Did Nothing Create Everything?

Let's assume that's true.

We don't know that there was ever Absolute Nothingness. It is possible, for instance, that there's a multiverse that contains many different "bubble" universes. Such a multiverse could have existed before our universe came into being, and it might exist long after our universe has died.

In our own universe, we also know of things that pop in and out of existence seemingly from "nothing", though perhaps not Absolute Nothingness you're talking about. Quantum particles appear and disappear all the time, coming from "nothing". Maybe at one point there was a similar kind of "nothing" - a quantum nothingness - and its random fluctuation led to our current universe.

But let's assume you're right and there had to be a Something to enable our universe to exist. Now all you have to do is to show that the Something was the Christian God that you want the Something to be, then you'll be done.

It looks to me like you still have a big task ahead of you, making that leap from an unspecified Something to your God.

Please prove multiverses exist.

Aren't they just an imaginary fairy story? Unbounded Extrapolation? A Multiverse of the Gaps? Even an article of Faith?

If our entire universe popped into existence like a Quantum Particle (or perhaps like Quantum Quack) does, it would have already popped out of existence long ago. (Sorry, Love you Quantum Quack, you are awesome, if you still exist, which I hope you do!)

Unless perhaps, an Eternal Something, of some kind, is holding the entire universe in a state of existence. Actively preventing it from popping back out of existence?


Perhaps that could even be a Who instead of a What? That could even indicate willful intent or purpose?

Just Hmmm...?
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Please prove multiverses exist.

Well, this could be deemed politically motivated hatred. How would you feel if you were a student being harassed for their ignorance in not understanding why quantum mechanics acts they way it does.

Yes, it would be great if there was a particle accelerator the span of the solar system -then there could be kickass experiments!

But, really, just fuck off.
Well, this could be deemed politically motivated hatred. How would you feel if you were a student being harassed for their ignorance in not understanding why quantum mechanics acts they way it does.

Yes, it would be great if there was a particle accelerator the span of the solar system -then there could be kickass experiments!

But, really, just fuck off.

Sorry, I did not intend to hurt anyone!
Why would that Eternal Something have intelligence?

The multiverse fable was conceived to counter the problem presented by the clearly fine-tuned nature of our Universe. That fine-tuning makes the Universe appear to be designed by an Intelligent Cause.

The Universe appears to have been created with a purpose with precise constraints placed upon it to allow for you and I to exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc.

The multiverse has never been proven, at least as far as I know. It is a fantasy! It attempts to make the mathematical improbability of our Universe less impossible, but fails because there is no proof that it exists.
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The multiverse fable was conceived to counter the problem presented by the clearly fine-tuned nature of our Universe. That fine-tuning makes the Universe appear to be designed by an Intelligent Cause.

The Universe appears to have been created with a purpose with precise constraints placed upon it to allow for you and I to exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc.

The multiverse has never been proven, at least as far as I know. It is a fantasy!
Wait, a multiverse was thought up to discredit intelligent design?

Tell me more.
The multiverse fable....
I didn't say anything about the multiverse.
That fine-tuning makes the Universe appear to be designed by an Intelligent Cause.
Appearances can be deceiving.
The Universe appears to have been created with precise constraints placed upon it to allow for you and I to exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc.
Or... you and I exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc. because of how the universe happens to be. For example, a mountain happens to be shaped so that rocks can roll down it. No intelligence is required, either to "design" a mountain or to roll rocks down it. It just is what it is.

The question I asked was, "Why would that Eternal Something have intelligence?" Why couldn't the Eternal Something just be a universe that happens to allow for you and I to exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc.?
Wait, a multiverse was thought up to discredit intelligent design?

Tell me more.

Sure, Scientists do this all the time.

A few of them take their faith in Atheism or bias and create a hypothesis in order to try and make their faith seem plausible.
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I didn't say anything about the multiverse.

Appearances can be deceiving.

Or... you and I exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc. because of how the universe happens to be. For example, a mountain happens to be shaped so that rocks can roll down it. No intelligence is required, either to "design" a mountain or to roll rocks down it. It just is what it is.

The question I asked was, "Why would that Eternal Something have intelligence?" Why couldn't the Eternal Something just be a universe that happens to allow for you and I to exist, live, eat, walk around, see, feel, taste, etc.?

It is very remotely possible that what you suggest is the case.

But I think that the mathematical probability is so low that it would be considered to be impossible by empirical science.

And that is why the multiverse was created, to make the math problems go away.

You really do have a ton of faith in unproven ideas.

This article discusses the fine-tuning problem and some of the ways scientists can try and counter it...

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Please just think for yourself, and come to your own conclusions about life. That is the best advice I can give anyone!
You're telling me I'm dumb. Well, thank you for your concern.

I don't think I can start all at once, but I'll take your advice and try to start thinking for myself.
You're telling me I'm dumb. Well, thank you for your concern.

I don't think I can start all at once, but I'll take your advice and try to start thinking for myself.

You are certainly not dumb! And you are a wonderful person!
That is why I know you will do great!
Do you believe that Nothing created Everything?

If you do, please prove it.
At first I thought this thread was genuinely devoted towards some sort of philosophical objective however much to my dismay it was disingenuously motivated to begin with.
My bad...
To deal with your main presumption to begin with:

Why do you think the universe had a beginning?
Why do you think that the universe isn't in a constant state of creation (evolution) rather than being created?

Prove that the universe had a beginning and your question starts to make sense.

Seeing that this is a really a religious thread disguised as a philosophical one...
  • If God is eternal then how can his creation not be also?
  • To suggest that the universe began at some point is to also suggest that God began at some point.
  • So what created God?
  • Did he, it, she come from absolutely nothing?
  • Or is God always existing as the universe he created always exists?
  • Does God exist if there is no one there to worship him?

If you really wanted to discuss the philosophical issues around "Ex-nihilo" objectively in a genuine manner you wouldn't be assuming the "call to authority" that you are.
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Sure, Scientists do this all the time.

A few of them take their faith in Atheism or bias and create a hypothesis in order to try and make their faith seem plausible.
That's not what I quoted.

This is:
Sure Science does this all the time. You take your faith or bias and create a hypothesis that makes it work.

I'm way too dumb to think about the edit, you know the intricacies and such, so I was hoping you could help me out.