Demonizing people

Uh yeah, and I can plainly see enough you have no argument whatsoever. Have you been paying attention to understand it is none of your business what others do?

Then why is it any of your business what I do and say?

Condemnation, persecution and intolerance some of the adjectives thrown around by some Christians when describing how they feel by others that disagree with their worldview and their religious belief. Let me make this clear YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM! Stop YOUR condemnation, YOUR persecution and YOUR intolerance and I can assure you noone here would care less what you believe and how you edify yourselves. Just that simple. People tend to get back what they give and if you give judgement you are going to get it back and for some to call foul when they themselves are guilty and brought it upon themselves is laughable and falls on deaf ears.
This is exactly correct. We have had complaints about 'militant' atheism but the single simple issue is that that it is the religionists who are condemning and persecuting women and minorities, attempting to influence public policy, trying to stop scientific studies in schools and promote creationism and intelligent design, which are lies. I don't care what superstitious nonsense people believe as long as they keep it to themselves. Do it behind closed doors and no one is going to try and persecute you - well, unless you live in Saudi, of course, where Christian worship is banned... but that's the religionists for you: they hate each other even more than they hate atheists and gay people.

At least I'm fortunate that I live in France which, along with most of Europe, is a secular society which allows gay people the same rights as everyone else. We have gay marriage here, which has also been legalised in England, and we can go about our business without the religious fundos on our backs. The US is moving in the direction of equal rights for gay people too, as the 'Gay Fray' thread shows, in spite of people like Ardena.
so there is no real discussion to be had here.

there really isn't..

Jan stated her opinion.

others have stated theirs.

anything else is an attempt to change the others opinion.
how many times has that happened?

quinnsong said:
Condemnation, persecution and intolerance some of the adjectives thrown around by some Christians when describing how they feel by others that disagree with their worldview and their religious belief. Let me make this clear YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM! Stop YOUR condemnation, YOUR persecution and YOUR intolerance and I can assure you noone here would care less what you believe and how you edify yourselves. Just that simple. People tend to get back what they give and if you give judgement you are going to get it back and for some to call foul when they themselves are guilty and brought it upon themselves is laughable and falls on deaf ears.

95% of the time when someone accuses , they themselves are guilty of what they accuse.

and not just the religious, the Religious just make it obvious
(note:there is a distinction between Christian and religious, not all Christians are religious)

Everything we perceive of with our sense have to occur in nature, but yet we still deem somethings unnatural, or supernatural.
You have yet to explain why homosexual is unnatural. Can you please cite some scientific evidence which supports your argument?

So saying something is unnatural does not mean it doesn't exist in nature.

By that logic all desires are natural, including desires that I know you are against. So where and how do you draw the line.
Where do you think the line should be drawn?

Two consenting adults who are attracted to each other and wish to be together. Why do you think your personal religious views should infringe on their equal human rights? Why should your personal religious beliefs allow you to condemn them for how they are born? God never gave you that right. So why do you judge and condemn? Why do you define it as unnatural when under every single definition, it is not unnatural but as nature intended?

Do you think it is a choice?

Can you control which sex you are attracted to?

Why wouldn't it be any of our concern?
Do you that it would okay for women to start marrying dogs?
Would you be alright if someone close to you decided to marry a dog?
Because this is somehow comparable to homosexuality?

I'm not ''homophobic''. That's obvious.
Then perhaps you should stop posting as if you are.

So I'm not allowed to have and express an opinion on it?
When your opinion is based on bigotry and homophobia, and is scientifically and factually incorrect, why are you voicing such opinions?

Being concerned about what people do, or even expressing concern isn't the same as ''having a say'' in what other people do (unless one expresses it for public consumption).
But why are you concerned about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Why aren't you expressing the same concern about heterosexual couples?

Why should you have a say about how consenting adults have sex and with whom? Is it any of your business?

You are very vocal about religious people, and quite often express your dislike, why is it okay for you to do that, and not okay for me to express things I don't agree with or even dislike?
He is expressing dislike at people using religion as a basis to hate and discriminate and demonize and condemn for their sexuality.

So I'm homophobic because you say so? You're going to have to do better than that.
No, you are homophobic because you can't even recognise homosexuals as human beings deserving of equal rights and protection.

