DEJA VU - who had it?


Registered Senior Member
I'm reading one very interesting book about DejaVu, 6th and 7th sense, what all this stuff is, how it works and how to train and use it.

Here's the question, who had DejaVu?
For example, you are walking down some street for the first time, the you suddenly feel that you have been here before and already walked this street. You "know"/"remamber" that around the corner is a phonebooth and a man dressed in that and that is standing there, after he will exit the phonebooth he will walk in that and that direction. And after you really turn around the corner, that's what happens.

I've had it about a million times, and I like it when I have it, because it's mysterious kind of, you know? Whenever I have one, which is like a second long, I really want it to come back. I wish I knew how to control it. What book are you reading?
You could be picking up thoughts from yous in other universes that are very similar but have only a few second time delay.
You also could have had a psychic dream about it that you don't remember.

I've had these kinds of dreams before.

Everyone some times gets these kind of dreams.

If you fine tune it you could even change something that other wise would have happened differently.

Now that raises alot of questions!:D
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I wish I knew how to control it. What book are you reading?

Nu kniga ta zhe, "Kuzjkina Matj" Norbekova. Tam pro vsjo estj, i pro life-after-death, i pro intuitsiju.


Dalie na anglitskom, chtobi i drugim bilo ponjatno :D ...

As said in this book, modern scientists could NOT answer what it is, so they just said "ah, what the hell, it's probably caused by some error in the brain".

In reality ( as to this book ) DejaVu is a glimp of our 6th sense - intuition, a possibilety to see events in the future. For example, a person that has been born blind and never seen light, sometimes "sees" gimps of bright light. Same thing here, we ( pleople who have been born with their 6th sense "sleeping" and have put it into a deeper sleep by denying instead of training it ) also have this glimps of it from time to time.

If scientists claim that it is caused by a glitch/error in the brain, that makes it take "present" as "past", then the brain could only tell "I've been here before", but not what's around the corner, right?
It's also very easy to train your intuition. Take a pack of cards and try "feeling" what card is on top, at first just either it is red or black. It is said that in about 3 month of such training you'de be 100% able to "feel" every card.

I have been doing this for only 3 days and my best result was 21 card out of 31. Also I better "feel" big card ( aces, kings ) thenthe numbered ones... gotta try this in a casino :D !
bratok,is this all you have to do,just try to "feel the card"?
tell us more about how to develop this sence, you have to close your eyes,do u meditate or something?or just concentrate? how long does it take for you to "guess" each card?
have u tried anything else like that?
Suppose it is more like "know the card". You look at the back of the card and "oh, I know! It's a black King!", for example.

Usually the first thing that comes to mind is right. If you would start thinking "Why a black king? It can't be fifth black card in a row... it's got to be red!" then you won't open it correctly.

Therefor the faster you do it the better. If you'll spent more then a few seconds on each card, you'll forget the first ( right ) thing that came to mind.

Of course, at first you'll stare at the back of the card and nothing would seem to come to mind. Try makeing random thoghts at first, like "this one's red, and this is black, and this one's also black..." don't guess, but... suppose this might awake your intuition at first.

Norbekov says that at first he used a machine - one big bucket on top filled with two normal buckets of peas, just peas from one bucket were colored black, the other ones were normal.

He was pushing a pedal to make one pea drop into one of the two empty buckets under the machine. The idea was to get normal peas into one bucker and black ones into the other. In about 3 month he had only 2-3 peas in the wrong color...
I tried that "card" thing today for about 30 minutes. It was cool, but maybe it was just luck. There are only like 2 colors, so there's a good chance it was just luck. But I'm going to keep on trying. When I feel that I'm actually am "feeling" most of the cards, I'll go onto guessing it's suit. Then the actual number, and then the specific one. Maybe it'll work. I think the only way I'll believe that a person can "feel" a card is when I get all of them right by guessing a specific one. But I need to practice first. I think it's a good way to relax and just get your brain working, too. I suggest you all try it, and then maybe in 5 months, see the outcome.
P.S. Toljka vot ne govori "ugadivatj" ( guess ), lutshi "chuivstvovatj". Tak kak ugadivajut obichno na durachku.

What was your result? I'm still keeping at about 21/10 or 20/11 .
There's also a thing called contr-intuition, like always chousing the wrong one. Today I had 8 red cards in a row and I felt all of them as black.

So if you get 5/26 or 10/21 that's also good. With time your intuition would start working correct.

Vot, nakopal link na "Opit Duraka"
A few tips i noted -

Use a new deck and make sure the back have at least a part of single color. I tried working with an old deck, that had the back with stripes, wearred off and had rather poor results, as this back were catching my attention.

Another methos for "knowing" the color, might be "feeling" it, i.e. red assosiates with something warm and pleasant, while black might assosiate with, for example, a more strict and serios person. So when you look at the back of the card and it assosiated to you with a warm, open heaeted person, it must be red.

While again I'm better at opening cards with a person ( queen, king, ace, etc. ), but not numbers :rolleyes: ... got 23/12 this time.

Good Luck!
yeah, my deck of cards is kind of new, but the back is all red and white and is all squares, so it's distracting. I close my eyes sometimes. It's interesting. I worked with 36 cards, one time I got 24 correct, but mostly 20 or below. I try to think of red as radiant and bright. Black as quiet and strict. It helps. But sometimes I get a definete feeling of a black, but turns out red, and vice versa. I'm going to keep on trying though. I'm gonna try every day or so. Sometimes I feel like it is a guess, but in order to "feel" (I don't mean with my hand, though because I thought that's what you meant) I have to take maybe 5 seconds. 2 at the least. It's easier if I have the deck in my right hand and take off one with left, but sliding it on top of the deck. My intuition works better like that I think.
What did you mean, by the way. Was it like "feel" as in touch, or as in intuition, because I did it as intuition although touching the front did help a little (very little).
What did you mean, by the way. Was it like "feel" as in touch, or as in intuition, because I did it as intuition although touching the front did help a little (very little).

By "feel" i ment chuvstvovatj ( with the intuition ), as with fingers it would be lapatj or shupatj. Vot on, moguchij Russkij jazik ;) !

I suppose a back like this would do well...
I lost my other russian deck, but it was blue and white I think and very bright. But the cards weren't quite as beatiful as the ones on the picture. I'll try to find some at a russian store.
Where are you currently, outside of US?
A ti v US? Ja to v Rossii, da i tut horoshie karti naiti trudnovato. V kioskah toljko kakie-to samuduijnie s pornushkami :D .
hmmm I think every person has had dejavu before. although it makes you feel "special" it is something quite normal. ha some of my friends thinks they are glitches in the Matrix. By the way, I want to know what is the name of the book.
There's an 8th sense.
Originally posted by Voltaire
hmmm I think every person has had dejavu before. although it makes you feel "special" it is something quite normal. ha some of my friends thinks they are glitches in the Matrix. By the way, I want to know what is the name of the book.
There's an 8th sense.

The book is "Kuzkina Matj" by M.S. Norbekov, but it's in Russian ;) .

BTW, what's an 8th sense?