Developing Telepathy

Quantum Quack said:
Light it is a little funny that you should denounce our own sensory potentials.

15 years ago I was sitting half way up Uluru [ Ayers Rock ] in central Australia filming a sunset using a video camera and I got a wiff of sea air from the North. The wind was blowing from the west.
Now from this position the sea was over 2000kms away and even though you will probably say that it was probably just a salt plain or something a little closer I would reply by saying that you obviously can't tell the difference between fresh sea salt and stale plain salt. [ dired lake of salty water ]
Apparently it is quite common for persons to mention smelling the sea from the top of Ayers rock.

So whilst I can't prove at this time the efficiency of our 'ole hooters I have no trouble knowing it to be true.

Of course the way to shoot this observation in the foot so to speak is to claim that I suffered a sensory halucination of some sort and that I am deluded.
Hell, any persons observation can be shot to pieces with the "your deluded arguement". I am not sure but at this point in time I don't think smells can be captured on video or held in some way to prove anything. So how do I support my observation? Impossible to do yes?

Do I expect you take my word for it? Of course not.
Do I change my opinion about the experience? Ditto.

I would not argue against your experience. It seems perfectly plausible to me that a large mass of air could carry a smell and travel huge distances.

That would be one possibility I could accept; another is a source of odor much closer by that smells like something besides what it really is. A fairly common occurrence, I think.

So, no - I believe your experience. :)
the images of the electrophotography change in accordacne with the internal states of individuals, plants and minerals.

No, they do not change based on the individuals internal states. You have been duped.

the electrophotographic technique does not change the images and the subjects photographed change.

The capacitive discharge generator does everything, it has nothing to do with the individual. You've been duped.

the human body radiates subtle emanations (apart from pheromones) such as Light, Heat, Chemical, Electric and Magnetic energy possibly others that we have no idea about as yet.

What? Over and above what is already known? I doubt it. Duped.

so it is a possibility that these emanations of the body could carry with them information about the body.

What information?

anyway its a possible mecahanism for the transference of information between unconnected bodies.

A mechanism which has never been shown to exist?
(Q) said:
the images of the electrophotography change in accordacne with the internal states of individuals, plants and minerals.

No, they do not change based on the individuals internal states. You have been duped.


You might be more well versed on this than me. My understanding of KP is that current is applied to a person and surface of the object taking the photograph and this results in a corona affect that has funky affects on the pigment in film.

My understanding is that emotional state produced slightly different photographs (coloration changes for example) that were pretty consistent. Are these results false? I can see how poorly conducted experiments with this 'technique' could produce meaningless results and I am wondering if your assertions are based on knowledge of not following a good experimental process?
Sure it has been shown to exist Q. You just don't know what it is.

Some people say there is energy. Some people say "There is not. where is the proof?". Here is a short video that proves the existence of energy. The only problem is, you won't understand it. That is not because the video does not show energy, it is because you do not know how to interpret what it is you are seeing.

The video is 3 megs in Xvid and MPEG 3. If you can't see it, you need the Xvid codec or a different media player that plays Xvid encoded files.

The video is a short snippet of the introduction of some fighters at a fight.

Here is the plan. I say this video supports the idea that human beings have energy. As scientists, you are supposed to examine this video in detail. You are supposed to look at the people in it like you just landed on mars, and they are martians. You need to find out what they act like, what they think, why they behave as they do, all that kinds of stuff you cannot know about an alien race.

Don't take anything you see for granted. Don't let your preconceptions blind you to what is there.

There are only 3 ways in which to alter electrophotographic effects:

1. Change the electric field, ie. increase voltage.
2. Increase or decrease the charge.
3. Use another generator.

Note that none have anything to do with the subjected individuals emotional or internal states as have been claimed above.
You just don't know what it is... The only problem is, you won't understand it...

Then, don't post it here. Go away.
(Q) said:

There are only 3 ways in which to alter electrophotographic effects:

1. Change the electric field, ie. increase voltage.
2. Increase or decrease the charge.
3. Use another generator.

Note that none have anything to do with the subjected individuals emotional or internal states as have been claimed above.

Thanks Q. Out of curiousity do we know for sure that emotional state doesn't affect a person's bio-electrical field in a way that could produce consistent changes in a electrophotographic effect? Just trying to understand this one better... like I said... haven't seen this since high school.
Out of curiousity do we know for sure that emotional state doesn't affect a person's bio-electrical field in a way that could produce consistent changes in a electrophotographic effect?

I'm sure that those who would like to sell you their literature and Kirlian cameras would agree.
(Q) said:
Out of curiousity do we know for sure that emotional state doesn't affect a person's bio-electrical field in a way that could produce consistent changes in a electrophotographic effect?

I'm sure that those who would like to sell you their literature and Kirlian cameras would agree.

Well duh :). Let me rephrase the question. Is there contradictory evidence to the hypothesis that emotional state can produce minute but measurable differences in electrophotographic effects?

I am only asking because I'm not knowledgeable enough in this area :)
Is there contradictory evidence to the hypothesis that emotional state can produce minute but measurable differences in electrophotographic effects?

Sure, take an electrophotograph in a vacuum using a K camera and you'll see no so-called Krilian effect at all.
kirlian photography is only a small part of the larger picture the fact that the body radiates subtle energies in various forms such as light, heat, chemicals, electromagnetic, whatever still probable? also propbale is that these emantions will vary with the emotional state. i think of those galvanic skin things for liars.

sorry. i am hopeless with science stuff
ellion said:
kirlian photography is only a small part of the larger picture the fact that the body radiates subtle energies in various forms such as light, heat, chemicals, electromagnetic, whatever still probable? also propbale is that these emantions will vary with the emotional state. i think of those galvanic skin things for liars.

sorry. i am hopeless with science stuff

It's called a polygraph, or more commonly, a lie detector.

And the galvanic skin "thing" is simply measuring skin resistance - a function of sweating/ being nervous.
thank you professor.

my point is the body emits substances in accordance with its internal stat some are more subtle than others. some we can already measure like sweat, and shit etc. some of these emenations are less obvious such as photons, gamma rays and what have you, i propose that it is highly likely there are emenations that we are not fully aware of.
ellion said:
thank you professor.

You're welcome.

my point is the body emits substances in accordance with its internal stat some are more subtle than others. some we can already measure like sweat, and shit etc. some of these emenations are less obvious such as photons, gamma rays and what have you, i propose that it is highly likely there are emenations that we are not fully aware of.

The most recent, and admittedly surprising, is photons. Gamma rays, no.

And the magnetic field is so weak that it cannot be detected by the most sensitive equipment even inches away.

I most certainly would not close all the doors but I think "other emanations" are highly unlikely.
you dont like gamma rays?

you say other emenations are highly unlikely??? you mean other than those i mention?
anything apart from shit, sweat and photons?
how do you mean "other emenations"

are you saying the body does not emit anything else apart form.............what exactly?
is this your reliance on making things up again? like you did wiht those millions to one statistics you lauded about
(Q) said:
Is there contradictory evidence to the hypothesis that emotional state can produce minute but measurable differences in electrophotographic effects?

Sure, take an electrophotograph in a vacuum using a K camera and you'll see no so-called Krilian effect at all.

Interesting. I'll have to look into this further on my own and I understand the point. This suggests however that regular Kirlian photography experiments showing emotional state differences consistently were very neglectfully performed or utterly falsified.