Did Muhammad actually exist?

No, because he is right.
That's YOUR opinion.
So you are sating, rather that YOUR opinion is not debatable because it is fact? :D

Mohammed was directlt responsible for all his influence. And his influence has affected not just the Muslim world but through the alleviation of the dark ages and the trade established by Muslims from China to Norway, all the world. It is still the most debated most talked about subject on earth and consumes the whole planet today. How can you deny his influence? ;)
I'm not saying I deny his influence - I am saying that the topic is wide open for debate and speculation, and no one could ever say definitively one way or another.
Anyone who claims someone is the most influential person in history as a statement of fact is an arrogant fool.
I think anyone who has sustained his personal influence in the world for 1400 years is considered influential. Who would you say is most influential?
For better or for worse, everyone today studies Mohammed and Islam, no one studies Musa. How does that make him significant? He may be significant to you, but I bet more people can quote [or misquote] the Quran and Hadith than anything Musa said. Try debating with people about what Musa said, then debate with them what Mohammed said or did not say.

I think it's funny that you think that. Because the people who "quote muhammed" are actually quoting muhammed quote moshe. No one in my family has even touched a Q'Ran. None of my Christian friends either.
I think anyone who has sustained his personal influence in the world for 1400 years is considered influential. Who would you say is most influential?

Of course he was influential - I am not arguing that.

I don't know who I would say has been most influential - I honestly haven't given it much thought.
All I am saying, is that no matter what anyone's opinion is, there is no "factual" answer to that question - just opinion, supposition and perspective.
I think he's talking about the Taurat. One of those ahl al kitaab thingamajigs.
Hey in Islam do they have Khokhs? Whatever happened to tzitzit? Oh and that amazing concept of a shabbat. You ever heard of the word "kabala". You have...but it's MYSTICISM right?

Strange that Muhammed quoted it though...
He's a dhimmi. I have to protect him :mad:

עשה אותך לא העשה הפחד בחושך.

אתה חושב שקליפה באה מהמערב. איפה מעשה כזה דבר בא. זה יכול קבלה. אין כל כי מוסלמי לא מאמין בכזה {כל-כך{. אתה נשמע כ/כפי שצעקות תינוק.​
Anybody up for Haman's ears? I like it when they're golden-brown.

You know what I'm talking about, Cheski. I hear they go great with Arab blood!

Fuck, I'm on a roll.

Anybody up for Haman's ears? I like it when they're golden-brown.

You know what I'm talking about, Cheski. I hear they go great with Arab blood!

Fuck, I'm on a roll.


Haman has no ear.

מה שהוא סיבה בשבילך לדעת מה שהלא ידועה. יכל לך אפשרי ראה מה שאתה מעולם לא שמע. אין כל אתה לא יכול ולא. אז אתה עצוב חי במקום אחר ממני. ישראל ואלוהים שלו תמיד יחיו, ברוך הבא לקהילה.
Well, it's passed my bedtime. It's been a pleasure talking with you, Cheski, and I can only hope we carry on our discussion tomorrow. Good night!

zZzZzZzZ ...
