Did Nothing Create Everything?

Miller Urey did not create life! Their experiment showed that those reactions cannot create life.
Miller Urey showed that nature can create the compounds necessary for life.
Joyce-Horning showed that simple RNA molecules - made of those simple compounds - can both synthesize complex functional RNA molecules and replicate simpler molecules. Including itself.
Joyce also showed that even simpler RNA molecules can create cross-chiral copies of themselves.
They would certainly have used it to create life if they could have. But they could not!
They have created self-replicating molecules. The difference between that and life is one of semantics.

Do a little research.
Miller Urey showed that nature can create the compounds necessary for life.
Joyce-Horning showed that simple RNA molecules - made of those simple compounds - can both synthesize complex functional RNA molecules and replicate simpler molecules. Including itself.
Joyce also showed that even simpler RNA molecules can create cross-chiral copies of themselves.

They have created self-replicating molecules. The difference between that and life is one of semantics.

Do a little research.

Miller-Urey did not create life.
Joyce-Horning did not create life.
No experiment has ever created life from non-life!

I know you do not want to mislead anyone!
And neither do I!

Please provide just one example of an experiment that created life from non-life, and I will stop asking.

It is a simple request!

If you cannot produce such an experiment, my claim is that you only have a faith position. That you “believe” in a kind of a hopeful “Rock of the Gaps” hypothesis, in spite of the current empirical evidence.

You can certainly do that if you really want to!

I am OK with that, though I do understand that you may not want to admit it to anyone. Just our little secret!

Here is an article discussing RNA...

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Please provide just one example of an experiment that created life from non-life, and I will stop asking.
If men were meant to fly? Blah blah.

Do you "poo poo" science because you like it or are you just toeing the party line?

Why are you against people seeking knowledge?

BTW: Fuck off.
If men were meant to fly? Blah blah.

Do you "poo poo" science because you like it or are you just toeing the party line?

Why are you against people seeking knowledge?

BTW: Fuck off.

Thank You!

I love people seeking knowledge!
Keep trying!
That's an odd thing to say. The "current state of scientific research" doesn't conclude that Intelligent Design was needed. Why do you draw a different conclusion than the people who are doing the scientific research?

It has never been shown that such an intelligence exists. Never once! In no experiment!
So you think the sensible stance is to go with random chance based on your 50 or so years exposure to the evidence.
The Joyce experiment. It showed a self-replicating molecule that could inherit changes.

That is fine, but they did not create life from non-life.

And they never claimed to have created life from non-life. But you can bet the family farm that the press did.

A self replicating molecule that can inherit changes is great, but it is not life. The scientists who worked on these experiments know that.

Is DNA life? No.
Is RNA life? No.
Is protein life? No.
Is water life? No.

These are all just some of the components of life, but they are not life.

This is the typical kind of hopeful, wishful thinking that goes on in the field of origins, all the time.

It is only faith without sufficient evidence.

If you find water on another planet, for example, you have not found life, only a component of life.
A self replicating molecule that can inherit changes is great, but it is not life. The scientists who worked on these experiments know that.
OK. So what is your definition of life?

Is DNA life? No.
Is RNA life? No.
Is protein life? No.
Is water life? No.

Right. But something that replicates and grows - that's basically life. Even if it's just RNA.

The only evidence you're offering for your view is to say "I believe whatever James Tour has to say about this. See his video."

It sounds like I'm talking to the wrong person, and I should talk to James Tour instead of you.

I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll take a look at the video you linked above and maybe make some notes. Then we can discuss. I won't get to it immediately, because it's an hour long, after all.

Your view seems to run directly counter to the evidence we do have, which makes your view, faith in-spite of the evidence, at least in my eyes.
I'm not aware of anything that would suggest that anything I've said runs counter to any actual evidence. I assume that James Tour's video will show where I'm going wrong, so I'll get back to you after I've watched it.

If I follow the current state of scientific research and accept it regarding the origin of life, then it is completely logical for me to conclude that Intelligent Design was needed. Life has never been shown to be possible without it. Never once! In no experiment!
Your approach isn't logical. You don't get your God by default. I already covered this.

Suppose that you are able, by some means, to show that Intelligence Design is needed. That's only the first step in the process of arguing that your God is needed. How are you going to go from "an unidentified intelligent designer did it" to "the Christian God of the bible did it", or "my preferred conception of the Christian God did it" or whatever? It's one thing to identify the need for a designer. It's another to positively identify the designer.

Much more logical than thinking that a rock could do any of these experiments, or could ever do them, outside of the most sophisticated lab environments we can build.
Nobody has said rocks do experiments. You're trying to set up a straw man. That's a waste of everybody's time.

That is where we actually are today. That is what the evidence actually points to right now. That natural processes can’t do the job of creating life. Every attempt has failed to create life from natural processes.
Even if every attempt by human scientists has failed so far, that does not prove that natural processes can't do the job. All that would prove is that human beings haven't been smart enough to work out how to do it yet. You can't validly conclude that it therefore can't be done by any conceivable natural process.

