Demonizing people

I am not convinced that homosexuality is in-born because the evidence is not conclusive (including discrepancies between genders), it does not serve a biological imperative nor have a rationale for evolutionary development (as current theories seem to throw the ball squarely back into the social environment as cause)

To be more accurate, it has no biological imperative nor rationale for evolutionary development that you understand. Given that evolution has consistently conserved it within populations (and not just in modern humans, and not just in humans period) it is likely that your understanding is incomplete.
To be more accurate, it has no biological imperative nor rationale for evolutionary development that you understand. Given that evolution has consistently conserved it within populations (and not just in modern humans, and not just in humans period) it is likely that your understanding is incomplete.

Excellent defense of science against those who would presume to leverage it the way many folks leverage religion, to justify intolerance.

Perhaps if the religions were not so busy attacking the teaching of evolution, and instead busy with remedial courses in Biology, they could appreciate some of the details behind what you just said. In the first place, the instinctual drive to procreate is implemented as an instinct to couple, not necessarily for productive purposes. The monthly ovulation cycle has its own underlying evolutionary cause, but it's obviously not there to provide 12 opportunities for fertilization per year. That admits that nature provides for many non-productive coupling events :eek: I hate jargon but sometimes it's a necessary evil.

Armed with this, that people will couple far more often than they will procreate, we need only ask what else is there besides coupling that motivates sexual partnering. Obviously it's bonding. Bonding for protection of the family, bonding for protection of the community, these are all observed just from a day at a zoo or wildlife park. Male bonding is purely sexual in nature--that is, it's an ingredient of the sexual selection process. If anything this may be the genetic predisposition that wires some brains to merge the two drives into one. Bond male to male for protection of the community. Bond with the one you couple with to protect the family. Or, in what can be a seen as a simple variation on that, probably less complicated than coding for blue eyes, couple with the one you've bonded with. It's no cost to the community (what else are the rejected males supposed to do :D) and yet it offers benefits through increasing the protection to the community, and reinforcing protection to both community and family through the promotion of bonding.

That at least would be a plausible way for a person work through the logic of how evolution might account for this diversity in sexual preference. There may be better explanations, but they will never be the ones that try to justify homophobia as it's being played off in the Culture Wars.
To be more accurate, it has no biological imperative nor rationale for evolutionary development that you understand. Given that evolution has consistently conserved it within populations (and not just in modern humans, and not just in humans period) it is likely that your understanding is incomplete.
evolution has consistently conserved many things, like religion for example. pedophilia and sociopathy too, as well as a long list of disorders.
the rest is too weak to bother with, unless explained before and i missed it.
evolution has consistently conserved many things, like religion for example

Religion is not genetically inherited. It, like fashion and music, is a product of human society.

pedophilia and sociopathy too, as well as a long list of disorders.

Let's take one inherited disorder - sickle cell anemia. For a long time everyone thought it was just plain bad; caused illness and premature death in undeveloped society. Someone like Syne would have claimed that "it does not serve a biological imperative nor have a rationale for evolutionary development." So why did evolution preserve it?

Turns out that the same genes that code for sickle cell anemia confer resistance to malaria. So there was a very strong evolutionary reason for keeping it. We just didn't understand it at first.
lol at your feeble attempt. billvon was arguing from ignorance.
we don't have wings so we're not supposed to fly.
oh no, maybe we're supposed to fly because maybe evolution had reason for us to work but it's beyond our understanding, like, why else do we have long legs which we can easily attach artificial webbing to which would help in gliding, and later, flying? if we had short legs then we couldn't attach the artificial webbing to. there's definitely a weird and hidden messages in the workings of evolution.
Excellent defense of science against those who would presume to leverage it the way many folks leverage religion, to justify intolerance.
nature is intolerant, it's called natural selection, you breed less, you die out.
you don't breed at all, then natural selection will, uh... no that can't be right, natural selection, evolution, science! it CAN'T be homophobic! THERE'S GOTTA TO BE ANOTHER EXPLANATION!!

Perhaps if the religions were not so busy attacking the teaching of evolution,
religon is a product of evolution.
get a clue buddy, if god doesn't exist, then where did evil religion come from to infest humanity? aliens?
and instead busy with remedial courses in Biology, they could appreciate some of the details behind what you just said.
not biology, you need that, along with some philosophy.
In the first place, the instinctual drive to procreate is implemented as an instinct to couple, not necessarily for productive purposes.
there's no reason for it to be for other than to reproduce, that's the engine of life, natural selection, unless you have proof for otherwise, which apparently you do;
The monthly ovulation cycle has its own underlying evolutionary cause, but it's obviously not there to provide 12 opportunities for fertilization per year. That admits that nature provides for many non-productive coupling events :eek: I hate jargon but sometimes it's a necessary evil.
admits, lol
how many times are other species able to fertilize a year? once? how many times can the chemicals we originated from reproduce themselves and their reaction in a year? 10? how about a million? how long was the period of the "first" fertilization of life? and you're complaining it's only 12 a year.

