Did Jesus exist?

Ask the Hebrews, they haven't squawked about the translation.
Did you know the Queen speaks like that as well. "We are not amused," etc.
It's called the Pluralis Majestatis - or the "Royal WE".

But then I guess the Queen is a trinity as well? :eek:
According to Christianty, there must have been angels in existence at the time of creation. Satan had already fallen before the creation of the physical earth. Otherwise, there would be no serpant.

So when the Bible says, "Let us create man in our image" it could be referring to the "heavenly court" of angels which attended to God. It could be the cherabum, seraphim, or whatever you want to call it. But "us" doesn't have to imply a trinity.

Something that suggests that it isn't referring to a trinity is that the "Trinity" is never mentioned, not one time, in the writings of Moses in the Old Testament.
The word Elohim (God plural) is used in the text, not El (singular), should I draw you a picture?
If you fail to see the analogy that I am drawing then I shall spell it out... without needing to draw you a picture!

The word WE is plural.
The word Elohim is plural.

The English Queen refers to herself in the plural.
The Hebrew Bible refers to God in the plural.

There is one Queen - not a trinity.
See where I'm going with this.... ?:eek: :rolleyes:
If God was meant to be portrayed as of one component, then El would have been used, not Elohim, I really don't know why the Queen calls herself we.
So you are happy that God is referred to in the plural - obviously because you think (sorry - have been told) he is, but you dismiss any evidence that flows contrary to your beliefs?
There's one thing I don't understand:

Let's assume that God never intended to create the earth. He was satisfied with having angels around him to share his love with. Why would a Jesus be needed?

It seems like Jesus and the Holy Ghost were created in response to the creation of the earth. Otherwise, they would serve no purpose.

So it is odd that God would be made up of three things, two of which he would only need in the case of an earth with humans.

So really, God must have created Jesus and the Holy Ghost as a response to the creation of the earth. So then before the earth, there was no trinity. Just God.
Moses thinks otherwise:

Deut 6:4-6
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deut 6:4-5
4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! 5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
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