Developing Telepathy

Happeh said:
The question is, are you open minded? Aside from your insinuation? How interested are you really in telepathy or the phenomenon of human energy?

I would like to play a game. This game requires you to have the spirit of a child. You need to be open, honest, and looking for fun. You have to be curious and have the wonder of a child who asks why about every single thing they see.

In the link below is an mp3 that is about 2 minutes in length. I would like anyone interested to listen to it.

The mp3 is of Arabic men chanting. To play the game, you need to listen to the mp3, and write your impression of it. Anything goes. Any impression or feeling that you think of or feel when listening.

If I say anything, you will be biased towards what it is I say. That is why I am not describing anything or pointing anything out. I think the game could shed some insight into the discussion here that plain words cannot.

I listened and here are the thoughts that come to mind:

wild, unhealthy, lions, conflict, confusion, purpose, sacrafice, resolution

This was based on how my emotional center processed the auditory info. My interest in 'telepathy' or any other 'PSI' phenomena is to see if it exists. So far, no dice but the door is always open to provide supportive evidence.
People think differently. From my perspective, your post has nothing to do with my question. Those words you used could be the response to any question in the universe.
You could be playing a game and free associating words, then looking at me and saying that is your thoughtful answer.

Please describe what is going on in the clip. Anything of interest that a reporter or a scientist observing would record. Reports of sensory perception kinds of things.

I honestly hope someone else chooses to participate. Our thought processes are too far apart for us to communicate effectively I think. I am a down to earth nuts and bolts factual kind of person. You are a flighty, free association, floating kind of person.
Happeh said:
I am a down to earth nuts and bolts factual kind of person.

This? from Happeth?????????????????


Honestly - I've never before read anything so funny in my whole life!!!!!!!!!
Happeh said:
To play the game, you need to listen to the mp3, and write your impression of it. Anything goes. Any impression or feeling that you think of or feel when listening.

Happeh said:
People think differently. From my perspective, your post has nothing to do with my question. Those words you used could be the response to any question in the universe.

In logic we call statements like this a 'contradiction'.

Happeh said:
Please describe what is going on in the clip. Anything of interest that a reporter or a scientist observing would record. Reports of sensory perception kinds of things.

Singing, coughing, babies crying, preaching?

Happeh said:
...I am a down to earth nuts and bolts factual kind of person. You are a flighty, free association, floating kind of person.

Don't make me contradict that statement with your babylon 5 and star trek quotes.
Oh wait... is that mp3 a video? I only listened to it (as per instruction). I just noticed the URL placed it in video folder.
Light said:
This? from Happeth?????????????????


Honestly - I've never before read anything so funny in my whole life!!!!!!!!!

From retired psycho to belly laughing heckler. My how the mighty have fallen.
Happeh said:
No video. Was the baby crying the entire time? I thought it was mostly chanting?

Nope, only a little crying. No chanting either. Babies typically haven't learned complex vocalizations when their first born.
To Crunchy Cat, i was not able to find anything on that show i watched about telepathy.... sorry man but after watching it unless you are very skeptical you would be almost convinced that there is somting to telepathy..... Although most people considered to have it are very weak in it but during the cold war it was used as a weapon.... really weird that it can be used as an effective weapon during the cold war when it doens't work though kidna makes you think about it.... i suppose you would have be doing research on it for a givin amount of time before you could really decidde whether it is fake or real im standing neutral in it until i have a chance to do heay research on it
Crunchy Cat said:
Nope, only a little crying. No chanting either. Babies typically haven't learned complex vocalizations when their first born.