-skipped a bunch-

That at least would be a plausible way for a person work through the logic of how evolution might account for this diversity in sexual preference.
close to impossible. a joke to suggest "plausible".
the diversity isn't really a diversity, there's hetero, then there's minorities, occasional mutations which get clipped out quickly.
imagine a city of homosexual people. now imagine it 5 centuries later.
There may be better explanations, but they will never be the ones that try to justify homophobia as it's being played off in the Culture Wars.
you've decided that, and the world will oblige you, reality wouldn't dare to make you sad, or make you think of it as unfair.

sigh. science.
Religion is not genetically inherited. It, like fashion and music, is a product of human society.
I wanted to let this go because it's off topic here, but i came across the following and it might be relevant;
Let's take one inherited disorder - sickle cell anemia. For a long time everyone thought it was just plain bad; caused illness and premature death in undeveloped society. Someone like Syne would have claimed that "it does not serve a biological imperative nor have a rationale for evolutionary development." So why did evolution preserve it?

Turns out that the same genes that code for sickle cell anemia confer resistance to malaria. So there was a very strong evolutionary reason for keeping it. We just didn't understand it at first.
science works in mysterious ways.
should we stop trying to cure diseases because they might have hidden benefits?
should we disregard what we know for what we don't know?
it still is an argument from ignorance.
until sickle cell anemia was discovered to have that relation to malaria resistance, the correct, and scientific thing to do, was to try and eradicate it, we work with the evidence that we have, not what might pop up later on.
syne's comment is common sense and the basis of science, work according to evidence. homosexuality is the antithesis of breeding.
there's really no other way to put it.
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nature is intolerant, it's called natural selection, you breed less, you die out.
you don't breed at all, then natural selection will, uh... no that can't be right, natural selection, evolution, science! it CAN'T be homophobic! THERE'S GOTTA TO BE ANOTHER EXPLANATION!!

I think this is the most overt, smack-you-over-the-head example of scientific ignorance enabling bigotry. Because this person doesn't understand biology or natural selection, they think they've excused their hatred with a rational argument.

religon is a product of evolution.
get a clue buddy, if god doesn't exist, then where did evil religion come from to infest humanity? aliens?

Okay, sorry, THIS is the best example. Not only is an ignorance of evolution, but also of history and archaeology.
I think this is the most overt, smack-you-over-the-head example of scientific ignorance enabling bigotry. Because this person doesn't understand biology or natural selection, they think they've excused their hatred with a rational argument.

Okay, sorry, THIS is the best example. Not only is an ignorance of evolution, but also of history and archaeology.
lol, welcome welcome, you honor us with your presence.
now that we each got the welcomes out of the way, how about doing that thing they call discussion?
or you prefer i report you for trolling and meaningless content, you know you added nothing here but mentioning the names of some knowledge fields and expressing your unexplained feeling of superiority over others, i mean i looked for something to look up or reply to but there's nothing. come on, give me something to work with here..
lol, welcome welcome, you honor us with your presence.
now that we each got the welcomes out of the way, how about doing that thing they call discussion?
or you prefer i report you for trolling and meaningless content, you know you added nothing here but mentioning the names of some knowledge fields and expressing your unexplained feeling of superiority over others, i mean i looked for something to look up or reply to but there's nothing. come on, give me something to work with here..

Nothing you've said warrants a direct response, for the reasons listed. Instead, I thinks it stands as a crystalline example of the topic of this thread.
Nothing you've said warrants a direct response, for the reasons listed. Instead, I thinks it stands as a crystalline example of the topic of this thread.
If it doesn't warrant a direct response then don't respond.
reported for trolling.
nature is intolerant, it's called natural selection, you breed less, you die out. you don't breed at all, then natural selection will, uh... no that can't be right, natural selection, evolution, science! it CAN'T be homophobic! THERE'S GOTTA TO BE ANOTHER EXPLANATION!!
It's generally accepted that homosexuality is not an inherited trait, since it's uncommon for identical twins to both be gay. Some suggest that it may be caused by conditions in utero, although AFAIK no one has figured out how to identify those conditions. Others insist that it's affected by the home environment in the first couple of years, but again nobody has got even a draft of a list of possible triggers.

