Deliver Us from Evil

Not to mention children crying themselves to sleep every single night because they live with addicted parents and the long term\destructive effects that has but lets just forget they exist. They are probably poor and under educated anyway. Insignificant to most people.

Yeah, poor slobs to be stepped on. So go right ahead with this self righteous crocodile tears bullshit because they turn into adults...adults to be ridiculed and make those who were\are perfect feel better.

Those who defend the church for their actions are as guilty as the perpetrators who commit the crime. What exactly are you doing about it?

Oh yes, defending them.
That makes no sense.

The only thing worse than a corrupt organization are the people who defend it.

Sin? WTF are you talking about? Buggery isn't a sin, numbnuts, it's a fucking crime.

You of all people should be demanding his head on a stick, not some bullshit 'behavior limitations." The entire fucking Catholic organization needs a damn good enema.

Sure it makes sense, assuming that your not a pure existentialist isolating yourself in a cage. Society breeds what it breeds, and an existential society must take responsibility for its own doings (whatsoever they may be) that allow the damn "buggers" to spread their pain, sin, and crime.
Those who defend the church for their actions are as guilty as the perpetrators who commit the crime. What exactly are you doing about it?

Oh yes, defending them.

How am i defending these abusers? I stated right from the very beginning that there should be no second chances for pedophiles, the differece is i am not on a witch hunt and do not exhibit some misguided agenda.

I also said that if you look at BELLS link with the pictures eliminate the priests victims and show images of other sexually abused children from all walks of life how far would that line stretch?

Why dont you look at this and then tell me what the problem is.

There are levels of abuse and the particular case highlighted in the link is low on victimization scale, nevertheless the article shows much wider spread of abuse than was involved in this priest scandal but either way those priests should not see the light of day. But i do not make the laws and you can thank the bleeding hearst who cannot see that there is no rehabilitating this disease.

This guy was a repeat offender and finally took the life of an innocent child:

But then it is too late. Just recently there was a case of a 3yo child molested by a person who had no outward signs at all and had normal relations with adult women. We need to find out why these people are different and what drives them. This can only be done through medical research.

You are the one who is blinded by animosity and cannot see that these hanful of priests came right out of the same exact society and they are not any different from the other pedophiles. My first or second post in this thread alluded to the fact that we can expect a small number of people to be afflicted with this defect, my human sexuality thread was meant to study this aspect of human behavior because i will tell you that if we do not look at this from a scientific perspective we will never change it.

I am not here to argue because we are all on the same page.
Sure it makes sense, assuming that your not a pure existentialist isolating yourself in a cage. Society breeds what it breeds, and an existential society must take responsibility for its own doings (whatsoever they may be) that allow the damn "buggers" to spread their pain, sin, and crime.

Yet, the problem of buggery runs rampant through your cult and you sit there defending it. You aren't taking any responsibility, so the cult needs to be shut down, immediately.
You are the one who is blinded by animosity and cannot see that these hanful of priests came right out of the same exact society and they are not any different from the other pedophiles.

Yet, you happily defend and are a card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles. You treat this like it's some 'one-off' instance, while pedophiles run rampant throughout the cult.

Yes, there is a difference between your cult and society, your cult protects and harbors pedophiles.

My first or second post in this thread alluded to the fact that we can expect a small number of people to be afflicted with this defect, my human sexuality thread was meant to study this aspect of human behavior because i will tell you that if we do not look at this from a scientific perspective we will never change it.

It will never change, until your cult is completely eradicated.

I am not here to argue because we are all on the same page.

No, we're not on the same page, I don't belong to, defend or worship a cult that breeds and harbors pedophiles.
No, we're not on the same page, I don't belong to, defend or worship a cult that breeds and harbors pedophiles.

Me either!! The whole thing makes me sick. I am Catholic (on a piece of paper) that is about it! Anybody who is defending their actions really makes me wonder:bugeye:
Yet, you happily defend and are a card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles. You treat this like it's some 'one-off' instance, while pedophiles run rampant throughout the cult.

Yes, there is a difference between your cult and society, your cult protects and harbors pedophiles.

It will never change, until your cult is completely eradicated.

No, we're not on the same page, I don't belong to, defend or worship a cult that breeds and harbors pedophiles.

I meant on the same page with normal people, not necessarily you or at least you are not showing that you would be included. Why dont you tell me how you came to assume that i am a 'card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles'. And we dont even know what the hell you are, if you are male or female. I am guessing female.

you happily defend and are a card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles.

So are you dummy. Why dont you educate your self on the scope and magnitude of the problem then come back here and discuss it rationally, if you have the capacity to do so.

the majority of child pornography produced worldwide is targeted at the U.S., where by the early 1990s it was already a $3 billion a year business, and growing. Thomas claims that - according to law enforcement figures - over 22 million copies of child pornography videos were sold or rented in the U.S. in 1991.

