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Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member

i had been reading people saying that in the US you could be fired baised on sexual preference and i was like pst what crap that has been outlawed forever

but i was just talking to an american and he said yea they r and that its good


i cant belive that

the sexual descrimination act here was set in place in 1984

the only act older on descrimination is the Racial Discrimination Act 1975

i thought the westen world had got rid of this

hell what makes me a less good chef because im bi?

i was trying to check if the brits r the same but i couldnt find it

If I own a family based company founded on Christian beliefs then I can, if I want, fire all my homosexual employee's. Most company's are now equal opportunity providers, but that doesn't mean that others are to.

If you own a restaurant and you think that homosexuality is wrong then you don't have to hire homosexuals, its your free right to do that because it is your company and your property. It's completely legal and I support it. Im not against homosexuals (you know that) but if I was (and Im not) then I would fire all my homosexual employees because I find it morally wrong (Not that I would).

Look at it this way: if someone was against homosexuals and didn't want to work around them or hire them for this reason then they can do that, especially if it made them uncomfortable.

It sucks I know. But you cant do anything about it because its up to the people who own it to decide what goes on in it.

no u can APPLY for an exsemption to the anti descrimination tribunal

like the catholic church did in NSW because they made a scollership for male primary school teachers only (actull i think this is a good thing cause need more male primary teachers)

ur no beter than afganistan

how dare u bleat that afgainstan a woman cant walk down the street without her face covered and how wrong is this when someone can fire me from a position for something that a) i have no control over and more importantly b) DOESNT EVEN EFECT MY JOB
how dare u bleat that afgainstan a woman cant walk down the street without her face covered and how wrong is this when someone can fire me from a position for something that a) i have no control over and more importantly b) DOESNT EVEN EFECT MY JOB

Asguard, those are two completely different things. The woman can walk down the street and be as gay as she wants. But if she try's to get a job at a privately owned company then they can reject her for that reason. It's their right, not ours.

Its like this; if I didn't want a convicted felon to work for my company then I don't have to hire them. But if I decide that I want to then I can. Or if my company is an equal opportunity provider then I would have to hire that person no matter what.

I don't think you understand the point. Its the company's right not to hire a person for whatever reason they want. Now that other person can go "Hey, just because Im black/chinese/gay/whatever doesn't mean that I cant work here." Then you know what you do? You boycott. You can force the company to accept you for who you are and hire people like you.

If anyone here remembers that Henry Ford used to only hire Christians, nonalcoholic people then you would know that that was his right to do that. He can discriminate as much as he wants to because its a privately owned company.
Employers everywhere have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. That’s part of the reason we use aliases here instead of our real names. If it wasn’t your sexual preference, it’d be your political beliefs, and if not that, then something else. Most employees must present themselves as adequately mainstream. Often the employers want that because employees and customers want that.
coffee, what you don't understand is that a person's personal life is absolutely no business of their employer. There is NO excuse for any form of discrimination.

It's not just employment situations there Asguard.

A report released in February by the Judicial Council of California, revealed that anti-gay bias was a major problem in the court system statewide in California. Over half of all gay men and lesbians interviewed regarding their court experiences reported hearing anti-gay comments or experiencing anti-gay actions when sexual orientation became an issue. Nearly a third of all court employees believed that it was unsafe for them to be openly identified as gay or lesbian in the workplace. This bias remained even though California was one of the United States' most progressive states regarding lesbian and gay equality.

It's still considered to be unsafe to admit to be gay in the American military, and a new study into harassment in American school has got all the alarm bells ringing.
Znaket, don't have a 'don't ask don't tell' policy in my country. In my country it is illegal to fire anyone or not hire someone on the grounds of their sexuality. And our military has no policy against homosexuals. Actually our military has one of the highest amount of open homosexuals in the world.
Are you American? Have you applied to the ROTC or other Army related services before? They do discriminate against gays and are quite open about it.
RichardJA – Granted some countries are more enlightened than others. Still, I doubt an applicant in your country has the same chance of being hired when wearing a psychedelic suit.

Zero - Yes. No. That's bad.
the anti discrimination board was formed to stop ALL forms of discrimination be it in hiring\firing OR harasment

harasment baised on sex, or sexual preferance
race or religion

NO ONE should have to put up with that from ANYONE for ANY reason
asguard, maybe we live in the only countries where people are hired for their qualifications and not appearance, sexuality, etc

Zero, why should they be allowed to discriminate?
isnt it interesting that a girl can wear pants and NO ONE can do a thing about it but if a guy wears a dress.....

not that i chose to do that but my straight brother likes wearing dresses as jokes (actully im not sure why those 2 always seem to go together)
there are still bars here that will give free drinks to any guys that go in wearing a dress on certain nights.

I think it is sad the way people justify their hatred. not looking at anyone's post in particular coffee. :mad:

I'm just glad I'm not American and don't have to put up with all the crap homosexuals have to deal with there from people who think it is their business what people do in their private lives:mad:

And zero, being a gay male, with a lot of gay friends in the US, I know a hell of a lot of what they go through:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Zero, why should they be allowed to discriminate?

While this question was not directed at me I will answer it.

I don't believe that they should be allowed to discriminate, I think its wrong and that it doesn't make much sense unless its in a special case.

If its a private organization or a private company then they have that right. Why? Because its privately owned and operated. I can't force the KKK to accept black members because its the KKK! And its a private organization.

Now in certain cases Im all for discrimination. Say a convicted sex offender applied for a job at a children's hospital. Do you want him working around children? No. I don't think so. But I wouldn't call that discrimination I would call it justice.
actully the KKK r TOTALLY BANED here

and sex offenders r CRIMINALS

and HOW DARE u even COMPARE us
/The solution to this, is of course for all Americans to commit suicide and thus make the rest of the world happy./

To be less blase, it's not fair, but does a business have this right? Does such a thing as a "right to work" exist?

and sex offenders r CRIMINALS

So are homosexuals in some states of the US.
It was an example Asguard, I was not comparing gays to sex offenders.

I said that if a sex offender went to work at a hospital then they shouldn't be allowed to work there. If a gay man wanted to work at a hospital or a bar or a school or anything else then he should be allowed to.

You just now told me that you don't have the KKK in Australia. This shows that your country is lacking in freedoms. We have the KKK here because people are allowed to say/do whatever they want when its their private organization.
they dont have it because its illegal under INTERNATIONAL LAW

do u have people alowed to belong to al quider?
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