Did Tesla Create UFOs?


Registered Senior Member
I am half serious asking this question. I wanted to ask others on SciForums what their thoughts were on the following:


I don't really suspect that Tesla is responsible for what is all UFO sightings by any means, but is it really possible that Tesla developed a very similar technology and that organizations "beyond" what are typical government agencies have been using and developing this technology for sometime now?

It's my personal suspicions that events like the Phoenix Lights were in reality this type of technology in practice. Thoughts please:
I am half serious asking this question. I wanted to ask others on SciForums what their thoughts were on the following:


I don't really suspect that Tesla is responsible for what is all UFO sightings by any means, but is it really possible that Tesla developed a very similar technology and that organizations "beyond" what are typical government agencies have been using and developing this technology for sometime now?

It's my personal suspicions that events like the Phoenix Lights were in reality this type of technology in practice. Thoughts please:

Nope - just more typical BS in an effort to sell a stupid book. Period.
I actually just watched an interesting interview I think you might like...I'll post it when I get home.
If I recall the Phoenix lights were a greatly inflated event. Being that I live in Phoenix and all.

Every sane person I know saw nothing of exceptional nature. There's constantly airforce drills going on in Phx, plus the air port, plus helicopters...you name it we got it.
I am half serious asking this question. I wanted to ask others on SciForums what their thoughts were on the following:


I don't really suspect that Tesla is responsible for what is all UFO sightings by any means, but is it really possible that Tesla developed a very similar technology and that organizations "beyond" what are typical government agencies have been using and developing this technology for sometime now?

It's my personal suspicions that events like the Phoenix Lights were in reality this type of technology in practice. Thoughts please:

Hello Electrafixtion!

Tesla was one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived. He gave us electricity and one needn't think hard to consider how different our world would be today without it (hint: no computers, no cars, no cell phones, no radios, no TV...and on and on).

I read a book solely about him.

He worked on hundreds of inventions and his papers where confiscated by the government as top priority. Some of the projects he had a hand in where...HARP...the philadelphia experiment...flying structures that manipulated electromagnetic energy...a pulse generator that could send massive amounts of energy over tremendous distances very quickly...and still much more.

He left words that would strongly indicate that he intercepted communications coming from outer space. As time went on, more and more scientists ridiculed him, he died a poor man in his small apartment in New York city...I think it was 1946? Despite the jealousy (which made so many blind and stupid) in silence I am convinced most innerly knew he was WAY AHEAD OF HIS TIME. The government has spent billions upon billions trying to work out his incomplete papers...after taking over 20 boxes full of his workings and notes. Why?


Yes, in my opinion it is exactly that, that organizations "beyond" the government (secret government...?) have been working very hard to unravel the mysteries of this genius mind, and they have most likely came a long way. It would appear that somehow this ties into...chemtrails!

You should read the book "The lost journals of Nikola Tesla" by Tim Swartz. Lots of very interesting things there to find out...;)

On the side, I have been working on a new form of technology that goes beyond anything he did, as it is based on internalized helix beacons of information patterns tweaking the physical manifestation of life at the core where energy whirls into the void. I haven't ever truly discussed the limits, how can I? I can easily say this, my work has attracted attention that is...out of this world!:eek: I am now entangled in so many realities I don't even know where to begin...I don't want to say too much...

It would be so nice to talk to Tesla about my work, he is probably one of the only people who could grasp it clearly all the way to the roots, only problem is he's dead. NO ONE...NO ONE in this world has any answers, most don't even know where to begin themselves. I am unsurpassed and alone because of this...though I have tossed a big stone into the time waves and the ripples will swell for thousands of billions of years expanding through time and outward into the Universe.

This is a cool thread...if any questions come to mind, ask. I will be happy to partake in the unfolding of this thread!

Thank You Electrafixtion!

Nope - just more typical BS in an effort to sell a stupid book. Period.

