Did Jesus fulfill the Prophesy?

786 said:
Did Jesus ever claimed that don't take his words literally?

There were phrases of that day I'm sure that in context in that time and directed to those people were NOT MEANT TO BE LITERAL. That doesn't change the fact that you said:

786 said:
For this second I believe that Bible is the word of God

If you meant that, then you'd have to believe that verse in Matthew I pointed to also, which would leave you with an utter contradication (which I also am left with.) However, when I prayed about it and searched, I was first pointed to the article I posted... Did you pray about it? Did God lead you to contradict yourself in arguing this point?
Excuse me, but I didn't get you meant.

For the part when I said that Bible is the word of God. I was saying that nothing was changed in the Bible. If nothing was changed then how could the prophesy be false. This was my intention when I said for this second I believe Bible is the word of God.

Alpha. Do you believe in God?
For the part when I said that Bible is the word of God. I was saying that nothing was changed in the Bible. If nothing was changed then how could the prophesy be false. This was my intention when I said for this second I believe Bible is the word of God.

Just curious, really not meaning anything by this. What's your motive? Why are you trying to prove this wrong?
I am not trying to prove Christianity is a false religoin, which it might seem. But my motive is to get my Christian brothers to the true teachings of Jesus Christ. In my first post I said that I have an answer but I wanted the Christians to answer first. Now i'll share the answer.

Jesus never claimed this prophesy. These are not the word of Jesus. They were inserted by the Church. This prophesy was made by Paul. This is my answer believe it or not. For if you said that Jesus made a false prophesy then you can't claim Christianity being a true religion. Becaue it is based on Jesus's preachings.

These words were not said by Jesus. These were later fabrications. I don't say that the whole Bible has been changed, it might have but I don't think it has, because it has a lot of true things as well.

My motive is to get the Christians to the path that Jesus wanted them to go on. These days Christians believe in a lot things that were taught by Paul. I don't get why? Think about it. You believe in a person (Paul) who never met Jesus in his whole life. He supposedly got a vision.

If my motives are wrong please explain them to me.
For the part when I said that Bible is the word of God. I was saying that nothing was changed in the Bible. If nothing was changed then how could the prophesy be false. This was my intention when I said for this second I believe Bible is the word of God.
1 - It is already known the bible has been changed.
2 - The bible is incomplete. The fact that there are over 20 books missing referenced in the bible proves it. Ever read Chronicles?
Alpha. Do you believe in God?
Read this and ask me again.
Jesus never claimed this prophesy. These are not the word of Jesus. They were inserted by the Church.
Now you're contradicting yourself. Earlier you just said it hasn't been altered.
I don't say that the whole Bible has been changed, it might have but I don't think it has, because it has a lot of true things as well.
Such as?
I think you should read up on the history of the bible. It was altered by Constantine in the 3rd century. Further, a council of Romans voted what was to be considered the bible, and all other differing copies were destroyed.
786 said:
My motive is to get the Christians to the path that Jesus wanted them to go on. These days Christians believe in a lot things that were taught by Paul. I don't get why? Think about it. You believe in a person (Paul) who never met Jesus in his whole life. He supposedly got a vision.

You sound like Leo Volont talking about Paul like that... I've never heard so much anti-Pauline propaganda in my life.. very interesting.

anyhoo: Paul wrote/taught saying "repent" and "believe in Jesus that you might have eternal life" and "love" and "follow the commandments" and he quoted scripture...... just like everyone else in the Bible did. There's a consistent underlying theme that you can't just throw out because Paul never met Jesus before He was crucified...

Someone mentioned the vision/experience Paul had sounded like Joseph Smith (Mormon founder... yeah) 's vision of the Angel Moroni... if you study the history of the Mormon church you'll see he plagarized many spots in the NT. I bring that up here only to discourage the use of that as a reponse in the affirmative for anti-Pauline sentiments.
This is directed to Alpha.

"For the part when I said that Bible is the word of God. I was saying that nothing was changed in the Bible. If nothing was changed then how could the prophesy be false. This was my intention when I said for this second I believe Bible is the word of God."

I guess I forgot to right "just suppose". I know the bible has been changed. I was meaning, just suppose it wasn't changed.
This is also directed to Alpha.

So you don't believe in God.

I ask you Alpha if a book has revealed things when it could have not be known at that time, then later came to be true. Then tell me was the book pshysic (spelling?) or something. I am not talking of the Bible, but the Quran. I'll give you example if you like.

