Developing Telepathy

Happeh said:
We all know that scientists have a reputation for being geeks. If you want to interpret my words literally to say I am saying they are imprisoned, you are being foolish. Their minds are imprisoned by the narrow rules of science. They need to break that and look at the real world of politics etc.
Not in my experience. Scientists do participate in the public arena when it comes to political and even ethical issues. For example, any reasonable public discussion on climate change, will involve scientists from different branches. Society, or at least the society I live in, puts them regulary in the place to "look at the real world" and asks their advice about it. Ranging from genetic manipulation to the constitution of the European Union, they are invited to have their say.

Moreover, in the hard reality of ever diminishing budgets, research projects that have a more direct application for businesses and/or political benefit tend to be given priority. Thus scientists in search of a budget need to be aware of the economical and political situation.

And what do you mean of the "narrow rules of science"? Science tends to be extremely open minded. You can basically make any statement you want, however outrageous, given that it's backed up by evidence (or reputable references) and is testable.
SkinWalker said:
If that statement is true it disproves, at the very least, that you have anything to do with telepathy. The reason is, the more skeptics say "nay," you respond with a zeal as if you have something to prove. These alleged 'telepaths' have nothing to prove, but they are the loudest of all the woo-woos on the board. How full of shit is that?

I never said I had anything to do with telepathy. Is that what your problem is? You think I am bragging about myself? I never said I could do any of that. I said it was possible.

SkinWalker said:
The reality of it is simple, you need attention. You crave it.

Sure I do. I am a human animal. Sometimes I wish I wasn't, but that is what I am. As a human animal, I react the way my animal body evolved. Human's are social animals. They have a need for social contact. Part of that social contact is making noises at other humans, whether is is speech or just ape hooting.

Why should I be embarrassed I am a human animal and I have to act like one? I have no choice? Not really. I could thwart my animal nature. I could lock myself in a room with no human contact. You know what would happen? I would die. Because human animals need human contact in order to thrive.

Ridicule me all you want for needing attention. You need to complain to god or evolution or someone who was in charge of creating humans if you have a problem

SkinWalker said:
The irony is, that while you might have some minimal admiration reflected in the comments of one or two other woo-woo's on the board, the vast majority are laughing it up. It isn't a net result of respect you earn, but (at best) that of pity. I genuinely pity the fellow human that gets so wrapped up in such fantasies that they cannot let go.

Ya. You are upset because you think I am saying I am a telepath. Simple jealousy is making you speak like this. You could stop being jealous and train yourself if you are envious. Just do what everyone else does. Start meditating. That is the first step. Meditating is about becoming familiar with your thoughts. Then when someone else's thoughts are in your head, you can recognize they are not you.
nameless said:
No, moron, this thread is NOT yours. What have you added to the original question besides crapping all over it? Is that all of which you are capable? Cant add anything? Then shut the fuk up and leave!

It won't work. They really are crap droppers. It is like trying to shoo pigeons away. They really don't see how their behavior looks to other people.
SkinWalker said:
It belongs to me now. I've taken over. You can stay, but I've reported your ad hominem remarks to the moderators for review. Really... you must learn to control your temper. One should think that if a telepath were to exist, he/she would have some control over basic emotions.

That is funny. Say "Everyone who says they are a telepath is lying or deluded".

Then go complain to the mods when someone says something about you.

That is the difference between people like you and people like us. People like us try to be understanding. We know you are fighting a battle with jealousy that is making you say bad things. We understand your inner turmoil.

You? You don't get your way, you complain. You look for a way to cause trouble. You go get a moderator. That is how your type of peopel work. They go cry to someone when they don't get their way.
Ophiolite said:
Your ignorance is substantial. Tell us, who was burnt at the stake for saying the sun was the centre of the Solar System? Certainly not Galileo, who was too much of a pragmatic politician to fall into that trap.
Perhaps you were thinking of Giordano Bruno, who was certainly influenced by Copernicus. However, when he was burnt at the stake the Roman Catholic church had no position on Copernicanism. He was burnt for the heresy of docetism.

I could really care less. None of that is going to improve my life or my families life. I admire your ability to retain trivia though.

Ophiolite said:
So, tell us, who was this mystrey man (or woman) burnt at the stake for declaring the Earth was not the centre of the Universe?
We await your elucidation.
You poor bastard.

