Deliver Us from Evil


Go! Canada Go!
Registered Senior Member
Has anybody watched this documentary?

It was scheduled to open in the theatres, but for some strange :rolleyes:reason it was pulled before it made it there.

I rented it when it came out, it is interesting indeed and very disturbing!
It is the actual confessions of the priest and the victums. The church spent millions of dollars trying to cover it up, knowing what was going on the whole time. I am sure they are responsible for it never hitting the theatre either.

Anyway all you religious people should check it out!
Saw it.

The priest in the documentary seemed to struggle with the idea that he had even done anything wrong.

The Catholic Church merely labeled his sin as the breaking of his vow of celibacy and moved him to another parish where he continued his abuse.
Saw it.

The priest in the documentary seemed to struggle with the idea that he had even done anything wrong.

The Catholic Church merely labeled his sin as the breaking of his vow of celibacy and moved him to another parish where he continued his abuse.

Were you getting a knot in your stomache when he( the priest) kept grinning when he was talking about what he did:mad:

That asian man who was talking about his daughter, really got to me. That's when my eyes started welling up, he got so emotional.

The whole thing was disgusting, but yet people still stand by their church!:bugeye:
Were you getting a knot in your stomache when he( the priest) kept grinning when he was talking about what he did:mad:

Yes the guy was infuriating... someone who completely lacked empathy with his victims.

As for that stupid letter he wrote I couldn't believe some of them were contemplating going to meet him... he obviously had a deeply sadistic streak and wanted to rub it in as much as possible and they were too good natured to realize it.
Yes the guy was infuriating... someone who completely lacked empathy with his victims.

As for that stupid letter he wrote I couldn't believe some of them were contemplating going to meet him... he obviously had a deeply sadistic streak and wanted to rub it in as much as possible but they were too good natured to realize it.

I know, I was getting so :mad: I was thinking the same thing. How would they be able to look at him without jumping over the table and strangling him to death!! I couldn't help thinking if it was my kid..... I would have LOST IT!

Or that guy, that he raped who considered suicide. Those poor ppl and families. Those ppl will never have normal lives. Then at the end he was just walking around freely again like nothing ever happened! :mad:
Just because one or a handful of priests are miscreants doesn't mean you have to go all Martin Luther on the Catholic Church.

I think it is a lot more then a handful. Did you watch this documentary? Did you see how far up the ladder the coverup went? Watch the footage from courtroom, how corupt it all is?
Were you getting a knot in your stomache when he( the priest) kept grinning when he was talking about what he did:mad:

The whole thing was disgusting, but yet people still stand by their church!:bugeye:

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. a madman? Well there is a mental defect present. These people most likely saught the priesthood as a refuge from their sickness and in the end it was not enough to stop it. The fact is do any of us know who is like this? who is capable of this? NO. It could be an uncle, could be anyone really. How many children are molested in their own homes?

The thread i started about 'Human Sexuality' was intended to touch on this very subject but i saw it was too touchy and hard to get honest answers, the reason is we have to look into the very heart of human nature. My contention was to figure out what percentage af humans have this problem but i know i went about it the wrong way. Clearly we can expect people to be born like this but the question is WHY? There has to be some type of clue, some type signal in the brain that can be examined that we are yet to discover and i really dont think anyone wants to be born like this, which is clearly unnatural and certainly not ideal. Also in my thread i used homosexuality as a gauge\guide to look at differences to heterosexuals and pedo's as different from homosexuality and heterosexuality because neither the heterosexual or homosexual is any more predisposed to be afflicted with this mental problem which is clearly a deviation from both. So where does that leave us as a civilization?

Why blame the church when these people came right from society and were like that before becoming a priest. The priesthood was victimised by them just as much as the actual victims and maybe they thought (the molesters) by becoming a priest it would help them but this urge is too strong, we see this by the fact that these people are repeat offenders even after becoming identified. So to sit here and say 'OMG, look at the Catholic church' and not think OMG uncle Charlie is disingenuous.

As for myself, i am what can be considered ideal in terms of preferance but to ask me why is just not something i can answer and the fact is no one can. It seems to me to be just a matter of chance with molesters being the least likely result but still they are born like that and dont turn into one. The number one priority is protecting the victims and i have no problem eliminating these people from society but we dont even know why this abnormality occurs or how so all we do is sit and wait for it to happen and sure enough it does.
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. a madman? Well there is a mental defect present. These people most likely saught the priesthood as a refuge from their sickness and in the end it was not enough to stop it. The fact is do any of us know who is like this? who is capable of this? NO. It could be an uncle, could be anyone really. How many children are molested in their own homes?

The thread i started about 'Human Sexuality' was intended to touch on this very subject but i saw it was too touchy and hard to get honest answers, the reason is we have to look into the very heart of human nature. My contention was to figure out what percentage af humans have this problem but i know i went about it the wrong way. Clearly we can expect people to be born like this but the question is WHY? There has to be some type of clue, some type signal in the brain that can be examined that we are yet to discover and i really dont think anyone wants to be born like this, which is clearly unnatural and certainly not ideal. Also in my thread i used homosexuality as a gauge\guide to look at differences to heterosexuals and pedo's as different from homosexuality and heterosexuality because neither the heterosexual or homosexual is any more predisposed to be afflicted with this mental problem which is clearly a deviation from both. So where does that leave us as a civilization?

Why blame the church when these people came right from society and were like that before becoming a priest. The priesthood was victimised by them just as much as the actual victims and maybe they thought (the molesters) by becoming a priest it would help them but this urge is too strong, we see this by the fact that these people are repeat offenders even after becoming identified. So to sit here and say 'OMG, look at the Catholic church' and not think OMG uncle Charlie is disingenuous.

As for myself, i am what can be considered ideal in terms of preferance but to ask me why is just not something i can answer and the fact is no one can. It seems to me to be just a matter of chance with molesters being the least likely result but still they are born like that and dont turn into one. The number one priority is protecting the victims and i have no problem eliminating these people from society but we dont even know why this abnormality occurs or how so all we do is sit and wait for it to happen and sure enough it does.

The fact is, if he wasn't a priest, he would be doing a LOT of time in prison right now.
The fact is, if he wasn't a priest, he would be doing a LOT of time in prison right now.

agreed. The church covered his ass for so long that the statute of limitations ran out on many of his child rapes. The higher-ups made a safe place for pedophiles to go and covered for them while they did it.
I am Catholic myself but not practicing at all!! My Dad was catholic and would drag me to church here and there. My mom was not catholic and I finally said well if she isn't going why should I ? Finally he let it go, and I really never went anymore. I noticed even at young age they sure passed around the collection basket alot during the service. I didn't even marry in the Church because there were too many rules. I did baptise my kids, only because they were going to go to Catholic school. (at the time it was right across the street from my house) As soon as the Public school was built beside it, I transferred both over.

Later after hearing what other corrupt disgusting things were going on, similar to this documentary. I can't understand how ppl could be so faithful to the church.
Wasn't the church just acting like any big business? Move the problem and cover it up.

Sure but it's a bit different. When the problem is a pedophile (priest) that you are moving maybe 50-100km away from the previous town he molested a child. Then just continuing to move him to the next town after he molests a child again........and so on.