DEJA VU - who had it?

bratok said:
There's also a thing called contr-intuition, like always chousing the wrong one. Today I had 8 red cards in a row and I felt all of them as black.

Well that is certainly convenient, isn't it? :rolleyes:
wow thats pretty intresting, i've only had that happen a couple times. Usially i will be having a conversation with someone and then suddenly i realize that i have either been in the situation, but more often it is as if i had dreamed of the situation before. LIke i was standing with my best friend at my ex's house and we were talking and she, me ex, was telling us this really odd story when suddenly it clicked that I had heard this story before and had been in the situation before.
It happened to me again, a couple days ago- probably the same day I posted that it hadn't happened in awhile. I was talking on the phone and then it happened and I was like- oh yeah- THAT'S where you went deja vu of deja vu! I tried explaining it to my Ex who I was on the phone with and totally confused him I think. =P
You also could have had a psychic dream about it that you don't remember.

I've had these kinds of dreams before.

Everyone some times gets these kind of dreams.

I Have these dreams every night, the problem is i cant remember them until it happens, but when it happens i can see it back in my dream, thats how i know i dream them, its like when i see my friends head up to the vending machines at school and then they like trip or something {hasnt really happened} once it happens i somehow remember it happening before, but it my dream... complicated somewhat, but i guess i should try to remember the dreams better.
Bratki There is an area of the brain that is responsible for recognizing and sorting stimulus. Hippocampus does this. Hippocampus is responsible for taking stuf out of short term memory and comparing it to stuff in the long term memory and then if no match is found it is stored then.

Sometimes it glitches. sometimes it stores things twice and in case of deja vu it begins storing and comparing to the memory instantaneously.

:m: helps achieving this particular glitch in the system

On an related note.
When you dream during the night it happens in REM sleep. if you happen to awaken during this phase of sleep you would remeber the dream. this might pass quickly as your brain recognises that this short term memory is not real (you know in order not to be qualified a schizophrenic you must be able to differentiate between objective material reality and your imagination)

So if you break your sleep in approximate 1/3rds you can determine with some degree of accuracy whether you should pay attention to your dreams.

the 1st 1/3rd of the night you have 1 dream cycle (each cycle of complete sleep is about 1.5 hours) so the first part of the night is first cycle. this time is spent by your sleeping brain to sort out stuff that you have seen, heard, felt during the day into 2 big piles. stuff that is important and stuff that is unimportant.

the 2nd 1/3rd (a little more than that) of the night is spent pondering on questions that are pertinent to your life now and the information is being gathered from the pile that was deemed important and is being put into sorts of puzzles fitting inormations piece by piece untill the puzzle is complete. Once the puzzle is complete you next day or so will act upon it.

the 3rd 1/3rd of the night is spent looking through your memory banks for complete puzzles that are not needed anymore. and that is discarded in dreams of the 3rd part of the night.

consumption of halucinogenics, alcohols, sugars will disrupt the secuence of memory clearing and not all phases could be gone through during sleep
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It's silly to assume a perfect firewall between contemporal consciousness and memory. When an occasional thought feeds back between the two, of course it's deja vu all over again.
i once had deja vu when i was a kid

me and my family were at a hotel for my brothers hockey playoffs.
we were at a westin hotel and i SWEAR! i had been there before, cuase i knew tht hotel like the back of my hand
it was so wierd and my brother and parents said we have been to this hotel before or any westin hotel before even....

it was so weird... i cant explain it
i was a kid, i had a feeble mind back then... but the very second we walked into that hotel, i knew exactly where everything was... the pool, the many pop and ice machines and other stuff... it was the wierdest deja vu experiance ive ever had, i had had other deja vu experiences but i really dont remeber them, becuase they were not as vivid as this particular time

too weird too weird....