In any case, there's little disagreement among the professionals (professional psychologists, not professional preachers and politicians, many of whom are less "professional" than a garbage collector) that sexual orientation is a done deal long before puberty: as a preadolescent begins to feel the first stirrings of sexual feelings, he already knows which gender they're for. If he vacillates it's because the elders in his life insist that his own feelings should not be trusted, in favor of what they want. (Except for that tiny demographic who are genuinely bisexual.)

religon is a product of evolution.
Carl Jung would certainly agree with you, although he might not put it that way since genetics was not a mature science in his day. He tells us that the legends, rituals and images that comprise religion are archetypes, instinctive behaviors programmed into our neurons by our DNA. (I repeat, he would not use this language but this is how it translates into modern science.) Most instinctive behaviors, such as refusing to step off a cliff, are survival traits, passed down because the people who didn't have them died before puberty.

It's hard to understand why belief in a supernatural creature, who lives in an invisible, illogical supernatural universe and only pops in on us occasionally just to fuck up our lives, would have been passed down. Perhaps it's a random mutation that made it through a genetic bottleneck: humans almost became extinct around 70-80KYA and were reduced to just a few thousand. Both "Mitochondrial Eve" and "Y-Chromosome Adam" are ancestors of every living human, so their archetypes are our archetypes.

imagine a city of homosexual people. now imagine it 5 centuries later.
That could never have happened until quite recently. More often than not, homosexual men and women pretended to conform, married a spouse of the opposite sex, and had children. In some cases the spouse knew and allowed him/her to have clandestine liaisons. In a few cases both spouses were homosexual. In other cases it was not too hard for a gay man to have liaisons anyway since in many eras it was considered the husband's right--although it would have been much more difficult for a lesbian.

In modern times, perhaps we'll see large gay communities--well wait, we already have West Hollywood and about half of San Francisco to study. Gay people reproduce just fine, using surrogates, sperm banks, etc. It's a good thing. Considering how creative many of them are, I'd hate to lose their DNA.
I don't regard it as marriage.

Why not?

I don't see that creating a law that prohibits consenting adults from having sex, will make things better.

It's hard to say whether you're recognizing the damage such prohibition can cause, or simply the futility of it. As such, I'll hold my congratulations.

From where I stand, I don't see homosexuals being demonized.

It's hard to believe that this is said with a straight face, especially since it immediately followed this sentence:

you said:
]I'm afraid homosexuality would be under the heading ''adulterers and sexual perverts'' of the text.

I picked this quote to demonstrate that we have losing the point of religious discussion, and the point of religion by focusing on one group of people who seem very keen to do what they do, with pride, to the point of infiltrating long standing institutes, which are in complete opposition to their way of life. [/quote]

I'm honestly not sure what this sentence means. Could you have a go at trying it again?

The ''root of the problem'' is in this question. It implies that we are separate from God. It's told you what is what, now the rest is up to you. You can decide not to adhere to anything remotely God connected, or, you can try and understand that you don't know anything for real, and start to take notice, eventually gaining some kind of understanding. That's the choice. It doesn't care for our opinions.

Again, I find this passage to be confounding in its density. What, exactly, are you saying? Try using common definitions, and speaking plainly rather than relying on buzzphrases or colloquialisms.

Why do you only focus on gays?
No atrocities (including the massacres in Iraq) on innocent people, are enjoyed by good people.

What's your point here? I mean, in relation to the quoted passage.

Because people are godless, and they feel they can do whatever they like.


Are you not aware of morality existing beyond the context of faith?
heres a thought..

the one person who gets demonized as soon as they are elected.. the President of the United States.
I don't know how many presidents I have seen get elected then we get inundated with Impeach rants and such
facebook is loaded with them.
I think every president that I know of (when I started paying attention to the presidency) has been demonized.
The office of the President is a farce to be honest... you have very little actual power, since the House/Senate/Congress et al can pretty much block you at every turn if they so choose (eg, if they are controlled by the other party). It isn't even about what's right for the country, it's just about making sure the "other side" doesn't look good *shrugs* And as a result, the President gets all the blame when the House/Senate/Congress are the ones stopping things from getting done.

And I don't just mean with Obama... the last SEVERAL Presidents have had more red-tape issues than they have actual policy issues!
I think every president that I know of (when I started paying attention to the presidency) has been demonized.

President Obama is an unique situation, since there was an even stronger effort, by the majority media, to sanitize the discussion away from demonization, so even damming facts were left out of the discussion.

Demonization often exaggerates the bad, but in this case, the facts of being a demon were sanitized. For example, as a young man running for state office, all his opponents in his party left the race early, because Obama's and his cronies released sealed court records. That was illegal but Obama is known to break even his own laws.

Normally this would be brought up as objective news, not demonizing, by real journalist, but it was sanitized. Obama sends the IRS after citizens, which even Nixon never did, yet all you hear is crickets, with lies and denies considered a valid answer.