Don't worry about this one electrafixtion, he calls everything not of his opinion BS, and people are taking him less and less seriously because of it. He's like a fly...bzzz...bzzzz...(he also likes to call everyone stupid who doesn't think like him...rather childish and pathetic...).
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Don't worry about this one electrafixtion, he calls everything not of his opinion BS, and people are taking him less and less seriously because of it. He's like a fly...bzzz...bzzzz...(he also likes to call everyone stupid who doesn't think like him...rather childish and pathetic...).


You're the big joke kid - you'll believe just about anything! :D (Viacom controlling all the TV broadcasts, one family controlling all the media, etc.) And that's just for openers.:bugeye:

Incidentally, Tesla did NOT give us electricity - he gave us A.C. and quite a few other things - but not electricity. You need to study a LOT more!!!

And by the way, I'm not stating my opinion either - I'm expressing facts, something that you seem to know very little of.

Oh, yeah - where's the PROOF of your stupid, childish claims that neo-Nazis are marching in the streets of the U.S.? You still haven't shown any!!!!

You're the big joke kid - you'll believe just about anything! :D (Viacom controlling all the TV broadcasts, one family controlling all the media, etc.) And that's just for openers.

Your laughter reveals that you are hiding frustration from yourself. What a pity.

Also, I never said a single family owns all the media. Your twisting words, deceitful behavior shows your inability to make a good argument.

Viacom split up in 2005:

You can read more about it here:


Incidentally, Tesla did NOT give us electricity - he gave us A.C. and quite a few other things - but not electricity. You need to study a LOT more!!!

I am amazed at how poor your history is. It IS common knowledge and FACT that Tesla was the one who figured out how to harvest electricity.

Here we go again, only this time, there is even more here on Tesla then there is on Viacom:


Though, for amusement, why not give us your false version of history...you know...for laughs and giggles...;)

And by the way, I'm not stating my opinion either - I'm expressing facts, something that you seem to know very little of.


What is your favorite thing to say?...PROOF IT!

Oh, yeah - where's the PROOF of your stupid, childish claims that neo-Nazis are marching in the streets of the U.S.? You still haven't shown any!!!!


You are going off topic, this is flat out rude, showing a lack of class, consideration, and a desperate attempt to side wind and troll this thread by diverting, a common tactic that is more and more losing its kick, because we are getting more and more familiar with it. Can't you do better then that? If you want to discuss this topic, go to where it is and that isn't here.
well this UFO stuff with saucer-like shaped vehicles had to come from somewhere...


Right you are Draqon!

Funny, I was just wondering...what happened to Draqon? Hey, when I learn to speak Russian, maybe we could talk...I am now actively learning...GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU...I hope everything is going well in your life!

First off: THANKS Jozen-Bo! I always enjoy reading your posts and recently learned for the first time ever about dimensions beyond the first 4 via yourself and one of the other more so conformed academics here on SciForums.

I cannot help but think that there must be more minds like Tesla's out there presently. I realize that so much of what is the commonly held scientific knowledge of tomorrow, is all too often considered the pseudo science of today.

I have read some of those bastardized science books in the link I originally posted and where as there is obvious correct information contained there in, there is some pretty crazy stuff there as well.

I agree that energy brokers have kept us successfully enslaved via our dependence on petroleum and metered electricity for nearly the last 100 years. I don't think anyone would much disagree with that with all the alternate energy sources that could be harnessed and used.

But to say that Einstein's findings (Relativity) were a mask of deceit used to intentionally manipulate and turn the scientific communities attentions away from Ether based Physics...I just don't know about all that. Is there reality with respect to Occult Ether Physics?

I will say this. It's all just a business within the halls of the highest levels of capitalism. Are we honestly in the middle east for any other reason than to insure the securities of the oil corporation's investments there?

There have been MANY reliable reports of these "men in black" manipulating UFO witnesses. Some are described as being pasty in color and always wear dark sun glasses. Could these be members of a secret society that forwards this esoteric technology? The incredible thing is that many times these reported MIB visit known charlatans and frauds in efforts to get them to continue perpetrating their hoaxes!
Your laughter reveals that you are hiding frustration from yourself. What a pity.

