Demonizing people

Mod Hat:

Scifes has been issued a 3 day ban for inflammatory posting and intentionally trying to cause a fracas.
Mod Hat:

Scifes has been issued a 3 day ban for inflammatory posting and intentionally trying to cause a fracas.

Not trying to piss off the powers that be... But, holy hell... Seems everyone is being banned now. Hell, I just received a warning, my first ever since coming here almost four years ago... Yet, we have mods that pretty much can do , and say, whatever they fancy... WTF? I just don't recognize this place anymore. What gives?...

ETA... Nothing against you Kitt, you're one of the few mods I respect... You strike me as being fair... I just don't get it. It seems like some have agendas.
Not trying to piss off the powers that be... But, holy hell... Seems everyone is being banned now. Hell, I just received a warning, my first ever since coming here almost four years ago... Yet, we have mods that pretty much can do , and say, whatever they fancy... WTF? I just don't recognize this place anymore. What gives?...

Crikey, you got warned? What for? There couldn't be a better guy on the forum.
Not trying to piss off the powers that be... But, holy hell... Seems everyone is being banned now. Hell, I just received a warning, my first ever since coming here almost four years ago... Yet, we have mods that pretty much can do , and say, whatever they fancy... WTF? I just don't recognize this place anymore. What gives?...

You were given a warning, not an infraction... but even that seems a bit, I dunno... terse? I mean, you weren't being mean (and admittedly, Farsights posts are a tad bit out there)... there is a bit of an initiative to stick closer to the rules... I dunno, not my call to make on that mate - if you want to contest it, put in a ticket would be my advice.
Crikey, you got warned? What for? There couldn't be a better guy on the forum.
It doesn't take much these days, it would seem. Posters are dropping like flies. Soon SF will be a ghost town. Very sad.

BTW... Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated...
You were given a warning, not an infraction... but even that seems a bit, I dunno... terse? I mean, you weren't being mean (and admittedly, Farsights posts are a tad bit out there)... there is a bit of an initiative to stick closer to the rules... I dunno, not my call to make on that mate - if you want to contest it, put in a ticket would be my advice.

No, I won't contest it... I see James R's point... But, my point is many go farther than I did, and nothing ever seems to happen. And now we have mods that aren't held to any standards... It's just frustrating. Sorry for the rant.
No, I won't contest it... I see James R's point... But, my point is many go farther than I did, and nothing ever seems to happen. And now we have mods that aren't held to any standards... It's just frustrating. Sorry for the rant.

AVOID THE BROKEN GLASS! Ooops my mistake not glass just egg shells.
No, I won't contest it... I see James R's point... But, my point is many go farther than I did, and nothing ever seems to happen. And now we have mods that aren't held to any standards... It's just frustrating. Sorry for the rant.

*nods* it's something we are working on - trust me, there's a few of us that simply won't let that go :) We've sunk our teeth in and are determined to hold on until we get things cleaned up and running smoothly again :)

Mental note to self... Must tread lightly.

Better still - speak softly and carry a big stick (of logic, factual evidence, and good debating skills!)
@ Kittamaru,

Yep, I can see changes they-are-a-coming.

As to your other point about speaking softly.....Can you learn me to do that?
Kitt... I just tend to call 'em as I see 'em these days...ya know, the whole goose and gander bit. I just believe we should all be held to the same standards... Shouldn't matter if you're a "noob", or an old timer, or even a mod, supermod, or admin... Fair is fair. Just sayin'.
@ Kittamaru,

Yep, I can see changes they-are-a-coming.

As to your other point about speaking softly.....Can you learn me to do that?

C'mon... You've been here long enough now. Speak softly, and you die... Lol. SF isn't for softies, only the strong survive. Welcome to the jungle baby...
Heh, fair 'nuff :) I do agree that we should all have a slightly thicker skin when it comes to debates, but at the same time we need to get it back to the actual science/debate and not personal attacks :) And yes, that means us moderators as well
Now where did we get to? In all this excitement I've kind of forgotten myself.

Oh, yes. Is it wrong to demonise people in the name of religon? Yes, in my view. Please discuss.
Mod note

Mod Hat:

Scifes has been issued a 3 day ban for inflammatory posting and intentionally trying to cause a fracas.

Scifes has been penalized twice for the same offense without any opportunity to correct the behavior that received the warning, perhaps due to mods getting wires crossed. It is under review.
Yet, we have mods that pretty much can do , and say, whatever they fancy

at least its on topic.. this thread is about demonizing a group of ppl...:bugeye:
Hmm seems like the demons are having some kind of power struggle. Bout time for Ole Beelzebub himself to step in and do a little fire purification!
Hmm seems like the demons are having some kind of power struggle. Bout time for Ole Beelzebub himself to step in and do a little fire purification!

I apologize for Syne's outburst... he insists on airing his dirty laundry in public. Let me assure you, the ban was not a result of being penalized for the same infraction twice, and have been backed on it by both membership and moderation alike. If, however, the higher powers decide to overrule my decision, so be it.

To the topic at hand - I have changed my mind slightly - there is a time and place for everything, and sometimes people need to be demonized... not because doing so is "right", but because their very actions or intentions are "daemonic" and worthy of persecution... such as double standards, bigotry, and "Jim Crow" style persecution. Such actions, inevitably, lead to their just deserts.