Did Muhammad actually exist?

Yes yes yes, and no one has ever practiced true Islam since some magical time of 4 magical Caliphs.

Communism has some lofty goals, but in practice it simply doesn't work. We can ask why, we can blame, we can do this is or that, but in the end - it doesn't work.

Take a look again at Islamic theocracies - they are utter failures.

It seems obvious to me that the notion of a One World beleif system is fundamentally harmful.
So, are we done establishing the historicity of Muhammed? Are you going to start on your Islamophobic rants now?
We agreed that the only contemporary evidence for Mohammad was an ancient Greek manuscript briefly describing a war lord. That may be Mohammad. I actually think it's funny - something change somethings stay the same.

This is your post correct:
Frankly, I read about it, but since I can't be arsed, I'm not going to bother. If its so important to you, you might want to look into it. Unless he sneezed on every letter and left a nose hair, which can be DNA identified by exhuming his bones or something, its completely irrelevant to me. And even then, it would be merely prurient interest.

Islam is an ideology, now whether its founder wrote with his left hand, had a big dick, preferred being on top, did handstands in his sleep, etc are all not relevant to what it is. Its like asking all these questions about Einstein. Who cares?

Communism is great. I don't care what you say, la la la la la la la Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao...

Islam is great. I don't care what you say, la la la la la la Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo....
