Did God actually create Rabies?


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
Rabies - or Small Pox, the Black Plague, Leprosy, HIV, TB, Malaria and so on, things that severely endanger human life - how come they exist?

Did God actually create Rabies?
Birth, death, old age and disease

these are four trade marks of the material world

and frankly, we are so absolutely determined to remain in such a state, that I am convinced that if the material world was even a fraction more pleasant than what it is, it would be impossible to develop the determination to move out.
God made the world unpleasant so that humans would want to leave it ?

Interesting concept. Fits the facts better than the "benevolent" stereotype.
God made the world unpleasant so that humans would want to leave it ?
arguably the reason humans have it tougher than the others is because they can see how things are and simultaneously know how things should be ...

Interesting concept. Fits the facts better than the "benevolent" stereotype.
depends whether you think benevolence involves making a prison so delightful that no one wants to leave ...
Certain physical limitations ensure that we don't have very much choice in the matter.

Anal warts: His idea, right? What about lawyers?
Rabies - or Small Pox, the Black Plague, Leprosy, HIV, TB, Malaria and so on, things that severely endanger human life - how come they exist?

Did God actually create Rabies?
Good question. Sometimes The four horsemen are generally known as War, Famine, Pestilence and Death (although sometimes Conquest is in place of Pestilence)

Anyway, Pestilence rides a pale greenish horse and seems to spread disease. So yeah, I'd say God makes diseases.
Birth, death, old age and disease

these are four trade marks of the material world

and frankly, we are so absolutely determined to remain in such a state, that I am convinced that if the material world was even a fraction more pleasant than what it is, it would be impossible to develop the determination to move out.

Have you planned your trip and bought your ticket ?
Good question. Sometimes The four horsemen are generally known as War, Famine, Pestilence and Death (although sometimes Conquest is in place of Pestilence)

Anyway, Pestilence rides a pale greenish horse and seems to spread disease. So yeah, I'd say God makes diseases.

Did he also make a" pale greenish horse" ?
God made the world unpleasant so that humans would want to leave it ?

Interesting concept. Fits the facts better than the "benevolent" stereotype.

in my opinion i dont think God comes into it, i think we (the human race) made the world unpleasant!
There is no God so it doesn't exist, when will you ever learn?:shrug: Man and animals evolved and with that evolution came diseases as well. :)
You are wrong, God will appear in December 2012..

That's what I've heard over and over through the centuries by hundreds of "believers", but nothing ever happened! I wonder why not?:shrug: Perhaps because there is no God?
That's what I've heard over and over through the centuries by hundreds of "believers", but nothing ever happened! I wonder why not?:shrug: Perhaps because there is no God?

At least it brings salvation ;)

No, it brings life! They have determined that PERHAPS some asteroids have living things imbeded in them which COULD start life on the right planets they may impact upon. That is at least one THEORY they have postulaed as to how life started here on Earth. Water , as well, scientists believe was brought to Earth by asteroids as well.:)