You have yet to explain why homosexual is unnatural. Can you please cite some scientific evidence which supports your argument?

Nothing that we do is unnatural, so even if there were scientific studies on such matters it would ultimately be based personal opinion. Regarding marriage, it is unnatural according to what marriage represents and has always represented, which is my opinion.
And you are of a different opinion.

Where do you think the line should be drawn?

Two consenting adults who are attracted to each other and wish to be together. Why do you think your personal religious views should infringe on their equal human rights? Why should your personal religious beliefs allow you to condemn them for how they are born? God never gave you that right. So why do you judge and condemn? Why do you define it as unnatural when under every single definition, it is not unnatural but as nature intended?

Where have I condemned them for how they are born, or whether or not they should be together? I haven't even said they shouldn't get married.

Do you think it is a choice?

We all have choices.

Can you control which sex you are attracted to?

Yes, and I do. :)

Because this is somehow comparable to homosexuality?

No. We're talking about women marrying canines.

Then perhaps you should stop posting as if you are.

I don't post as if I do. I express my opinion just like anyone else, on any other subject. Show me where you're any different?

When your opinion is based on bigotry and homophobia, and is scientifically and factually incorrect, why are you voicing such opinions?

It's quite possible that you think my opinion is based on these traits, because you are biased towards the things I disagree with.

But why are you concerned about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Why aren't you expressing the same concern about heterosexual couples?

Where have I expressed concern about what people do in their bedrooms, homo or hetero-sexual?
We were talking about women marrying dogs.

Why should you have a say about how consenting adults have sex and with whom? Is it any of your business?

Why don't you ask the appropriate question: ''Why should I express my opinion in forum''?, because as far as you're concerned, that's what I'm doing, and forums like this are here for that purpose.

He is expressing dislike at people using religion as a basis to hate and discriminate and demonize and condemn for their sexuality.

What about people who don't use religion in that way?

That's how you see that post?

Wouldn't it be cool if we had the ability, for just one day, to treat them the way they treat gay people--and anyone else they disagree with?

Are you kidding? If we took away Christians' right to marry, called their acts of making love an abomination, denied them the right to adopt kids, outlawed Christian sex in all 50 states, committed hatecrimes on them by beating them up and/or vandalizing their property, denied them services just because they were Christian, set up special camps to cure Christian youth from being Christian, and regularly accused them of being childmolesters, unnatural perverts, mental cases, and rebels against God, the outcries of being victims would be so loud and endless it would be unbearable. Just one day of being treated how they treat us would make them realize how immoral and bigoted they are truly being. Ah but then we could always use THEIR comeback: "It's our right to treat you that way. It's what we believe. You're just being too politically correct."

Nothing that we do is unnatural, so even if there were scientific studies on such matters it would ultimately be based personal opinion.
Science is personal opinion?

Regarding marriage, it is unnatural according to what marriage represents and has always represented, which is my opinion.
And you are of a different opinion.
Marriage has had a bizarre history and what it represented has changed drastically through time, from marrying one's siblings to marrying ghosts and spirits to being solely to protect the financial interest of the parties to ensuring it is all in the family.

So which representation of marriage do you apply this rule to?

Where have I condemned them for how they are born, or whether or not they should be together? I haven't even said they shouldn't get married.
By your very posts. By your arguing that it is not natural in response to my discussion with Roger_Pearse. By your comments about how the civil rights movement was to protect human beings while distancing the civil rights movement for homosexual away from that..
We all have choices.
Yes we do.

So why did you choose to be a homophobe?

Yes, and I do. :)
Then you would be the first.

Which sex do you choose to not be attracted to?

No. We're talking about women marrying canines.
My question stands. How is it even comparable?
I don't post as if I do. I express my opinion just like anyone else, on any other subject. Show me where you're any different?
I'm not a homophobe. You are.
It's quite possible that you think my opinion is based on these traits, because you are biased towards the things I disagree with.
Perhaps. Having been on the receiving end of racist bigotry and hatred, I recognise the argument people like you make anywhere. It's blatant. Same shit, different day.

Where have I expressed concern about what people do in their bedrooms, homo or hetero-sexual?
Did you forget your own words?

