DEJA VU - who had it?

I suspect that the phenomenon of "Deja Vu" is better explained (or will be at some point) by the natural processes within the brain.

Humans are, by nature, catagorizing and comparing everything about them as data is provided by their senses. This is very likely the reason why we evolved to the top of the food chain as far as we have. We certainly don't have the physical adaptations to survive in the wild as fur covered, far stronger beasts with sharp claws, fangs, and a keen enough sense of smell that they can discern the number and types of species that traveled a trail.

Our ability to size things up and make educated guesses and anticipate outcomes based on probabilities that we don't consciously compute is our advantage. We use this ability everytime we drive down the highway... it would be impossible to get a computer AI to do the job with current technology. Computers just don't have the intuition. Yet.

Also, it is important to remember that thought processes occur at light speed, since they depend on electrical signals... though there is some delay in signals that get sent to the brain. The conscious pathway is redundant to the unconscious pathway, as described by V. S. Ramachandran, and information may reach the brain in more than one occurrance. If that is true, then this is a likely explaination for why we sometimes have the feeling that we already experienced something, observed something, or thought of something. Because we did. Only it was a milisecond to a second before hand.
thanks but i don't know russian as you can see. anyway the 8th sense is really hidden in the person's consience. in spanish it is called "consiencia laya" or something like that. It is the sense that stays with you after death, sort of like a reminder that we keep on livin' as well.
oops- forgot the "a" in alaya. I am still learning about all these subjects so I am so sorry my answer is so vague.
Hmm... no, I suppose that "this" senses are only in the phisical body, that can die. What stays with us are some other bodies ( the Karmik one, that holds our Karma, if I'm not misstaken ). It also holds all the information about out previos lifes...
Our bodies contain our own karma? hmmm... when we leave the earth we don't have a physical body so I guess our entity carries all this information. Personally I believe that are a million (exaggeration :p ) other senses we are not aware of. Is our 6th one the mind, or our intuition? Since I don't know Russian can you explain all of this to me? thank you.
I have a dream, i see a place, doesnt look out of the ordinary.

I go about my merry life, one day, no preset time limit, im in a certain place, at a certain time, the picture or mini video clip i have in my head melds itself over the place, people, things that are in the area and i feel like ive seen it before in a dream.

De ja vu
all the time.. had one yesterday, in fact. one that really hit me, though, was when i had a dream about a very mediocre event, but with dialogue.. mentioned it to some of my friends (who were involved in it) the next day at school.. a couple years later, it happened. usually when i have dreams like that, too, i can recognise them because certain things are off-tilt in the dream, like i seem to make assumptions that at that time of my life i would not have made.. things i assumed to know, and acted accordingly on them in the dream, so i make note of them.. it's happened at least 3 times that i've had some sort of evidence before the event.

and yet, i'm highly skeptical of prophecies

:m: good enough for sagan, good enough for me :m:
to bratok

What's that cards displayed? Hindustan cards? If yes is it a coincidence that they use K for King as well? What's T and what's that for the queen?
A far more realistic theory of Deja Vu is that your short term and long term memories get temporarily mixed up--so something that feels like it happened a long time ago, really just happened.

Now, what happened to that razor?
that kind of things happen to me all the time , however it's not a deje vu in my case , it's called something like dreaming precognition ;)
Originally posted by curioucity
to bratok

What's that cards displayed? Hindustan cards? If yes is it a coincidence that they use K for King as well? What's T and what's that for the queen?

those are Russian cards.

the 'T' stands for 'Toos' which in Russian means "Ace"
and the 'D' stands for 'Dama', which is 'dame' in Russian
instead of 'J' (jack) there is 'B' (the Russian 'V') that stands for "vallett"
and the 'K' stands for 'Karol' which means "king"
deja vu is freaky
happened to me a few times, but one time was very vivid. i came into an appartment, and i knew i was there before.... only i wasn't. there was something on the table, which i've seen before.. and when i came out of the apartment, a man came out of the elevator.. and i knew i saw him coming out of that elevator before, except i haven't...

i can't forget it till this very day
Deja Vu is freaky. When you hit whatever the trigger point is and then know how a sequence of events will play out or how a conversation will go. My main question is, why can't this happen for me regarding the stockmarket and know the day in question?:D
when you have deja vu, you don't know the sequence of events that is going to happen. You just get the feeling like that very moment you are going through right now has happened to you before. And it is only for a second, more if you make it last, but even if you do make it last, it will only be a memory of that one moment it has hit. And it doesn't skip to the future, it is all about the moment you are going through.
Deja Vu - What the Hell is it ???

I was searching in Google and came across some postings in Sciforums on the subject - I am glad I am not the only one out there with this crazy feeling.

It's crazy - or at least it's driving me crazing - I use to experience the feeling quite a few years ago - and was pretty glad when it was finished - anyway lately ( past few months ) it's been getting pretty constant - the feeling of having been in that same circumstance doing whatever I am doing etc... as before you know the deal - in fact - I am even having dreams and when I am dreaming I know that have dream't these before exactly as they are - pretty weird.

In fact it feels like a re-run of a life that I have lived before - I know there some posts where some have commented that when they feel the deja vu - it's like a premonition - but I must admit mines don't feel like that.

Anyway - like I said it's good to know I am not the only one!!
Re: Deja Vu - What the Hell is it ???

Originally posted by Hiphoptrip

Anyway - like I said it's good to know I am not the only one!!

Welcome to the club :) I guess it's natural, if we can call it like that.
i think i could be a crossing of differant universes and it is us seeing the same exact moment in that different universe.... think so?
djkmoney said:
i think i could be a crossing of differant universes and it is us seeing the same exact moment in that different universe.... think so?
yes, the same thought crossed my mind once, could be
I haven't had duja vu in awhile- but when it happens to me it is usually deja vu of deja vu- if that makes any sense. I get that feeling, but I feel like i've had deja vu before of that exact same moment- like it has happened 6 or 7 times. I never know what is going to happen next- just that for a moment I KNOW that I've already experienced that moment. In my head it is like when you stand in between two mirrors- you know how your image reflects a million times. Well, kind of like that I guess. Just that I remember remembering this before. Anyone else ever experience this? Let me know if I haven't explained myself clearly- it's kind of weird to remember remembering something that you already remembered four seperate times.

I wonder if the fact that it hasn't happened to me in awhile means anything either- maybe like some sort of "Groundhog Day" loop that I managed to leave?