A cult of child molesters, and what maybe 99.99999999999% are NOT priests. Dont get tough with me behind your computer Q, i may joke arund alot here but dont think that gives you the right to abuse me.

Did you even know that?
Child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater
Do you even care?

I dont know what your problem is but i think it may just be common narcissism.
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Yet, you happily defend and are a card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles. You treat this like it's some 'one-off' instance, while pedophiles run rampant throughout the cult.

Breeds pedophiles? How? In a petridish? Rampant through the cult? Do you suppose there could be a correlation between a profession that requires sexual celibacy and the ratio of attraction of straight adult males who might be likely to be found in such profession? I bet you would also find a higher ratio of homosexuals (closeted) in such professions as well, since they would not need to explain their lack of relationship with a female. Does this mean the Church breeds homosexuals?

I agree with you about harboring them though (the pedophiles, not the homosexuals). That is wrong.
Breeds pedophiles? How? In a petridish? Rampant through the cult? Do you suppose there could be a correlation between a profession that requires sexual celibacy and the ratio of attraction of straight adult males who might be likely to be found in such profession? I bet you would also find a higher ratio of homosexuals (closeted) in such professions as well, since they would not need to explain their lack of relationship with a female. Does this mean the Church breeds homosexuals?

I agree with you about harboring them though (the pedophiles, not the homosexuals). That is wrong.


Homosexuals may seek the priesthood as protection from a cold cruel society, i can agree with you there.

I agree with you about harboring them though

Some cultures grown men marry 12 year olds, some would view this as harboring.
Why dont you tell me how you came to assume that i am a 'card carrying member of the cult that breeds these pedophiles'.

You're a Catholic, aren't you? You're doing nothing about these crimes other than defending your cult?

So are you dummy. Why dont you educate your self on the scope and magnitude of the problem then come back here and discuss it rationally, if you have the capacity to do so.

That won't be possible with you, as you will simply continue to defend your cult, regardless of the magnitude of the problem.

A cult of child molesters, and what maybe 99.99999999999% are NOT priests. Dont get tough with me behind your computer Q, i may joke arund alot here but dont think that gives you the right to abuse me.

No, THAT is a joke.

Did you even know that?

I dont know what your problem is but i think it may just be common narcissism.

The problem is cults that harbor pedophiles and the people who follow and worship the cult. Ring any bells?
Breeds pedophiles? How? In a petridish? Rampant through the cult? Do you suppose there could be a correlation between a profession that requires sexual celibacy and the ratio of attraction of straight adult males who might be likely to be found in such profession? I bet you would also find a higher ratio of homosexuals (closeted) in such professions as well, since they would not need to explain their lack of relationship with a female. Does this mean the Church breeds homosexuals?

I agree with you about harboring them though (the pedophiles, not the homosexuals). That is wrong.

So, if I respond to your questions, are you later going to accuse me of following you around?
So, if I respond to your questions, are you later going to accuse me of following you around?

My advice is to not respond to her, because she might just delete the whole thread. How about that huh? Delete a bunch of your posts, that might have nothing to do with her latest pissing match.
You're a Catholic, aren't you? You're doing nothing about these crimes other than defending your cult?

Honestly i dont know where you get that from. And i never believed in 'worshipping' anything. The truth is i would be the last person to join a cult, even though the RCC does not, by definition, qualify as one. I do belive in Christ and ALL of that but i never hid that from anyone, it does not matter to me what you or anyone else belives in and i think different ideas are good and all are fine with me. In reality i do not get carried away with my belief system and it is possible that i will die a Catholic, at that last minute that may happen.

That won't be possible with you, as you will simply continue to defend your cult, regardless of the magnitude of the problem.

That is the difference (one difference) between you and I defend lots of people who are being unjustly persecuted regardless of belief, color, sexual prefernce etc. Obviously you are blinded from seeing what i was saying in the posts, that this is no more prevelant than in other fields and tbh it is more prevelant in others sometimes MUCH more. My contention is to present facts insted of accusations then we can discuss them, i am not one to jump on the band wagon and kick someone when they are down and this is not something i admire in people. No, i will go over and help them up and i dont care what anyone else thinks because they can go F*** themselves. But like i said there is no problem between us and i can forget this whole personal thing, i dont think you will though.

The problem is cults that harbor pedophiles and the people who follow and worship the cult. Ring any bells?

NONE. To what extent where they harbored? When this, in relation to the subject, happens to anyone it is a serious crime and i dont agree with merciful justice for them and knowledge of a crime and not saying anything is a serious offense. I am sure the few involved were prosecuted. And there are lots of forms of abuse with millions of children all over the world living through it every night, what is being done for them? not enough. i dont know what enough is when they sacrifice their lives for something, something they had no control over. You may think i am taking this personally and i guess i am but not for the reasons you think. [forget that part]
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