Demonizing people

I understand it to be a sin . . . .
Another proud homophobe??? Where do you people come from? Is there a factory in Uganda that spits you out and delivers you to the more enlightened countries so we can all be like Uganda?

If ever there was a single reason to despise Christianity and be wary of its members, their disgusting attitude toward gay people is it.

Christians and Christianity have done more irreparable harm to civilization than gay people could ever do. The obliteration of both of the "heathen" New World civilizations, the Holocaust... there are plenty more, but those three alone are more than enough to put Christianity at the top of the list of "things that should not be permitted to exist."

Wouldn't it be cool if we had the ability, for just one day, to treat them the way they treat gay people--and anyone else they disagree with?
Unnatural is also defined as...


contrary to the ordinary course of nature; abnormal.
"death by unnatural causes"
synonyms: abnormal, unusual, uncommon, extraordinary, strange, freakish, freak, queer, odd, peculiar, weird, unorthodox, exceptional, irregular, atypical, untypical, non-typical, anomalous, divergent, aberrant, bizarre, preternatural More

un·nat·u·ral (ŭn-năch′ər-əl)
1. In violation of a natural law.
2. Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.
3. Deviating from a behavioral or social norm: an unnatural attachment.
4. Contrived or constrained; artificial: smiled in an unnatural manner.
5. In violation of natural feelings; inhuman.

1. not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature
2. speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
3. distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous

not natural or normal; specif.,
contrary to, or at variance with, nature; abnormal; strange
artificial, affected, or strained: an unnatural smile
characterized by a lack of the emotions, attitudes, or behavior regarded as natural, normal, or right
abnormally evil or cruel


None of which classify in the case of homosexuality in general. Since it occurs naturally in nature.

Under natural law, for example, if you were to use that definition, then it would not be deemed "unnatural". Because homosexuality is determined by nature and thus, is natural.

In fact, your definition of "unnatural" clearly shows that homosexuality is natural and normal.

roger_pearse said:
I posted here a post in which I referred to homosexuality in a less than flattering way. I chose this subject mainly because several posters were accusing the Christians of failing to endorse it (without, of course, making the case for so doing), and using societal pressure as their approach. You have to be very stupid not to know that this particular societal convention is newly invented, within the last five years, and has been the work of a small group of activists, imposing their values on a society which is mainly hostile, by means of backroom politics. So ... it's a nice test case. Do we conform? If so, why? Or do we think for ourselves? If so, how and why?
Then your reading comprehension is just as bad as your inability to substantiate your arguments.

No one has asked Christianity to endorse homosexuality. What society does ask is that they grant and recognise homosexuals equal human rights. Do you think they should not be treated equally and their human rights recognised?

It is expected that homophobes will have issues distinguishing this fact. Because here you are confusing this and making unsubstantiated and misleading homophobic and offensive comments about homosexuality being "unnatural vice".

Homosexual rights is a civil rights matter. Much like granting blacks the right to vote and equal rights under the law was a civil rights matter.
If someone claims that religious belief IS delusional, are they also required to produce numerous peer reviewed scientific papers and studies to back the statement up?


Are you serious? I can find hundreds of thousands of articles and papers written about the psychoses of religious belief, fundamentalists being the most prominent victims just in Google Scholar alone.
Unnatural is also defined as...

un·nat·u·ral (ŭn-năch′ər-əl)
1. In violation of a natural law.
2. Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.
3. Deviating from a behavioral or social norm: an unnatural attachment.
4. Contrived or constrained; artificial: smiled in an unnatural manner.
5. In violation of natural feelings; inhuman.

1. not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature
2. speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
3. distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous

Most certainly, religious beliefs would be an unnatural condition for humans, they violate natural laws, are inconsistent, they deviate from the social norm, are contrived and are in violation of natural feelings in humans.

As in 'Kanines'? I think its a cause for concern. Don't you?

Not at all, it is not your concern or my concern, we have nothing to do or say in the matter. Do you understand that?

Or does magic of 21st Century programming make it good and wholesome behaviour?


Your homophobic behavior is atrocious, far from being good and wholesome.
Another proud homophobe??? Where do you people come from? Is there a factory in Uganda that spits you out and delivers you to the more enlightened countries so we can all be like Uganda?

If ever there was a single reason to despise Christianity and be wary of its members, their disgusting attitude toward gay people is it.

Christians and Christianity have done more irreparable harm to civilization than gay people could ever do. The obliteration of both of the "heathen" New World civilizations, the Holocaust... there are plenty more, but those three alone are more than enough to put Christianity at the top of the list of "things that should not be permitted to exist."