fyi: does watching reruns on TV count as deja vu ;);) just a tought, ehhe
Ladies and gentlemen,
I wish to let you know that I figured out two things. (1) Deja Vu is much simpler that you can imagine. I have the reason and the answer. (2) The reason for the expansion of the Universe at an accelerated rate. Being that I do not have any kind of education and will never be taken seriously, I am in school now and am working on a degree towards physics and mathematics. I assure you that once I have a degree, I will share all my findings with the world. I experience deja vu an avaerage of about a dozen times a month and am certain of what causes it. And, yes, it is as magical and mysterious as it feels, but we also got used to the fact the world is round...this is where I find myself in a dilema. Should I share it with the world and let this magic become studied and commonplace or should I let the magic remain a wonderous mystery? :confused: :m:
Way to ruin the magic Imagineth ;) Let the world wonder, at least for a little while ;)
Well, figue it'll be at least 6 years 'til I have a degree and I'm not planning to publish anything until I have a Ph.D. so you'll have plenty of time to wonder.
Not that it matters, but I have Deja Vu so frequently that I stopped caring about it. Weee Wow.. I know what will happen in the next 5 seconds. That really helps me. Haven't found a good use for it so it's more of not that important to me I guess? Maybe I just don't appreciate it? Either way, I've not found a use and it's not like I can change whatever it is that happens anyway.
MechTech, when you have those Deja Vu's , are they only about past or also a bit about future? Like you remamber that you remamber the situation untill this point or also a few seconds forward?

Anyway, guess you might try training with cards. Look at the back of the card and try to feel what color is it - black or white. Or maybe try to call this Deja Vu feeling to see seconds ahead, what color is it.


Got the real cards, by the way :)
As well as got my hands on energetic exercies for the 6th sense, if anybody's interested in them...

There is nothing extrasensory about de ja vu. It is only a glitch caused by the confliction of data in the short term memory with the long term memory.

Another case of this is when you think you meet someone new, yet you seem to recognise them from before, like a dream. This is because:

1: You've seen them before, but was not consciously aware of it.
2: You've seen someone like them before
3: You've seen someone like them in a dream

When confronted with such a situation, your sub-conscious mind tries to resolve this person's identity, and momentarily, your conscious mind become confused wether you have seen them before, when in reality, this is the first time you are meeting this person.
>>There is nothing extrasensory about de ja vu. It is only a glitch caused by the confliction of data in the short term memory with the long term memory.

Did you do studies about it :cool: ?
Seriosly, I suppose scientists can't really expain the Deja Vu , so that say "what the hell, it's just a glitch, there's nothing about it".

While others believe that this are glimps of a certain, advanced, state of mind that we all had until some 3-4-5 years of age. Befor our parents started teaching us "this is right, this is wrong, do so and so, look how others are doing, etc. " and eliminated this state.

Make an experiment, if you have a ~3 years old kid in the house, hide colored sweets behind your back and ask him in which hand you've got the rad one and in which the green one. If he guesses right, he can have it. ;)

Good Luck!
Did you do studies about it ?
Seriosly, I suppose scientists can't really expain the Deja Vu , so that say "what the hell, it's just a glitch, there's nothing about it".

While others believe that this are glimps of a certain, advanced, state of mind that we all had until some 3-4-5 years of age. Befor our parents started teaching us "this is right, this is wrong, do so and so, look how others are doing, etc. " and eliminated this state.

Make an experiment, if you have a ~3 years old kid in the house, hide colored sweets behind your back and ask him in which hand you've got the rad one and in which the green one. If he guesses right, he can have it.

I am certainly not a close-minded "scientist" you accuse you me of, and if you've read any of my posts, you would know that. I am simply saying this "de ja vu" effect is easily explainable, that does not mean I am saying ESP is impossible.

And did you do studies or experiments for this ESP at 3-4-5 years of age thing? If you did, you would not even say that :)
I'm in no way accueing you of being a close-minded "scientist". :)
I'm just saying that some close-minded scientist had made up an explanation like that and are publishing it in different encyclopedias.

I haven't done studies myself, but I refer to a book that describes them, see above.

I haven't done studies myself, but I refer to a book that describes them, see above.

Well, how about testing the book. It's quite simple:

Find a 3-4-5 year old child, red and green sweets, a pencil, and a piece of paper.

1. Hide coloured sweets(red and green) behind your back, and make the child guess which hand contains the red sweet
2. Tick if he/she gets it right, otherwise cross
3. Repeat 50+ times
4: Publish your results here
In which case, you could:

1. Get your girlfriend/wife pregnant and wait 3-4-5 years. In case you are a woman, get pregnant and wait 9 months and 3-4-5 years.

2. Adopt a child for free trial.

3. Go to the local nursery and convince them for lending you a child for private experimentation.

4. Abduct a child from the playground for a short duration of time.