You poor bastard. You think knowing who was burned at the stake is going to make your life better. Me? I know that telepathy and faith and goodness and all those things that you laugh at are the way to a better life.
Happeh said:
That is funny. Say "Everyone who says they are a telepath is lying or deluded".

Then go complain to the mods when someone says something about you.

That is the difference between people like you and people like us. People like us try to be understanding. We know you are fighting a battle with jealousy that is making you say bad things. We understand your inner turmoil.

You? You don't get your way, you complain. You look for a way to cause trouble. You go get a moderator. That is how your type of peopel work. They go cry to someone when they don't get their way.

Well, I've not "gone and cried to anyone" and I also say anyone who makes those claims is either lying or deluded.

There have been countless attempts under controlled conditions to prove the existence of telepathy and every single one of them has done no better than the odds of random chance - or even worse.

Can you provide a link to any study which gave any better results?
Point 1: If you are going to put 'facts' in your posts, apparently to support your position, you really should make sure those 'facts' are correct.
Point 2: It is really quite fatuous to declare, after the 'facts' are shown to be in error, that you 'could really care less'. In that case, why mention them in the first place. You were called on yet another inaccuracy and so you go scurrying for cover like a small rodent.
Point 3: I cannot prevent you practicing deceit. If I could I would do so. Taking two of of my sentences and juxtaposing them, out of context, is deceitful. My reference to you as a 'poor bastard' was associated with your sad claim that sooner or later everyone would lie. That was why I said 'you poor bastard', because for a moment I felt genuine sorry that life had so fouled you up that you could see only the negative of everything and everybody. I should prefer that you not twist my words again, by taking them out of context.
Point 4: I should also prefer that you not presume to lecture me about faith and goodness.
duendy said:
me))))))was emphasizing scientist's high n mighty opinion of hirself is all. ie., they--the mscientists--assume complexmatter produces consciousness. but rthat THEIRprecious brain-producing-consciousnesses will be top o' the tree. how many times the the mscientists here take on that superior ground ....?exxxxactly! wasn't so hard was it?
That doesn't make much sense either duendy.
duendy said:
me))i know. caus YOUR on their side so yous dont feels it darlinme)))))
There is more hosility coming from the believers.

duendy said:
me)))))but heyyy. come close....closer still. bit closeer.....pssst. 'yu dont KNOW 'the truth''ll impose your WORLDVIEW. andin the pocess are making a godamn awafgul mess of it, despite all yer flashy gadgits. and actually all them flash gadgets spew toxic shit
Yes yes scientists are responsible for all the evils in the world...
duendy said:
me)))))and you know reality huh. all you know is facts facts facts, like yer friends. like A machine! a huge part of your being you have let atrophy!
Thats fine I will stick with my facts and you can cling to your fantasies.

duendy said:
test shmest
Lame response. Do you think that we should not even test for telepathy?
Light said:
Well, I've not "gone and cried to anyone" and I also say anyone who makes those claims is either lying or deluded.

There have been countless attempts under controlled conditions to prove the existence of telepathy and every single one of them has done no better than the odds of random chance - or even worse.

Can you provide a link to any study which gave any better results?

No I cannot. All I can say is your insistence on a bonified "expert" promising you there really is a santa, oh sorry, telepathy, is not going to happen.

You are crippling yourself. You are blinding yourself to the real world around you by your insistence on some authority giving you permission to believe in telepathy. It is not just the subject of telepathy. On some level in your mind, you are not an adult. You are a child who will never do anything without permission. For your own good, you need to be able to reach out and believe in something that you do not have permission to believe in. Just like you needed to walk out the door that night even though your parents told you it would be big trouble if you did.
Happeh said:
Ridicule me all you want for needing attention.

It's not your needing attention that is being ridiculed. It's how you're going about it... making a fantastic claim without supportive evidence. This is a science forum... not a science fiction forum.
I will jump in here because I asked for the same thing that Light did on a previous page.

Happeh said:
No I cannot. All I can say is your insistence on a bonified "expert" promising you there really is a santa, oh sorry, telepathy, is not going to happen.
Asking for some positive test results of telepathic people is not the same thing as asking for an authority to tell you what to believe in. I understand that you may see it that way though.