Wouldn't it be cool if we had the ability, for just one day, to treat them the way they treat gay people--and anyone else they disagree with?

You call anybody who does not agree with homosexuality ''homophobic'', so there is no real discussion to be had here.
Make some real points, stop with the name calling, then discussion can take place.

Are you serious? I can find hundreds of thousands of articles and papers written about the psychoses of religious belief, fundamentalists being the most prominent victims just in Google Scholar alone.

Can you find one peer reviewed science paper that shows the ''religious belief is delusional''.


Not at all, it is not your concern or my concern, we have nothing to do or say in the matter. Do you understand that?

If it occurs that this takes off, and all over the world young girls are dating dogs, and marrying them, you'd be okay with that? :D

Your homophobic behavior is atrocious, far from being good and wholesome.

I'm not homophobic, that's a charge that people make because they don't want to hear anything against their ideals.
In fact it's quite possible that you are homophobic, because if homosexuality is a spiritual detriment, then you are encouraging it. Do you know whether it is detrimental or not?


If it occurs that this takes off, and all over the world young girls are dating dogs, and marrying them, you'd be okay with that? :D

Whether it does or does not is of no concern of yours or mine. Do you understand that? Am I getting through to you? It is none of our business.

I'm not homophobic

You are totally homophobic, Jan. That is quite obvious.
Can you find one peer reviewed science paper that shows the ''religious belief is delusional''.


Most review papers link religious beliefs to a variety of mental disorders; schizophrenia and bipolar being two of most prominent. Delusion is taken for granted, obviously.
You call anybody who does not agree with homosexuality ''homophobic'', so there is no real discussion to be had here.
Make some real points, stop with the name calling, then discussion can take place.


You would actually need to make some real points against homosexuality, first. You have done no such thing, hence you are homophobic.

None of which classify in the case of homosexuality in general. Since it occurs naturally in nature.

Everything we perceive of with our sense have to occur in nature, but yet we still deem somethings unnatural, or supernatural.
So saying something is unnatural does not mean it doesn't exist in nature.

Under natural law, for example, if you were to use that definition, then it would not be deemed "unnatural". Because homosexuality is nature and thus, is natural.

By that logic all desires are natural, including desires that I know you are against. So where and how do you draw the line.

In fact, your definition of "unnatural" clearly shows that homosexuality is natural and normal.

So as long as it occurs in nature, it's natural and normal. Okay.

Most review papers link religious beliefs to a variety of mental disorders; schizophrenia and bipolar being two of most prominent. Delusion is taken for granted, obviously.

Can you find one that explains that religious belief is delusional.

Come on man, you seem confident in your assertion.


Whether it does or does not is of no concern of yours or mine. Do you understand that? Am I getting through to you? It is none of our business.

Why wouldn't it be any of our concern?
Do you that it would okay for women to start marrying dogs?
Would you be alright if someone close to you decided to marry a dog?

You are totally homophobic, Jan. That is quite obvious.

I'm not ''homophobic''. That's obvious.

But why do you label as such?


Why wouldn't it be any of our concern?

Because that would mean YOU are not being respectful to others by demanding they live the way YOU want them to live.

Do you that it would okay for women to start marrying dogs?
Would you be alright if someone close to you decided to marry a dog?

That isn't the fucking point here, Jan. Stop playing dumb. The point is that you nor I have any say in what other people do, unless they are committing a crime.

I'm not ''homophobic''. That's obvious.

But why do you label as such?


That is what you are, a homophobic, label or otherwise.
That's what this thread has been about. Haven't you been paying attention?


Uh yeah, and I can plainly see enough you have no argument whatsoever. Have you been paying attention to understand it is none of your business what others do?
Can you find one that explains that religious belief is delusional.

Come on man, you seem confident in your assertion.


And, that is important to you, why? Do you want to exonerate yourself as not being delusional? It certainly won't convince anyone here.

Because that would mean YOU are not being respectful to others by demanding they live the way YOU want them to live.

So I'm not allowed to have and express an opinion on it?

That isn't the fucking point here, Jan. Stop playing dumb. The point is that you nor I have any say in what other people do, unless they are committing a crime.

Being concerned about what people do, or even expressing concern isn't the same as ''having a say'' in what other people do (unless one expresses it for public consumption).
You are very vocal about religious people, and quite often express your dislike, why is it okay for you to do that, and not okay for me to express things I don't agree with or even dislike?

That is what you are, a homophobic, label or otherwise.

So I'm homophobic because you say so? You're going to have to do better than that.