If there was only a little crying, why do you think that is? The music clip is 2 minutes long. Why didn't the baby cry the entire two minutes? Why did it cry at all?
Ricky houy:
Crunchy cat:
could either of you tell me what show is being refered to here

Ricky houy said:
To Crunchy Cat, i was not able to find anything on that show i watched about telepathy.... sorry man but after watching it unless you are very skeptical you would be almost convinced that there is somting to telepathy..... Although most people considered to have it are very weak in it but during the cold war it was used as a weapon.... really weird that it can be used as an effective weapon during the cold war when it doens't work though kidna makes you think about it.... i suppose you would have be doing research on it for a givin amount of time before you could really decidde whether it is fake or real im standing neutral in it until i have a chance to do heay research on it
This thread has gone back and forth with skepticism about telepathy and human energy. People want proof. The problem with proof is definition. What I call energy, you may have another word for. Or you may not see what I do. That is what needs to be determined. Do we have communication problems? Or do you we have a true phenomenon that one trained person sees and untrained people do not?

Here is a picture that demonstrates what I call the phenomenon of energy. If you don't know anything about energy, it will probably look like nothing more than a picture to you.


What I would like anyone interested to do is to describe what they see when they look at the picture. Just like with the music, this will show what your observational abilities are, how you think, and whether what I call energy is something that you call by a different name.

Here is a much larger sized, almost monitor big, version of the same picture. If you feel you need more detail to make a scientific observation, this picture is for you.
Ricky Houy said:
To Crunchy Cat, i was not able to find anything on that show i watched about telepathy.... sorry man but after watching it unless you are very skeptical you would be almost convinced that there is somting to telepathy..... Although most people considered to have it are very weak in it but during the cold war it was used as a weapon.... really weird that it can be used as an effective weapon during the cold war when it doens't work though kidna makes you think about it.... i suppose you would have be doing research on it for a givin amount of time before you could really decidde whether it is fake or real im standing neutral in it until i have a chance to do heay research on it

Thanks for trying Ricky. If you come across it at any future point then let me know.
Happeh said:
If there was only a little crying, why do you think that is? The music clip is 2 minutes long. Why didn't the baby cry the entire two minutes? Why did it cry at all?

There's not enough information available to answer that question.
Happeh said:
This thread has gone back and forth with skepticism about telepathy and human energy. People want proof. The problem with proof is definition. What I call energy, you may have another word for. Or you may not see what I do. That is what needs to be determined. Do we have communication problems? Or do you we have a true phenomenon that one trained person sees and untrained people do not?

Here is a picture that demonstrates what I call the phenomenon of energy. If you don't know anything about energy, it will probably look like nothing more than a picture to you.

What I would like anyone interested to do is to describe what they see when they look at the picture. Just like with the music, this will show what your observational abilities are, how you think, and whether what I call energy is something that you call by a different name.

Here is a much larger sized, almost monitor big, version of the same picture. If you feel you need more detail to make a scientific observation, this picture is for you.

Why not tell us what you see? I think you already know the answers that are going to come from 'non-believers'. The energy evidenced is light, chemical, electrical, sound. There is emotion, dancing, photosynthesis, matter. The word 'energy' that we are using is the standard agreed upon definition of the english language.

If you're referring to a different concept then describe what it is and provide evidence for it.
lol well this is some really good reading telekinesis now has a formula
Conrad's Human Telekinesis Equation, also known as the Conrad Telekinesis Formula, is

TK = CFe +VC +ZPE -SD - E+.

Fuller explanations for the various symbols can be found on his website (, but simply put, TK = Telekinesis; + CFe = sufficient Cerebro Iron; + VC = direct Visual Contact; +ZPE = Zero Point Emotions; - SD = no Sleep Deprivation; and - E+ = no excess Vitamin E. The World Health Organization estimates that up to 80% of the world's population may be iron deficient and considers it the number one nutritional disorder in the world; in fact, "a public health condition of epidemic proportions."

To read more on it
Crunchy Cat said:
There's not enough information available to answer that question.

Here is my point. Getting cooperation from you is nothing but trouble. That answer is a cop out. A refusal to be involved. It makes no difference what you think of the amount of information available. You are supposed to answer the questions with what is available.

To me, it looks like, now that I pointed at something, anything, in the music, you are running away before I make some point or the other.