"Being concerned about what people do, or even expressing concern isn't the same as ''having a say'' in what other people do (unless one expresses it for public consumption). "

Why don't you ask the appropriate question: ''Why should I express my opinion in forum''?, because as far as you're concerned, that's what I'm doing, and forums like this are here for that purpose.
Is that what you think you are doing?

When you alluded to paedophiles and rapists in comparison to choice and homosexuality, was that an opinion or further need to denigrate and offend members on this site - straight and gay alike?

You have yet to provide scientific proof that it is a lifestyle choice as you tried to claim earlier in the thread. The thing with you, Jan, is that you never back up your claims or your opinions.

My favourite obscene comment from you was when you claimed that homosexuals would fall under the ''adulterers and sexual perverts of the text" and then in the next sentence claim that you don't think homosexuals are demonised. Tell me, is this how you don't condemn someone for how they are born?

You aren't fooling anyone here Jan. We've all seen you try to play this game too many times to count.
What about people who don't use religion in that way?
What about them?

You aren't them.

That's how you see that post?

That's how we all saw that post.

And you know that because several asked you about it.
At this point, we could have a good old southern fish fry with all the red herring that Jan is throwing at this discussion...

Science is personal opinion?

No. Which is why your challenge to Roger Pearce, and myself, were totally unreasonable.

Marriage has had a bizarre history and what it represented has changed drastically through time, from marrying one's siblings to marrying ghosts and spirits to being solely to protect the financial interest of the parties to ensuring it is all in the family.

I'm not talking about the history of marriage. Marriage has always been understood as a union between male and female.

So which representation of marriage do you apply this rule to?

What marriage represents.

me said:
Where have I condemned them for how they are born, or whether or not they should be together? I haven't even said they shouldn't get married.

By your comments about how the civil rights movement was to protect human beings while distancing the civil rights movement for homosexual away from that..

Seeing as your not divulging any information I'll assume you mean this... ''The homosexual is discriminated against purely for his/her lifestyle choice. The AA had absolutely no choice in the matter.'' Am I correct?
If yes where is the condemnation?

Yes we do.

So why did you choose to be a homophobe?

I'm not a homophobe, and you've yet to explain why you think I am.

Then you would be the first.

I'd be the first one to control which gender I'm sexually attracted to? No I wouldn't be.

Which sex do you choose to not be attracted to?

I don't have to choose.

My question stands. How is it even comparable?

If it was indeed meant to be comparable to homosexuality, then you'd best ask (Q) as he was the one who claimed that women are marrying dogs.

I'm not a homophobe. You are.

Insubstantial claim which you have failed to back up.

Perhaps. Having been on the receiving end of racist bigotry and hatred, I recognise the argument people like you make anywhere. It's blatant. Same shit, different day.

In this case I think you're wrong.

Where have I expressed concern about what people do in their bedrooms, homo or hetero-sexual?
We were talking about women marrying dogs.

Did you forget your own words?


I'm still waiting for my concern about what people do in the bedroom. Did you forget your own words?

''But why are you concerned about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Why aren't you expressing the same concern about heterosexual couples?''

Is that what you think you are doing?

When you alluded to paedophiles and rapists in comparison to choice and homosexuality, was that an opinion or further need to denigrate and offend members on this site - straight and gay alike?

Balerion said: Homosexuality isn't a lifestyle choice, any more than heterosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Sexuality is as immutable a quality as skin color.

Balerion himself narrowed it down to ''Sexuality''. But he put homo and hetero-ysexuality on equal footing, and my question to him was based on the entire point he made. So again, you are incorrect.

You have yet to provide scientific proof that it is a lifestyle choice as you tried to claim earlier in the thread. The thing with you, Jan, is that you never back up your claims or your opinions.

Where is the scientific proof that it's not a lifestyle choice?

My favourite obscene comment from you was when you claimed that homosexuals would fall under the ''adulterers and sexual perverts of the text" and then in the next sentence claim that you don't think homosexuals are demonised. Tell me, is this how you don't condemn someone for how they are born?

Well let me ask you. I can vaguely remember the text, but do you think the homosexuality would be classed as a sexual perversion in the Bible?

I didn't condemn them, I said that homosexuality would come under ''sexual perversion'' because that's how it's seen, along with adultery, which I have mentioned before, but you only seem interested in homosexuality.