Happeh said:
You are crippling yourself. You are blinding yourself to the real world around you by your insistence on some authority giving you permission to believe in telepathy. It is not just the subject of telepathy. On some level in your mind, you are not an adult. You are a child who will never do anything without permission. For your own good, you need to be able to reach out and believe in something that you do not have permission to believe in. Just like you needed to walk out the door that night even though your parents told you it would be big trouble if you did.
You are saying that believing in unsupported fantastic claims is somehow a sign of maturity. ? I disagree.

It seems that when a sceptic asks for some proof they are then accused of being blind, rigid thinking materialists ect. If I claimed that I could fly would you not want me to show you? Would it be a sign of maturity to believe it without a demonstation?

If telepathy exists someone should be able to show us. How did you come to believe in telepathy happeh?
shaman_ said:
You are saying that believing in unsupported fantastic claims is somehow a sign of maturity. ? I disagree.

The claims are only fantastic to you.

shaman_ said:
If telepathy exists someone should be able to show us. How did you come to believe in telepathy happeh?

someone should be able to show us. I keep telling people no one wants to deal with angry, rude, arrogant, raving people telling them what is and isn't true.

Didn't your momma tell you it is easier to catch bees with honey than it is with vinegar?
People who claim they are telepathic are either lying or delusional. Should someone care to demonstrate a case of telepathy undercontrolled conditions, I'm willing to revise. Otherwise, they're all full of shit.

No amount of woo-woo bitching and crying about how science is "materialist" and skeptics are "too negative to see it" will change the fact that it exists only in the fantasies of some probably very young people. A few of which, appear so eager for peer recognition and attention, that they come to a science board and then start claiming that "telepathy can be developed." And yet, no one has ever demonstrated it can.

Telepathy is poppycock.
Happeh said:
All I can say is your insistence on a bonified "expert" ............
This not addressed to Happeh. Do you suppose that a bonified expert, is one who has been given a skeleton, or did Happy Talk mean bona fide? I do admire your consistency in demonstrating your lack of education, Happy Talk.
SkinWalker said:
People who claim they are telepathic are either lying or delusional. Should someone care to demonstrate a case of telepathy undercontrolled conditions, I'm willing to revise. Otherwise, they're all full of shit.

No amount of woo-woo bitching and crying about how science is "materialist" and skeptics are "too negative to see it" will change the fact that it exists only in the fantasies of some probably very young people. A few of which, appear so eager for peer recognition and attention, that they come to a science board and then start claiming that "telepathy can be developed." And yet, no one has ever demonstrated it can.

Telepathy is poppycock.

Is this account one of those computer AI thingies? I swear I have read this exact same post from this exact same person at least 3 times.
Ophiolite said:
This not addressed to Happeh. Do you suppose that a bonified expert, is one who has been given a skeleton, or did Happy Talk mean bona fide? I do admire your consistency in demonstrating your lack of education, Happy Talk.

That is funny. I just read on another board not 5 minutes ago a lawyer saying "Ah, attacking the spelling and grammar. The last defense of those without an argument".

I think that describes you perfectly.
I swear I have read this exact same post from this exact same person at least 3 times.

It all sounds exactly the same because everyone is telling you the same thing. Perhaps you should start listening.
shaman_ said:
That doesn't make much sense either duendy.

me)))))))i know, caus you lack absorbtion powers due to your left-brained invasion of your mind.
so let me summarize: mscientific myth is that consciousness is produced by complex matter. they furthe think that this is particularly powerful in wite western male brains, ESPECIALLY mscientific brains. ....evidence? read phlo' posts, yours, skins, lights, etc were they look down their noses at anyone wo aint a'scientist'. altho you wont admi this. it IS true

There is more hosility coming from the believers.

me)))))not so. i am sure if you were un-lazy enuf to inestigate posts from whenever you will see itis ALWAYS te mscienists who start with te condescednin and outrights dissins, with eg, 'woo woo', 'crackpot', 'etc.......'

Yes yes scientists are responsible for all the evils in the world...

me))))seee we CAn agree sometimes sha_

Thats fine I will stick with my facts and you can cling to your fantasies.

me))))))no. again you dontunderstand. you UNDERESTIMATE non-'factual' experience. you have done this with your psychdelic experience and insights(??) i errr dont see much hope for you. only you can radicaly change. i can't force you, cajole you. it has to come from YOU.

