Deliver Us from Evil

so, I'm gonna guess your kids don't go to church?
(only 1 of mine does. I never gave it any more thought than sending her to school)
I didn't see this movie - from what you guys are writing I'm really not sure if I could stomach it. Just sick. I'm happy that that Canadian pedophile was busted in Thailand - I hope they send him to a Thai prison for a about 20 years. Sadly it'll be more like 7 :( The sad thing is they sad it is Sooooo rampant in SE Asia. Damn it.
That grinning priest-
Did they say where he was from?
We had one in wichita that molested for twenty some years and grinned all the way through to prison. 20 something month sentence for 72 (?) boys.
Is that a reason to go martin luther on the church?
That grinning priest-
Did they say where he was from?
We had one in wichita that molested for twenty some years and grinned all the way through to prison. 20 something month sentence for 72 (?) boys.
Is that a reason to go martin luther on the church?

This priest never went to jail!!! :mad: If it have been someone other then a priest though he would have! I will have to check again, I forgot where he was from. I would say its a good reason to martin luther on the church.
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They say there are over 100,000 case of clergy sexual abuse in the U.S
The church spent over 1 billion dollars in settlements.
Just because one or a handful of priests are miscreants doesn't mean you have to go all Martin Luther on the Catholic Church.

The issue here is the way in which the Catholic Church attempted to conceal the level of abuse perpetrated by its clergy. Any organisation that uses such means to cover up the despicable behaviour of its members in such a fashion should face public condemnation. Sadly this problem is not synonymous to the Catholic Church, but exists in many other organisations.

When you have a large religious organisation like the Catholic Church moving priests out of parishes as soon as reports of abuse is received, hiding the history of the priests who commit the abuse and allowing them to have further and at times unfetted access to other children, not reporting the "miscreants" to the police, abusing the victims by denying the abuse occurred. It reeks of hypocrisy and is, for lack of a better term, evil. The same can be said of any organisation that has conducted itself in a similar manner.
But you were an atheist right ? So I'm guessing your husband isn't ?

My husband has never been in a church. My daughter is Christian so she goes to church. We each have to follow our hearts and this is where her's has taken her.
yes it is. The church covered for some of those men for so long that the statute of limitations ran out on a large portion of their crimes.

I added this:
Many child abusers are walking the streets even after convictions.

I really dont know the specifics of these cases, do you? How did they cover for them?
I added this:.

I really dont know the specifics of these cases, do you? How did they cover for them?

If you don't know the specifics of the cases, how can you say its not true?
I think all the money now being given to families of the victims says it is true.
If you don't know the specifics of the cases, how can you say its not true?
I think all the money now being given to families of the victims says it is true.

I said that nietzschefan's claim of them getting short sentences because they were priests is not true- self preserving justice system.

Many latched onto class action suits, you would be surprised of what repressed memories a person has when a lawsuit refreshes their memory.
I said that nietzschefan's claim of them getting short sentences because they were priests is not true- self preserving justice system.

Many latched onto class action suits, you would be surprised of what repressed memories a person has when a lawsuit refreshes their memory.

then we are going to disagree. I think the priests got short sentences because they couldn't be prosecuted for a large chunk of their crimes. How long of a sentence is someone going to get if they can only be charged for 3 out of 75 rapes?
I really dont know the specifics of these cases, do you? How did they cover for them?

Rent the Documentary, and you will find out! They are not actors in it, they are the real people involved, from the priests to the victims. They also have the footage of the court questioning. You will find out how they knowingly covered it all up, just by moving him 50-100km away each time, to STRIKE another innocent victim.
I said that nietzschefan's claim of them getting short sentences because they were priests is not true- self preserving justice system.

Well this priest served no jail time. At the end of the documentary he is just walking in the street, grinning. While the poor victims and the families lives will never be the same again.
Which case does the movie go into? I may rent it but i am not really into those docs. at all. Sooooo, cant you just tell us?