Not even remotely close. I'm laughing because I'm highly amused at your lack of ability to discern fact from fiction and your child-like naive attitude towards several things.

Viacom split up in 2005:

You can read more about it here:


Ok, I've read it. And there's not ONE single thing there to back up your claim that they controlled 90% of any type of media at any time!

I am amazed at how poor your history is. It IS common knowledge and FACT that Tesla was the one who figured out how to harvest electricity.

Here we go again, only this time, there is even more here on Tesla then there is on Viacom:


Though, for amusement, why not give us your false version of history...you know...for laughs and giggles...;)

Once again ,you are simply deluded. DC and DC motors were in existance and in use (and DC is electricity, too) long before Tesla ever got involved with it. As I said earlier, Tesla gave us AC and many very other fine advancements - but he was FAR from the first that figured out how to "harvest" (as you crudely put it) electricity. Edison was producing and shiping DC around before he ever hired Tesla.


What is your favorite thing to say?...PROOF IT!

I've never once mangled the English language so badly as to say "proof" it. I've said many times "prove" it or show "proof" of it but have never said "proof" it. That's just plain stupid and ignorant.

You are going off topic, this is flat out rude, showing a lack of class, consideration, and a desperate attempt to side wind and troll this thread by diverting, a common tactic that is more and more losing its kick, because we are getting more and more familiar with it. Can't you do better then that? If you want to discuss this topic, go to where it is and that isn't here.

No, it's not off the topic - which is YOU! You mangle facts with fiction and just make up things as you go - and refuse to stand up like a real man when your nonsense is directly challenged. And that's the mark of a child and a very small, inadequate mind.
Talking about Tesla...he did a lot of experiments on high voltage, other electromagnetics...including multiphase generation hoping to reduce transmission line loss. We can duplicate everything he did today. We also understand the applications too. One thing that has not been tried (that we know of) is the ariel propulsion using lorentz forces which is what allegedly drives the UFOs. But spy submarines already use this technology.

One good thing about high voltage is that the motors get smaller in size and that is why new hybrids are going to use I think 144 volts as opposed to 24 or 48 volts.

Tesla was trying to use multiphase high voltage to send power wirelessly to a distance.
Following Tesla’s death in 1943, the US government seized his papers and research notes, placing them under national security lock and key. An undoubted genius during his life, Tesla’s papers curiously remain highly classified today - 68 years later.

Today one is able to gain access to the plans of the H-bomb, but none of Tesla's highly classified papers. Thats a bit strange hmmm? Especially considering that in his journal he had himself described a "perfect" flying machine capable of acceleration "up to 9000mph in a matter of seconds"

Another thing to consider is Tesla died in '43, Roswell happened in 1945. Maybe after two years the technology was still in its infancy. The whole "alien crash" was nothing more than a disinformation spin to make it seem incredulous. It also provides an easy avenue to discredit anyone looking into the subject because aliens are a socially unacceptable subject for most people, and especially on these forums. Aliens = "woo woo" = wont even bother listening. (Its called social conditioning)
Read-Only your such an angry person.

If you had any actual interest in genuinely showing why someone is wrong you would not do so in such a immature manner.
For an old man your childish behavior can only make me think you are senile.

Why dont you lay off the name calling and your belittling remarks and have some composure.
Read-Only your such an angry person.

If you had any actual interest in genuinely showing why someone is wrong you would not do so in such a immature manner.
For an old man your childish behavior can only make me think you are senile.

Why dont you lay off the name calling and your belittling remarks and have some composure.

I have plenty of composure, thank you very little. It's just that I'm not going to allow anyone to get away with spreading rumors and/or nonsense. And neither am I angry - I just hate seeing stupid people doing that.

Speaking of such, can you offer any kind of verifiable proof that no access to Tesla's "highly classified papers" has been granted? I've seen that claim before, challenged it, and no one yet has come forth with anything more than just rumors of "I heard it from so-and-so, so it must be be true."

Can you do any better? If so, I'd really like to see it - honestly.