Don't you guys ever get tired for this same argument? It's the 21st century.
On the one hand, for the theists, doesn't it just seem a little silly, with all we know of science, and history, that personified "entities" exist, watching over us, looking out for us, that have our interests, and plans and destinies drawn up for our lives in advance, with rules and codes of conduct and "holy messengers," prophets, and holy books that have let us know how we must live? Doesn't this all seem just a little far fetched?
And on the other hand, for the atheists, haven't you lived enough, and studied enough, and seen enough in your life to understand that not everthing is explanable by an unconscious universe? A few courses in college statistics, and a couple decades of life should be able to tell you that much. If you are able to calculate the odds of some of that crazy shit that will happen in your own life, "coincedences" happen far too often, and are way too against the odds, to be meere chance occurances of random happenstance. Has no one here ever experienced deja vue? Had premonitions of bad or good things that have been or were going to be? Why is the topic even being debated ask yourself? Why do religions, psychics, ghosts, astrology, and all of this related stuff exist throughout the centuries? If you think there are "scientific" explanations for these things that are beyond the bounds of a united conscious universe that we are all a part of, you just haven't lived long enough.
It is time to get past the "man or woman in the sky" paradigm people.
It's also time to get past the, "if I can't measure it, if I can't register it, if I can't quantify it and reproduce it, it doesn't exist" paradigm. YOU are it, and one with it all. Every molecule and particle in your body, and every bit that you eat drink and breath, and every piece of matter and energy around you is also conscious. Thoughts ARE things, and the sooner you get used to the idea there is no deity, AND there is more then just cold hard physical laws that govern our reality, the sooner we can create a new paradigm of existence that respects ALL life and humanity.