASK questions so that they might gain information and learn. But it's stupidity that causes people to STATE things that they know little or nothing about. And I object to to that on the strongest possible level.

This very thread is prime example of that in action. All the "Tesla cultists" have very, very little understanding of what they are talking about. Yet they don't hesitate for a moment to make claims about Tesla's abilities and accomplishments that are TOTALLY absurd!

I believe at this point I've explained myself quite clearly and shall leave it at that.

Thanks for reading.
Har!! That site is no more reliable than this one for use as proof of anything.

In other words, you've accomplished nothing more than just providing another rumor source. In fact, it would take someone with serious mental defects to accept anything presented on that site.

Care to try again? Really - if you can come up with something that contains a degree of credibility, I'd like to read it.

The quote wasnt from the site you buffoon, its from the published book from william lyne, which I cited right underneath. I just provided the site because it had the quotation without me having to go through the entire book looking for it.

Dont go jumping to conclusions or anything.:rolleyes:

This just goes to show that you "skeptics" wont even consider a published book as evidence for the possibility. So essentially you guys discount all forms of proof no matter the medium to protect your reality bubble from popping.

Youve made up your mind already.

Oh and you still havent provided proof to the contrary Read-Only, please provide an example where someone WAS allowed access to Tesla's papers please.
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How true. And that latter part becomes very apparent when he starts talking about his direct involvement with the CIA and the president of the U.S. And that's only a small part of his overall self-provided evidence that he's practically insane.

Thank you! I had a vague memory of that being the case but wasn't totally sure.:)

I would not be so quick Read-Only. In Oli's post which I can see quoted in your response, it states very ambiguous sources for this information at best. I just watched a 90 minute PBS documentary last night entitled Tesla: Master of Lightning. On a scale of 1-10 I would honestly give this documentary no better than a 4 because it just seemed like a more or less surface level history lesson. I am not implying that it lacked juicy conspiracy info, it just sort of "dragged" along. It made a specific reference to secret papers that were seized via the guise of 'national security" and also seems to me (I will go back and check this evening) that some of the papers were still classified.

I currently have two other documentaries in route to me about Tesla & free energies (The Secret of Nikola Tesla 2003) and one other Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2008.

I have previously read a biography on Tesla and am reading (entertaining the ideas of) Occult Ether Physics.

One thing is for certain, like most of those that are routinely chastised and made fun of in the good ol' pseudoscience section of SciForums, Tesla was considered a complete quack in the beginning, and as well, at the end. Very few comprehended the man's tremendous genius in the beginning and I am certain that an equal number of mainstream scientists understood and appreciated it in the end no better. At the time of his death,(he was hit by a car) Tesla had almost completely went over to metaphysics for his ongoing research purposes although he was still attempting to pedal his death ray to various countries around the globe. Bare in mind that Tesla was "marketing" the invention as a means to prevent war as it was a defense application.
Surely we can engage in discourse without referring to others as "buffoons," eh?

Why dont you spend time harassing the people who insult others on a regular basis rather than pointing out my one insult, or is this your style of moderation?
Haha I got a warning for my previous that post.... so I guess to avoid warnings I should use more vulgar and condescending words?

Is that the lesson here Skinwalker?
I sure hope everyone else who is calling people names got a warning as well, but something tells me that isnt the case.

Maybe you didnt notice that the warning you gave me for being off topic stemmed from the post you originally made, which was also off topic. Did you give yourself a warning too?

But to stay on topic, Tesla did invent UFOs essentially.
Haha I got a warning for my previous that post.... so I guess to avoid warnings I should use more vulgar and condescending words?

Is that the lesson here Skinwalker?
I sure hope everyone else who is calling people names got a warning as well, but something tells me that isnt the case.

Maybe you didnt notice that the warning you gave me for being off topic stemmed from the post you originally made, which was also off topic. Did you give yourself a warning too?

But to stay on topic, Tesla did invent UFOs essentially.

Then why don't you show us some proof that he did? Not from some woo-woo site or some paranoid freak trying to sell a silly book he wrote, but some honest, REAL proof?

(Perhaps because none exists?)
"...On that same day, I found the hydrogen bomb plans on the public access shelves, yet was denied access to Tesla's papers. What could be more sensitive than the hydrogen bomb..."

An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics
by William R. Lyne

Very simply reason for the Hydrogen bomb being present, It's not exactly a secret a number of governments learnt about it and the knowledge was shared. It wasn't a BlackOps project thanks to it's actual use.

As for accessibility to Tesla's work, it's renowned that some people were against Tesla's work for a number of reasons, either because they didn't think he was paying enough attention to what he was attempting, or he was going slightly mad etc. I'm sure it was enough of a worry to cause his papers to be seized since any self-respecting government wouldn't want someone picking up the gauntlet on work that cuts corners, as well as their might have been sensitive referrals in regards the countries enemies or allies at the time. Obviously wouldn't look good if it was public knowledge either.
Very simply reason for the Hydrogen bomb being present, It's not exactly a secret a number of governments learnt about it and the knowledge was shared. It wasn't a BlackOps project thanks to it's actual use.

A small but crucial point here since the above statements imply something that's not true: the hydrogen bomb has never even once been actually used. Tested, yes, but used - never. (And the atomic bomb (uranium/plutonium-based as opposed to hydrogen) has only been used twice.)

As for accessibility to Tesla's work, it's renowned that some people were against Tesla's work for a number of reasons, either because they didn't think he was paying enough attention to what he was attempting, or he was going slightly mad etc. I'm sure it was enough of a worry to cause his papers to be seized since any self-respecting government wouldn't want someone picking up the gauntlet on work that cuts corners, as well as their might have been sensitive referrals in regards the countries enemies or allies at the time. Obviously wouldn't look good if it was public knowledge either.

Then that automatically calls into question what you think about those papers today - do you believe they are still sealed away?
Very simply reason for the Hydrogen bomb being present, It's not exactly a secret a number of governments learnt about it and the knowledge was shared. It wasn't a BlackOps project thanks to it's actual use.

As for accessibility to Tesla's work, it's renowned that some people were against Tesla's work for a number of reasons, either because they didn't think he was paying enough attention to what he was attempting, or he was going slightly mad etc. I'm sure it was enough of a worry to cause his papers to be seized since any self-respecting government wouldn't want someone picking up the gauntlet on work that cuts corners, as well as their might have been sensitive referrals in regards the countries enemies or allies at the time. Obviously wouldn't look good if it was public knowledge either.

I bolded the portion of your quote above to affirm my agreement with the obvious, however I think pretty much everything else in your post is hearsay or basically an interpretive analysis of second hand information at best. There is no question that Tesla was eccentric and somewhat disturbed, but I sure as hell don't believe the government seized his papers because of a heart felt need to protect anyone from their carelessness. That's silly.
This just goes to show that you "skeptics" wont even consider a published book as evidence for the possibility. [/B]
I have two or three of Lyne's books.
The man is totally divorced from the real world.
According to him, at the age of four or so he discovered a "nazi spy" radio and upon reporting it was allowed to keep it...
Um, really?
US intelligence allows a a child to have an enemy transmitter during wartime?
They didn't need it for anything?

Then, again according to him, he discovered another a year later...

And during his army career he "exposed" a trio of KGB agents in the the US Army.
He "knew" they were KGB because they had similar facial features to some of his childhood pals, who were of Bulgarian extraction.:rolleyes:
Completely beside the point, of course, is that Bulgaria didn't even have the KGB.

Anything and everything Lyne says should be taken with a very heavy side order of salt, if not dismissed out of hand.
He is a grade-A fruitcake.