You aren't fooling anyone here Jan. We've all seen you try to play this game too many times to count.

I'm not playing games.
You just don't like people who disagree with you.

Such as?


Equating homosexual relationships to bestiality, attempting to claim that judging others for having differing views isn't condemning someone for who they are, claiming you sexual development was a conscious choice, etc

1 Equating homosexual relationships to bestiality,

2 attempting to claim that judging others for having differing views isn't condemning someone for who they are,

3 claiming you sexual development was a conscious choice, etc

1, Where?

2. ???

3. i claimed that I control which gender I'm sexually attracted to.


1, Where?

2. ???

3. i claimed that I control which gender I'm sexually attracted to.

Perhaps you think we are too stupid to recognise the role and game you are playing here. But we know you jan. We've seen you pull these trolling stunts so many times.

You aren't that clever.
I didn't condemn them, I said that homosexuality would come under ''sexual perversion'' because that's how it's seen, along with adultery, which I have mentioned before, but you only seem interested in homosexuality.

No..that ISN'T how it's seen.The majority now views homosexuality as totally morally acceptable.

So I'm not allowed to have and express an opinion on it?
??You are expressing an opinion on it.
Being concerned about what people do, or even expressing concern isn't the same as ''having a say'' in what other people do (unless one expresses it for public consumption).
You are very vocal about religious people, and quite often express your dislike, why is it okay for you to do that, and not okay for me to express things I don't agree with or even dislike?
You are free to do so. You can denigrate blacks, gays, women etc. However, you will then (rightly) be labeled a racist, homophobe and/or misogynist. If you don't like that, then your two options are:
1) Stop being racist, homophobic or misogynistic
2) Deal with the fact that other people recognize that in you
So I'm homophobic because you say so?
No, you are homophobic because you compare gays to dogs.
I'm not talking about the history of marriage. Marriage has always been understood as a union between male and female.

(emphasis mine)

Then you are talking about the history of marriage. I mean, fucking duh.

What marriage represents.

What does it represent?

I'm not a homophobe, and you've yet to explain why you think I am.

Everyone has explained why you are. You've chosen to pretend they haven't.

I'd be the first one to control which gender I'm sexually attracted to? No I wouldn't be.

You're going to have to explain this one, Jan. How is it you "control" which gender you're attracted to? How does that work, exactly?

I don't have to choose.

You just said you did. You said you control which gender you're attracted to.

Balerion said: Homosexuality isn't a lifestyle choice, any more than heterosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Sexuality is as immutable a quality as skin color.

Balerion himself narrowed it down to ''Sexuality''. But he put homo and hetero-ysexuality on equal footing, and my question to him was based on the entire point he made. So again, you are incorrect.

Where is the scientific proof that it's not a lifestyle choice?

There are mounds of scientific studies suggesting that sexuality is innate. You're probably looking for the "gay gene," but I suspect it's not that simple, and what you're asking for amounts to the anti-evolutionist's "croc-a-duck."

Well let me ask you. I can vaguely remember the text, but do you think the homosexuality would be classed as a sexual perversion in the Bible?

I didn't condemn them, I said that homosexuality would come under ''sexual perversion'' because that's how it's seen, along with adultery, which I have mentioned before, but you only seem interested in homosexuality.

So instead of clearing the air and making your own beliefs known, you're going to do this dance instead? Then allow me to cut through the BS and get to the point: Do you consider homosexuality to be a sexual perversion?
People generally seem to be failing to evaluate opinions in their own context. For example:

"attempting to claim that judging others for having differing views isn't condemning someone for who they are"

This seems to assume that behavior cannot be distinguished from identity. This is a reductionist view, in which the whole (identity) is thought to be entirely accounted for by the parts (behaviors). The failure here is that the person (apparently conservative, for lack of a better label) likely does not share such a view. Where the reductionist is likely to assume any comment about behavior is equally about identity, the holist is capable of seeing the behaviors as separate from the irreducible identity.

This seems to be the sole basis on which the reductionist condemns the criticism of behavior as a demonizing of the individual. It is simply a false assumption that their own reductionist context has any real bearing on the holistic opinion. We might surmise that this is an inability to fathom philosophically opposing context or that people are actively "playing dumb" as justification for hyperbolic rhetoric.