You keep claiming your conclusions are logical, but these kinds of flaws and missing links in your chain of logic keep coming up. What does that suggest to you? To me, it suggests that you're not really reaching your conclusions based on logical reasoning.

Are you able to consider the thoughts and lectures of James Tour, without letting your Christophobia stop you from thinking?
I will look, as I said. I don't know what you're talking about regarding "Christophobia". I have friends and relatives who are Christians. I used to be one myself. I have no fear of Christ or Christianity, and nothing I have written on this forum would suggest otherwise.

I think you only have a faith position, which runs counter to basic logic, and runs counter even to the existing scientific evidence we do have. You only have a hopeful hypothesis, without the needed evidence to back it up.
It's strange. When I say your logic is flawed, I point out specifically what's wrong with it. See above, for example. But when you claim my logic is flawed you provide nothing apart from your own assertion that I'm in error. Why is that?

I think either you don't know sound logic when you see it, or you want so desperately to believe I'm wrong that you're willing to just believe that I'm wrong, whether or not you can actually point out any error I've made.

Current scientific research already indicates Intelligent Design is needed.
Give me one or two examples. Or, why not just give me your single best piece of scientific evidence that shows that ID is needed? You keep making this claim, but all I've seen from you in support is vague hand-waves towards unspecified evidence and an instruction to go watch a video from James Tour.

Tell me: what specific evidence convinced you that ID is needed?

So far, Science has shown the need for an Intelligent Designer of some kind. Please consider the statements of James Tour as my evidence.
Like I said, it sounds like I'm talking to the wrong person. You're just relying on the authority of James Tour to make your case for you, rather than trying to make it yourself.

If you can disrespect and abuse people for their faith positions, I can certainly challenge your, faith in-spite of the evidence positions, as long as I do it in a loving manner.
Ah! Now we're getting to it.

You think I'm disrespecting your faith position. Do you think I should defer to your faith instead?

Do you think it's presumptuous of me to ask you to support your claims when you say you have evidence?

What about your right to believe what you like? Let's talk about that, in case there's confusion: as far as I'm concerned, you are free to believe whatever nonsense you like about gods or aliens or psychic powers or anything else, the only proviso being that, as a general rule, I don't think you have a right to harm others as a consequence of something you believe.

This discussion is not primarily about your beliefs at this point. It is about your evidence claim. All I am asking of you is that you put your money where your mouth is and present the relevant evidence you claim you have, whether it be about the need for an intelligent designer, the existence of your preferred god, or your identification of said preferred god with aforementioned intelligent designer.

When it comes to respect, I'm sorry but you don't get a free pass just because you have a religious belief. Religious beliefs aren't immune to rational criticism. At one time, religion might have been a "no go" area, but those days are past (except in certain backwards places where religious authorities are still able and willing to quash questioning with violence).
So you think the sensible stance is to go with random chance based on your 50 or so years exposure to the evidence.
At least we know that random chance is trying.

There's no reason at all to go with supernatural intervention, since nothing supports the idea that such a thing has ever occurred.
OK. So what is your definition of life?

Right. But something that replicates and grows - that's basically life. Even if it's just RNA.

Here is one definition...

Living things are organisms that display the key characteristics of life. These characteristics include the ability to grow, reproduce, take in and use energy, excrete waste, respond to the environment, and possess an organized structure more complex than that of non-living things.

Can you find a quote from the scientists who worked on the experiments, where they claim they created life from non-life?

Where did they get the RNA from, that they started with?
Living things are organisms that display the key characteristics of life. These characteristics include the ability to grow, reproduce, take in and use energy, excrete waste, respond to the environment, and possess an organized structure more complex than that of non-living things.
OK let's go with that.

They reproduce themselves. They take in and use energy; they use the chemical energy in the RNA "soup" they are in. They excrete waste (incorrectly formed duplicates.) They will stop reproducing when they run out of "food" thus responding to the environment. They possess a very specific organized structure.

So the only way they do not qualify is that they do not grow. Five of six. So that's why scientists do not refer to it as life, because they tend to be very precise. (It should be noted, though, that if you want to be that precise, a human male with a vasectomy is not alive either.)
OK let's go with that.

They reproduce themselves. They take in and use energy; they use the chemical energy in the RNA "soup" they are in. They excrete waste (incorrectly formed duplicates.) They will stop reproducing when they run out of "food" thus responding to the environment. They possess a very specific organized structure.

So the only way they do not qualify is that they do not grow. Five of six. So that's why scientists do not refer to it as life, because they tend to be very precise. (It should be noted, though, that if you want to be that precise, a human male with a vasectomy is not alive either.)

They did not claim to create life, because they know they did not create life.

You really have more faith, than I do!