Lame response. Do you think that we should not even test for telepathy?
you mean when i say 'test schmest'.....hmmmm, how t communicate yhis to a mscientist-type...........first thing that comes to mind i trying to chillout in a lab with animals being tested on. hardy good set and setting for exploring deep recesses of reality. but that is where you boys love. th LAB. weeee hate all that. itis clinical, dead, and frightfully dead and boring
(Q) said:
I swear I have read this exact same post from this exact same person at least 3 times.

It all sounds exactly the same because everyone is telling you the same thing. Perhaps you should start listening.

Let me give both of you something to think about.

We agree that Asian cultures are known for the practice of meditation. The practice of meditation is described as sitting quietly, usually on the ground. The stated purpose of meditation is to calm the mind and maybe for good health also. We all agree this is generally accurate.

When you sit down to meditate, what is going to happen? You will sit there and you will be bored. You are physically inactive. There is no way to release energy. Your only source of release would be mental activity. Or I suppose you could yodel or sing if we want to be accurate. Let's stick to the mind.

Your mind is going to go nuts. All the energy in your body is going into your head because you are sitting there doing nothing. You will think about work or your wife or the football game or what is for dinner. Meditation is recommended to be done for years for it to be effective. That means you are thinking about what is for dinner etc, every single day that you mediatate for 1 year or 3 years or 5 years.

At some point in your meditation practice, you will become intimately familiar with your thoughts. You know exactly what is going to be in your mind when you meditate. If you had a problem at work, you know that is going to pop up when you meditate. Or, after years of time, you will succeed in making your mind be quiet. You will have resolved all those thoughts that always clamored for attention, or you stuffed them away in a box so they do not bother you when you meditate.

For the purpose of this exercise your mind is blank after some years of meditation practice.

One day you go to the mini mart. You are in the mini mart looking for a soda. You get the soda and go to the counter to pay. As you do, you suddenly are struck by an impulse to steal a candy bar. You know that is not you. You are a person who is buying a soda. If you wanted a candy bar, you could just buy one. Because of your meditation practice, you know what kinds of thoughts are in your head. You have been watching them for years, and you know exactly what is in there. Stealing is not one of them. You never thought about stealing in your life.

Knowing this to be fact, you look around you. When you do, you see a child by the candy display. What would be a reasonable conclusion from this? For me, a reasonable conclusion is that the person in the story is picking up the thoughts of the child. He knows from his meditation practice exactly what should be in his mind. He knows that stealing has never been in his mind. He looks and sees a child right in front of the candy display.

Another person can say many other things are going on here. The adult in the story really was a thief or a million other things. That is not the point. The point is, Asian culture promotes meditation. That is fact. Meditation is supposed to develop the mind. That is fact. What is not accepted fact is that meditation would help a person develop telepathy. It seems like a reasonable possiblity. Telepathy would naturally fall under the category of mental development.

Then I would ask you to consider the case of mystics. If you search your memory, you will find that most depictions or descriptions of mystics is that they are solitary. They have many other characteristics. The solitary lifestyle is the important one for this. A solitary lifestyle would be similar to meditation. Solitude that forced the mind to develop because there was no outside stimuli.

If you string ideas like the 2 above together, the conclusions seem obvious. A person can say "That is not concrete fact or science" if they want to. They are only cheating themselves. There is a reason that human culture thruout recorded history has talked about telepathy and magic and mind powers. It is because there really are such things.
You get A+ for imagination. I recommend that the next time this urge to steal a candy bar occurs, go for it. I want to see how your explanation holds up as a defense in court.
Meditation is a wonderful thing. If telepathy existed meditation might logically be a path towards developing it. So far you have produced no evidence that it does exist. Which is why....
That is funny. I just read on another board not 5 minutes ago a lawyer saying "Ah, attacking the spelling and grammar. The last defense of those without an argument".
....I resort to attacking your spelling and your grammar. And your grasp of basic facts. Was it not you who thought Galileo had been burnt at the stake?

You know guys, Happehhazard is showing us to be idiots. We are arguing with someone who thinks Galileo was burnt at the stake, and when called on it replies "I could really care less. None of that is going to improve my life or my families life." Someone who is a bonified (sic) believer. What fools we are. :rolleyes: