Developing Telepathy

ellion said:
is this your reliance on making things up again? like you did wiht those millions to one statistics you lauded about

Well, so much for trying to have a friendly conversation with you. :bugeye: You revert back to something that I'm still sure you understood quite clearly even though you went to great pains to argue about it.

I'll find someone more intelligent/reasonable to discuss this segment with.
light. you do what you believe is right, dress it up any way you wish, it doesnt change the reality that you face.

if your intent is to have intelligent conversation then you should not be relying on made up facts stated as truths. if you are going to do this then you should not be offended when your called back to the smell of your own bullshit.
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i seem to recall that it was you who has problems acurately identifying reality. it is understandable therefore how you can lie so easily and believe you are telling the truth.
I take that to mean you are unable to find and demonstrate a single instance where I have lied.
I do remain perplexed as to the motivation for the original accusation. Three provisional possibilities occur to me:
1) Something I was saying was sounding so convincing to you that it threatened a deeply cherished belief and you felt the need to lash out.
2) You just like to be 'controversial' and you believe this can be met by randomly calling someone a liar.
3) You aren't very intelligent and failed to understand my posts.

At present I find 2) and 3) look the most probable.
Ophiolite said:
I take that to mean you are unable to find and demonstrate a single instance where I have lied.
I do remain perplexed as to the motivation for the original accusation. Three provisional possibilities occur to me:
1) Something I was saying was sounding so convincing to you that it threatened a deeply cherished belief and you felt the need to lash out.
2) You just like to be 'controversial' and you believe this can be met by randomly calling someone a liar.
3) You aren't very intelligent and failed to understand my posts.

At present I find 2) and 3) look the most probable.
I agree. Personally, I think he's just a troll in many ways - and not a very bright one, at that.
(Q) said:
You just don't know what it is... The only problem is, you won't understand it...

Then, don't post it here. Go away.

You been reading too much about me. You are picking up the way those people talked to me and bringing it over here.

The person whose speech style you are copying starts with an R.

Now the ever so intelligent people that know everything are going to ignore my posts?

Yes, that is the frequent refuge of the "intelligent" when met with something they do not understand. These kinds of people will never admit they are not as intelligent as they think they are. They would rather tell lies or attack another person than admit that they do not know everythng

When you grow up, and leave kindergarten, talk to me about the video proof you have been crying for the last 8 pages.

You ask for proof, and when it is given to you, you ignore it. Admit it. You don't care what reality is. You are saying "there is no telepathy" because that is what you want. Not because it is true.

Are you sure you are adults and scientists? This is not a joke forum for kids that says "science forums"?
Light said:
I agree. Personally, I think he's just a troll in many ways - and not a very bright one, at that.

Is that your professional opinion? He is a troll?

Or is that a name you apply to anyone who disagrees with you?
Happeh said:
Is that your professional opinion? He is a troll?

Or is that a name you apply to anyone who disagrees with you?

Nope. That's a label I apply to anyone who argues simply for the sake of arguing. And in the meanwhile presents practically nothing of value.

And it seems to fit you perfectly.
ophiolite said:
1) Something I was saying was sounding so convincing to you that it threatened a deeply cherished belief and you felt the need to lash out.
2) You just like to be 'controversial' and you believe this can be met by randomly calling someone a liar.
3) You aren't very intelligent and failed to understand my posts.

this is interesting actually ophiolite, thinks i act this way because this is how he behaves. he his not basing these observations on his understanding of me because he does not understand me, the observations he has made are of his own behaviour which he has projected onto me, CLaSSiC. ;)

the above quote is also good as a confession to what happeh noticed too.

happeh said:
Yes, that is the frequent refuge of the "intelligent" when met with something they do not understand... ... They would rather tell lies or attack another person than admit that they do not know everythng
offensive behvaiour exhibited in order to defened the ego's fragile position against percievved threat.
light said:
I most certainly would not close all the doors but I think "other emanations" are highly unlikely.

ellion said:
you say other emenations are highly unlikely??? you mean other than those i mention?
anything apart from shit, sweat and photons?
how do you mean "other emenations"

are you saying the body does not emit anything else apart form.............what exactly?

is this your reliance on making things up again? like you did wiht those millions to one statistics you lauded about

the above is the point in the discussion that we got to. i was confused by the claim that you made saying the body has no other emissions? it seemed to me you had pulled this idea out of you imagination without even a second thought. would you care to set me straight and point out the error in my misunderstandong?
ellion said:
the above is the point in the discussion that we got to. i was confused by the claim that you made saying the body has no other emissions? it seemed to me you had pulled this idea out of you imagination without even a second thought. would you care to set me straight and point out the error in my misunderstandong?

“ Originally Posted by light
I most certainly would not close all the doors but I think "other emanations" are highly unlikely. ”

If you'll look closely at the above quote you'll clearly see that I never said the body has no other emanations.
I take that to mean you are unable to find and demonstrate a single instance where I have lied.
you would be wrong but i will not be enaging in a long and convoluted argument to wrestle the truth form you.
Light said:
If you'll look closely at the above quote you'll clearly see that I never said the body has no other emanations.

you say they are highly unlikely?

in you opinion what are the the emenations that are likely then?

why is it highly unlikely?

and you say that you where supirsed to discover that the body emits photons?

was the surpirse due to you priorly considering this too be unlikely? or is there some other reason for your suprise? what?
ellion said:
this is interesting actually ophiolite, thinks i act this way because this is how he behaves. he his not basing these observations on his understanding of me because he does not understand me, the observations he has made are of his own behaviour which he has projected onto me, CLaSSiC. ;)
I have simply postulated the three most likely explanations for someone falsely accusing someone else of lying. They might apply to anyone who committed such an act. I lean towards two of the three precisely because I do not understand you especially well. If I did I would select one option with a high level of confidence.

In all of this is does not go unnoticed that you continue to refuse to offer even a smidgeon of evidence that I have lied in this thread or any other.
That to me is clear evidence that you are a moral coward. In common parlance one might say a snivelling, weasely rat bag. But I shall just stick with coward.

You feel it is acceptable to malign someone's honesty, yet offer absolutely no evidence for the accusation. Would you not call that cowardice, or in your warped little world is it some form of sophisticated courage?
duendy said:
of course there's FULL of them. what i am specifically pointing out is this: the DIAGNOSERS IGNORE THEIR OWN DELUSION....yes?
for a kick off, the very term 'schizophrenia' being used to stigmatize those ehere wanting to explore about phenomena WE DO NOT is a huge umbrellaa term the mental health establishment use to stigmatize people THE dont inderstand. thereis no specific knowledg of what so-called shizophrenia IS..... it is not an organic disease, and thus the term is used SUBJECTIVEL by an oppressive mindset to stgmatize others, be they of a different coloured skin, different ethnic grop, different 'class', and thse who do NOT AGREE WITH ESTABLISHED BELIEFS
this doesn't mean to say there do not exist people who feel the TV is speaking to them, or feel particularly persecuted by others. but the people who claim to understand this behaviour are deluded thmselves when they puport to explia it, when they are unaware of the mental illness myth. it becomes a farce. an insidious farce of the blind leading the blind, where the latter usually get the shitty en of the stick
The illustration of what i am speaking about is clearly seen from the above 'diagnosis of a person who is simply sharing ideas not ACCEPTABLE to the self-appointed diagnoticians
THISis the mainstay of fascistic-materialism as demonization ws themainstay of patriarchal religion! allows your delusion to be maintained via these oppressive tactics.....AND CAUSESthe distress you then further stigmatize
We are not talking about schizophrenia duendy.

So when you say someone is deluded you are correct but when a sceptic says it they are just hiding their own delusion? Interesting double standard...
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