President Bush was demonized as the next Hitler, but Obama was raised to sainthood as the next Messiah. Obama even got a Nobel Peace before he did anything. Talk about a mirror approach to demonization. That is like a freshman in college getting his graduation diploma on the first day of school. This type of con is more sinister, since it is subtle and can slide under the radar of people, easier than demonization. Most people don't want to be mean and will be defensive toward demonization. They do wish to be happy and kind so anti-demonizing will be easier to slide under the radar.
The office of the President is a farce to be honest... you have very little actual power, since the House/Senate/Congress et al can pretty much block you at every turn if they so choose (eg, if they are controlled by the other party). It isn't even about what's right for the country, it's just about making sure the "other side" doesn't look good *shrugs* And as a result, the President gets all the blame when the House/Senate/Congress are the ones stopping things from getting done.

And I don't just mean with Obama... the last SEVERAL Presidents have had more red-tape issues than they have actual policy issues!

It's almost as if the US system has been set up to neutralise govt. The 2 parties are fairly evenly balanced so you get the flip-flop every 4 or 8 years, presidential terms are limilted, and the Senate/House are often opposed to each other and/or the govt, thus ensuring that nothing much happens (except for stuff like Iraq, which is a big exception). Maybe the point is that the industrial/military congomerate which actually runs the place can just get on and do what it wants without being bothered by piddling issues like democracy....

Hey, this is off topic, sorry. Maybe the mods would like to start a new thread?
evolution has consistently conserved many things, like religion for example.
Religion is not genetic. So how do you equate it having been "conserved" through evolution?

pedophilia and sociopathy too, as well as a long list of disorders.
Which are disorders. Homosexuality is not a disorder. If it were, then heterosexuality would also be classified as a disorder.

lol at your feeble attempt. billvon was arguing from ignorance.
we don't have wings so we're not supposed to fly.
oh no, maybe we're supposed to fly because maybe evolution had reason for us to work but it's beyond our understanding, like, why else do we have long legs which we can easily attach artificial webbing to which would help in gliding, and later, flying? if we had short legs then we couldn't attach the artificial webbing to. there's definitely a weird and hidden messages in the workings of evolution.
It is my experience that anytime someone begins a sentence with "lol", then any insult or clever quip that may follow is usually one based on stupidity. This rambling post of yours is a prime example of this.

nature is intolerant, it's called natural selection, you breed less, you die out.
you don't breed at all, then natural selection will, uh... no that can't be right, natural selection, evolution, science! it CAN'T be homophobic! THERE'S GOTTA TO BE ANOTHER EXPLANATION!!
Homosexuals can and do have children.

So what exactly is your point?

religon is a product of evolution.
Can you please provide scientific references for this?

get a clue buddy, if god doesn't exist, then where did evil religion come from to infest humanity? aliens?
The primitive human brain and even more primitive human understanding of their surroundings.

there's no reason for it to be for other than to reproduce, that's the engine of life, natural selection, unless you have proof for otherwise, which apparently you do;
Yes.. People have sex only to have babies... Don't really get out much, do you?

admits, lol
how many times are other species able to fertilize a year? once? how many times can the chemicals we originated from reproduce themselves and their reaction in a year? 10? how about a million? how long was the period of the "first" fertilization of life? and you're complaining it's only 12 a year.

-skipped a bunch-
Depends on the species.

Bonobos are known to have a hell of a lot of gay sex and also sex for pure pleasure and for conflict resolution..

close to impossible. a joke to suggest "plausible".
the diversity isn't really a diversity, there's hetero, then there's minorities, occasional mutations which get clipped out quickly.
That's the same argument racists use against others..


imagine a city of homosexual people. now imagine it 5 centuries later.
Would be like any other city. Homosexual people do have children.
science works in mysterious ways.
should we stop trying to cure diseases because they might have hidden benefits?
If the "disease" is being black, having a foreskin or sweating when you run - yes, we should absolutely be smart enough to realize that those things are not really diseases. Even if you don't like blacks, or don't like to sweat, or think everyone should be circumcised.
should we disregard what we know for what we don't know?
Nope. We should always be learning more.
until sickle cell anemia was discovered to have that relation to malaria resistance, the correct, and scientific thing to do, was to try and eradicate it, we work with the evidence that we have, not what might pop up later on.
Even if that killed millions from malaria? Would that be the smart, scientific thing to do? Or would it be wiser to learn more so we can make better decisions?
syne's comment is common sense and the basis of science, work according to evidence. homosexuality is the antithesis of breeding.
there's really no other way to put it.
So are condoms. However, they are generally a good idea for people to use. The scientific evidence points to a reduction in disease through their use.