God can only be proven by the information. Tell me then, who created the information. Where did the information come from? Something had to have made the information, it couldn't have just existed.

If you don't understand what I mean by "information" then I'll explain in brief.

How does a DNA know, how to duplicate itself?
Why are their orbits in the Universe? (Not people answer is gravitational pull)
Where did the first living cell come from, and how? (Fact:Living cell come from other living cells?)
Why did the Big Bang happen? (If you believe in Big Bang, that is).
How does the cell know how to function? (requires information).

Good Luck Answering.
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I don't think Paul taught about the commandments. All the verses I know Paul says something like "you'll be judged by faith not laws". What do you think that "law" is? People were Jewish, the law was the Commandments. Find me 1 verse by Paul, claiming that follow the commandments, or something like it.

Jesus taught that "keep the commandments" he has said it repeatedly. But Paul said just have faith, and you'll be saved. Why do you think Jesus emphasized on the commandments so much, if he wanted his people to just have faith in the end.
I ask you Alpha if a book has revealed things when it could have not be known at that time, then later came to be true. Then tell me was the book pshysic (spelling?) or something. I am not talking of the Bible, but the Quran. I'll give you example if you like.
The Qur'an is no better off than the bible. This was addressed in that same thread as my proof.
God can only be proven by the information. Tell me then, who created the information. Where did the information come from? Something had to have made the information, it couldn't have just existed.
Sorry, but that makes no sense. Care to reword it?
God could only be proven by logic. The Universe wasn't created.
How does a DNA know, how to duplicate itself?
It doesn't. DNA is just a molecule that happens to replicate itself via chemical processes.
Why are their orbits in the Universe? (Not people answer is gravitational pull)
Huh? The answer is gravity.
Where did the first living cell come from, and how? (Fact:Living cell come from other living cells?)
I suggest you learn about evolution. A good starting point is the TalkOrigins site.
Why did the Big Bang happen? (If you believe in Big Bang, that is).
There are several theories, but the ultimate answer has not yet been determined. Note, the big bang is not the origin of all existence, simply the origin of the known universe.
How does the cell know how to function? (requires information).
No it doesn't. A cell functions because it's behaving according to the laws of nature. It doesn't require any knowledge. Any information requires someone to percieve it, or it's not information, because it's meaningless.
You have a lot of misconceptions and I strongly suggest you educate yourself.
Good Luck Answering.
Was that supposed to be hard?
Most of your points have already been addressed many times, as well as in the thread I linked to.
I think you need to go and take Biology, and Chemistry again.

DNA does go through process, but how does it know that it has to go through these process.
If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?

The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of God, is no different from this. According to the theory, lifeless atoms formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest living cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.

How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.
How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.

How is it possible that a creature an entity can come to existence out of nothing?. You claim that god created the universe, and man, but fail to explain what created god, or "it" just exists, because you think you see order in the universe? Then your blind there's no order in the universe, not divine order, there's plenty of chaos, even upon living cells, or how do you explain deseases?


Learn yourself some astronomy before making the claim of observable order in the universe.

Our minds our not so great. So we can not think to the level of God. I ask you. How can someone make prophesies in a book, which could not have been proven at that time, which have been proven now. Do you think that person was a psyshic? You cannot think to the level of God, so don't. God has given a book which he has stated the truth. Like the expanion of the universe, the movement of the mountains, the three stages of the development of the baby in the mother's womb, and many more which are stated in the Quran. These things could not have been known at the time it was written.

Anyways, this is a whole lot different topic. This thread wasn't made for this. I recommend you make a new thread so people don't get confused in the two things being discussed in this thread.
Most contradictions are given in one verse. You need to read more than just 1 verse to understand the topic. Others are made because who ever did them can't understand Arabic. You are the type of people who believe others. Have you ever read the Quran yourself?
I am only a teenager so I probably won't be able to refute much of you questions through Answer-Islam. But they have already lost. There is no use using their contradictions. They believe in the Bible so they come up with any thing that can confuse the people.


Go to http://www.examinethetruth.com/challenge.htm if you have any questions. Just ask them. I don't bother. Anyways I am not a specialist at this stuff so I don't want to give you any wrong answers. If you want answers then just go to the site I gave here it is again.

The answer might not be on there site so just e-mail them your questions.
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The mainstream denominations of the world teach that Jesus Christ was crucified and died on Good Friday, and was resurrected on Sunday morning , 36 hours later.

There is the crunch 786. What makes you assume that the "mainstream denominations" are truly Christian????????????????????????

All Praise The Ancient of Days